Thursday, November 30, 2006

Maharishi Vyasa's foresight

Thursday, November 30, 2006
pl read --- maharishi's vyasa's foresight
Hindus are astonished seeing the forecasts made by Nostradamus. But Maharshi Vyas wrote ‘Bhavishya Puran’ 5000 years ago. Hindus are unaware of many incidences that have been narrated in it with utmost perfection. Maharshi Vyas wrote in the ‘Bhavishya Purana’ that “Tripurasur (a demon) will be reborn in Kaliyuga as ‘Mahamad’ (Mohammed Paigambar) and will establish a demoniac and destructive religion.”
The ‘Pratisarg parva’ of Bhavishya Puran (Adhyay 3, Shlok 5 to 27), describes ‘Mahamad’. Shri. P.N. Joshi has translated the Bhavishya Puran from Sanskrit to Marathi, the literary translation is given below. The clarifications are in brackets. “The Shalivahan’s had ten generations. They reigned for 500 years and when they departed there remained no limitations of the Bhoolok for them. The tenth King, Raja ‘Bhoj’ was powerful. He with ten thousand soldiers, Brahmins & Kalidas set off for universal conquest. Crossing the Sindhu, he conquered the ‘Mlencch’ (A barbarian or foreigner that speaks any language but Sanskrit and not subject to the usual Hindu institution) in Gandhar and the ‘Shath’ in Kashmir. King Bhoj grabbed their treasure and then punished them.
In the mean time, an illusory mlencch named Mhamad arrived with his preceptor (acharya) and his disciples to him. King Bhoj worshiped the idol of Lord Mahadev in the Marusthal (land of deserts) with the panchagavya (the five products derived from the cow) and sandal etc. King Bhoj prayed to Lord Mahadev, “O Girijanath who stays in the marusthal (land of deserts), I offer my prayers to you. You have forced maya to destroy Tripurasur; but the mlencchs are worshiping you. You are pure and sacchidanand swaroop. I am your sevak. I have come under your protection.”
Listening to this, King Bhoj returned back to his kingdom. Mahamad too acompanied him to the banks of the river Sindhu. Affectionately he said to King Bhoj, “Your Lord who is expert in all arts, has now become my slave. See how he eats my left over food.” King saw all that happened. Kalidasa seeing the King engrossed in the illusion created, said to the illusory Mahamad, “O cunning Mahamad, you have constructed an illusion to hypnotize the King. I will destroy the wicked Bâhik (the one who stays in Bahik land).” Saying this, the glorious Brahman performed a ceremony of chanting the navârß jap ten thousand times. He made offerings of one tenth of those in a sacred fire (hom). As a result, the illusionary mlencch transformed into divine ashes. Seeing this, his disciples’ fleed to the bahik lands. They buried the ashes of their Guru and stayed there itself. That place is named as Madaheen (presently known as Madina). At night, the cunning mlencch (Mahamad) who was transformed in devine ashes, taking the form of a demon said to King Bhoj, “Your Ârya dharm is the only dharm that is superior of all. But by the orders of God, I will create a demoniac religion. My fellowmen will be those who will do circumcision (Sunthâ), will be without shikhâ (the tuft or lock of hair left on the top of head at tonsure – one of the distinguishing marks of the Hindu), will have beard, will loudly hum in tune (âlâp), and will eat every thing (sarvabhakshak). I am of opinion that one should eat everything but pig. As the Kushas, their sanskar will be done by MUSAL, hence their musalman sect will make all other religions impure. Such will be my demoniac (Islam) religion.” He said so and went off. Later King Bhoj returned home. The reality of Islam has been written by Maharshi Vyas 5000 years ago.
The Dynasty of Prophet Mohammed
Mohammed was born in the holy city of Mecca in Arbastan. Since ancient times, this city was a famous pilgrimage. Mohammed’s family name Quareshi is derived from Kuru-ishi, a sanskrit word which states its relation to “Kuru Vansh”.
Mecca – a pilgrimage
Mecca was Hindu’s ancient pilgrimage. There was a famous Kaba Temple in Mecca. As explained in Quran, this temple has existence for 4000 years prior to birth of Mohammed. According to historical evidences of Muslim, this temple had 360 idols. The following shlok is found in Harihareshwar MahatmyaHaHarihareshwar Mahatmya.
Meaning : Lord Vishnu’s foot prints are embedded in three main places in the world. Those holy places are Gaya, Mecca and Shukla teertha.
There was a renowned Shivaling in the Kaba temple of Mecca, (Which was worshipped by King Bhoj) holy foot prints of Lord Vishnu and total 360 idols.
Destruction made by Mohammad

During Mohammed’s time, all the Arabs were idol worshipers. Mohammed’s family too were idol worshipers and his family was bestowed with the duty of looking after the Kaba Temple. During that time, Mohammed started a movement against the prevailing idol worship. Mohammed had to withdraw back and escape from Mecca to Madina city as there was increased anger and agitation from the opposition. Later Mohammed gathered his followers and prepared an army, which fought against Hindus in Badra, Uhun and Alayas. Then he marched towards Mecca and defeated the Hindus. He then forcibly converted the Hindus and those who resisted were literally slaughtered. Mohammad demolished all the 360 idols in Kaba temple, removed the Shivalinga and put it on the southeast wall of the temple.
Today’s Kaba Temple

Shivling at Kaba temple, worshipped to please Lord Shiva.

Kaba temple's real origin has been hidden by thick blanket of black cloth
According to the Hindu culture, the Kaba Temple is made up of saffron coloured stone. To hide the proofs of Hindu culture and the distruction done by Mohammad, the temple is covered by a thick black cloth (Kiswa). (As it is, muslims keep everything covered) No where in the world do the muslims put pradakshina (going arround the idol in the temple). Yet in Mecca, for the Shivaling, they shave off their hair on the head and face, wear clean white cloth like the brahmins and put seven pradakshina (because it was an old ritual of Kaba temple). To hide the secrecy of Kaba temple, non muslims are not permitted in the sorrounding area of 35 miles around Mecca. All the Haaj pilgrims have to maintain the secrecy of the place by taking an oath.
The followers did what Mohammed did
Strong and powerful Asurs (demons) like Tripurasur and other asurs are the energy flow for Islam. Mohammed (Tripurasur) on the power of sword with destruction, established Islam. His followers imitating him spread violence, cruelty and savage worldwide. Islam really means “Peace”. But this peace means, graveyard silence. If we have to oppose the followers of Mohammed, we need to recognize the illusory demoniac and evil spirited faces of Mohammed and his followers. To resist this, we need to surrender to God and be competent on both gross and subtle levels. Sincere prayers at God’s holy feet that may such knowledge awake the sleeping Hindus!

10:19:41 PM
Posted By jumbo jumbo Comments (2) Musings
bhakt Friday, December 1, 2006 1:35:10 AM
Shaandar article.
K.Venugopal Friday, December 1, 2006 10:25:51 AM
Dear Jumbo Jumbo, Good research. I am unable to see the accompanying photos. Please inform site where I can directly access the photos.

Who is God?

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


If a dreamer were his dreams
If a thinker were his thoughts
If a speaker were his words
You are God, I am God, God is us!

If an artist were his portraits
If a goldsmith were his ornaments
If a farmer were his produce
You are God, I am God, God is us!

If a lyricist were his lyrics
If a singer were his songs
If a producer were his films
You are God, I am God, God is us!

If Valmiki were Ramayana
If Vedvyas were Mahabharatha
If Milton were Paradise Lost
You are God, I am God, God is us!

If Edison were an electric bulb
If Wright were an aircraft
If Baird were a television set
You are God, I am God, God is us!

10:58:47 AM
Posted By S. Chakradhaari Comments (5) Musings
Smart_Guy Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:09:59 AM
What is this I am the GOD
schakradhari Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:10:37 AM
If a father were his childYou are God, I am God, God is us!
dingo Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:33:14 AM
minboggling!!!!!If chakradhari is ablogIf smartguy is acommentIf fools r readersu r god I am god god is us.
perfektm Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:42:54 AM
Great Peace of shows, that the reality...that god is everywhere, and is not restricted to also matches well with theory of all Peaceful religions, but unfortunately fails with theory of Religion of Peace.... for example :1.) with hinduism : you know it well...2.) with Christanity : further the concept was restristricted... but Father, son and holy soul is derived from here.

K.Venugopal Thursday, November 30, 2006 11:50:06 PM
Brilliant. Brilliant. May I paraphrase?

Dreams come and dreams go but the dreamer remains and when the dreamer goes, some dreams remain

Thoughts come and thoughts go, but the thinker remains and when the thinker goes, some thoughts remain

Words come and words go, but the speaker remains and when the speaker goes some words remain
God comes and God goes and God remains.
Portraits come and portraits go, but the artist remains and when the artist goes some portraits remain
Ornaments come and ornaments go, but the goldsmith remains and when the goldsmith goes some ornaments remain
Produce comes and produce goes but the farmer remains and when the farmer goes another farmer comes and the produce remains
God comes and God goes and God remains
Lyrics come and lyrics go, but the lyricist remains and when the lyrist goes, some lyrics remain
Songs come and songs go but the singer remains and when the singer goes some songs remain
Films come and films go but the producer remains and when the producer goes some films remain
God comes and God goes and God remains
Valkmiki came and Valkimi went but the Ramayana remains. The Ramayana never went and the Ramayana remains
Vedavyas came and Vedavyas went but the Mahabharatha remains, never to go always to remain
Milton came and went but Pradise Lost lives.
God comes and God goes and God remains
There are bulbs and there are bulbs but where is Edison?
How many aircraft in the sky, but where’s Wright?
Who’s Baird but I own a television
God never came, never went.
Who is God?

Who are these Muslims

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
10:52:52 PM
Posted By AJOY GHOSH Comments (4) Musings
kk Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:26:00 PM
Mr ajay ghosh we all remember what saurav did to the indian cricket team. he introduced serious politics and he is victims of his own nefarious design.we also remember jyoti basu etc.they are the real b astards of india.
kewl Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:51:54 PM
Mr KK do u mean that all bengalis are b astards? please clarify.
jj Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:58:20 PM
islam is the greatest humbug of all times
K.Venugopal Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:52:16 PM
Almost all Indian Muslims are the succeeding generations of converts from Hindus. Even if their forefathers changed their religion, they could not have changed their parents, could they? Therefore the same Hindu blood courses through the veins of Muslims in India. You may have Mohammad's religion in your mind, but you have Rama's blood in your heart – if you remember this, a new history of India can be written.

A world without Islam - Part 4

Thursday, November 30, 2006
A World Without Islam - Part 4
A muslim way to refute the facts:
Whenever you criticize anything related to islam, allah, muhammad, sharia laws or muslim community, you will find a refutation immediately. To refute something is ok but the way muslims refute is funny. Here are some most common ways of a muslim-refute, the order may change depending upon your and muslim’s caliber:
First of all, muslims will say, “This is false information”, “This is a lie”.
Whatever you say is wrong and whatever they say is only right.
Next step is Taqqiya. Ex. “Islam means peace”, “Islam was spread by sword of love”, “No compulsion in religion”,
If you quote from Koran or hadith, you will be accused of quoting verses in bits and pieces
And be prepared for accusation that the verses you quoted are twisted and out of context
If you provide reference to your quote, then muslims will say “All your references are false and lies”, which implies only their references are true and correct.
You will be advised as “read koran first and you will get light”
If you say you have already read it then they will doubt you as if you are a liar.
If you quote full verses (not bits & pieces) from koran and hadith, your translation is incorrect / misleading. Then you will be advised to learn Arabic and read original version
If you say, I read the same Koran with most authentic translations, which muslims are referring to, then you will be asked “did you read only the cover?”, “read it with open mind” (read closed mind, as a muslim reads by keeping brain aside)
Besides your reading of translated Koran or even though you know arabic, if you quote Koran, they quote hadith, tafseer etc, if you quote hadith, then they will say only Koran is authentic.
After all this, you are still willing to continue, they will distract you and other readers from original issue/topic and feed plenty of irrelevant issues.
You are still sticking to the original issue, muslim will refer your / other religions’ scriptures like Bible, Torah, Vedas, Geeta etc and other events and personnels like Bush, Blair, Indira Gandhi, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine etc.
Get ready all the time for one or more muslims showing their way of convincing “Copy & paste stuff or reference from crap Islamic sites”. This includes verses from Koran & hadith, twisted facts from non islamic holy scriptures like mohammad is prophesized in all of them.
In this connection, one or more muslims will write about Miracles in Koran. Remember that whatever is discovered in recent time, Muslims will attribute it to Koran, but they will keep quite till it is discovered. They will never say about the fallacies in Koran like “Sky is a dome on imaginary pillars”, “Sun sets in mud”, “sun revolving around the earth” etc. If you draw their attention to these fallacies, they will copy and paste crap again which is totally illogical and irrational. You will be again advised to read Koran.
You are about to loose your patience but still continuing, then comes personal attack. You will be abused as fool, stupid, idiot, pig, dog etc
If that does not work, then there will be accusation of taking money for your criticism of islam. You may get this also “Western media is biased, its propaganda to defame islam, islam is wronged by all non muslims” etc.
Even than if you are not stopping, then muslims will run for you mother and sister
You are stubborn and still want to continue, you will be cursed like “burn in hell, you will repent on last day, still time to seek the truth” etc
Towards the end, when all above ways are failed, you will be threatened directly like “beware, watch it, keep cool, my sincere advice” or indirectly like “give me your email id, don’t hide behind false name, you are a coward (since you have false id on net), and lastly invitation to go to debate one to one or visit mosques or Islamic centers like Islamic Research Foundation in person” etc.
And finally, its compulsory for muslims “Drum beating as if they won a debate, even when they lose miserably”, because Koran is word of allah. LOL.
Since Koran is allah’s word and is clear to understand and is for all man kind, for all time and for all places, why there are hadiths, tafseers and commentaries?
Why various sects of islam and clerics are understanding it differently, while Koran is very clear and for all to understand?
Why some verses are for a particular time i.e. 1400 years ago and Arabic peninsula only, while Koran is for all time, for all places and for all mankind?
Why there is Abrogation, later verses of the Koran supersede earlier ones? Was allah not able to reveal it at first time or did he change his mind time to time to suite muhammad’s needs?
Why islam, being the only true religion, not able to be in majority, leave alone only religion, on the face of this earth, even after more than 1400 years past when revealed to muhammad?
There are many more questions but I leave them for next time.
8:24:06 AM
Posted By Infidel M Comments (6) Musings
The Mirror Thursday, November 30, 2006 9:38:21 AM
hey u are blaming Islam for criticising other religions. Mr infidel what are u doing now? But I still appreciate ur interest in Islam. Religion is a matter of choice and very personal to an individual. so stop interfering in personal issues. U have faith or u dont but stop interfering in others faith and belief...
Guru Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:23:48 AM
This infidelM has cought by ISLAMOPHOBIA.. Is ke dimagh par sirf ISLAM hi chaya hua hai.. ADHJAL GAGRI CHALKAT JAYE....Abe ULLU KI DUM, Nobody can twist Islam to suit his need, To get the information from Quraan, Hadth or Tafseer, there is a science behind that. And even being a Muslim i can not do, how you can interprate Islam. ABE NA-SAMAJH , There are Courses available to be an ALIM, you need to study for more then 10 years to be an Alim..AUR HAMARE IS BHAI IFEDIL M KO DEKHO, 4-5 Anti Islamic website se text copy karta hai aur yaha paste kar deta hai.. KHAMKHA hamar bhi time waste karta hai aur apna bhi..ABE KOI ACHCHA KAAM KARLE JO TERE KAAM AAYE..
Learner Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:37:27 PM
Dear Guru you are great. the way you have answered infidel is lovely.
grumpy Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:40:31 PM
The lessons are not learnt by the Islampologists.. are they?
infidel Thursday, November 30, 2006 6:45:45 PM
Dear readers,you can see Mr guru is using "personal attack" tactics, point # 15 as above. LOLMr Guru, Don't waste your time by reading such blogs. Nobody compelled you to do so. And please don't show your upbringing by using such language.When quaran is word of allah and very clear, why one need to learn 10 years to know the science behind it. Or 10 years required for brainwashing, I thought it starts with birth in muslims. Isn't koran supposed to be simple and easy to understand as it is for all man kind? Why it is so difficult for muslims like you, leave alone non muslims, to understand it?To understand something, one needs common sense, open mind and rational thinking, which you muslims don't have. You people can not think beyond koran and islam, so keep your knowledge to yourself.
K.Venugopal Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:36:47 PM

Dear Infidel M,

You are amazing, you are perspicacious, you are a great observer and you’ve hit the nail right on the head. Your blog is a superb piece of literature. You are no infidel, you are a proper prophet! Awaiting your next dose of enlightenment.

Islam - Facts one must know

Thursday, November 30, 2006

What is Islam?Islam is not a new religion, but the same truth that Allah revealed through all His Prophets to every people. For a fifth of the world's population, Islam is both a religion and a complete way of life. Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness, and the majority have nothing to do with the extremely grave events, which have come to be associated with their faith.
Who are the Muslims?Over one billion people from a vast range of races, nationalities and cultures across the globe - from the southern Philippines to Nigeria - are united by their common Islamic faith. About 18% live in the Arab world; the world's largest Muslim community is Indonesia; substantial parts of Asia and most parts of Africa are Muslim, while significant minorities are to be found in Russia, China, North and South America, and Europe.
What do Muslims believe?Muslims believe in One, Unique, Incomparable God; in the Angels created by Him; in the Proph­ets through whom His revelations were brought to mankind; in the Day of Judgement and the individual accountability for actions; in God's complete authority over human destiny and in life after death. Muslims believe in a chain of Prophets starting with Adam and including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, John and Jesus (peace be upon them all). But God's final message to man, a reconfirmation of the eternal message and a summing-up of all that has gone before, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, (peace be on him), through Archangel Gabriel.
How does someone become a Muslim?Simply by saying 'there is no deity apart from Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.' By this declaration the believer announces his or her faith in all messengers of Allah, and the scriptures they brought.
What does 'Islam' mean?The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means 'submission,' and derives from a word meaning 'peace.' In a religious context it means complete submission to the will of Allah. 'Muhammadanism' is thus a misnomer, because it suggests that Muslims worship Muhammad rather than Allah. "Allah" is the Arabic name for God, which is used by Arab Muslims and Christians alike.
Why does Islam often seem strange?Islam may seem exotic or even extreme in the modern world. Perhaps this is because religion does not dominate everyday life in the West today, whereas Muslims have religion always uppermost in their minds, and make no division between the secular and the sacred. They believe that the Divine Law, the Shari'ah, should be taken very seriously, which is why issues related to religion are still so important.
Do Islam and Christianity have different origins?No. Together with Judaism, they go back to the Prophet and Patriarch Abraham (peace be on him), and their three Prophets are directly descended from his sons - Muhammad (peace be on him) from the eldest, Ishmael, and Moses and Jesus from Isaac. Abraham established the settlement, which today is the city of Makkah, and built the Ka'bah towards which all Muslims turn when they pray.
What is the Ka'bah?The Ka'bah is the place of worship which Allah commanded Abraham and Ishmael to build over four thousand years ago. The building was constructed of stone on what many believe was the original site of the sanctuary established by Adam. God commanded Abraham to summon all mankind to visit this place, and when pilgrims go there today, they say 'At Thy service, O Lord,' in response to Abraham's call.
Who is Muhammad?Muhammad (peace be on him) was born in Makkah Al-Mukarramah in the year 570, at a time when Christianity was not yet fully established in Europe. Since his father died before his birth, and his mother shortly afterwards, he was raised by his uncle from the respected tribe of Quraysh. As he grew up, he became known for his truthfulness, generosity and sincerity, so that he was sought after for his ability to arbitrate in disputes. The historians describe him as calm and meditative.
Muhammad (peace be. on him) was of a deeply religious nature, and had long detested the decadence of his society. It became his habit to meditate from time to time in the Cave of Hira near the summit of Jabal Al-Nur, the 'Mountain of Light' near Makkah.
How did he become a Prophet and a Messenger of God?At the age of 40, while engaged in meditative retreat, Muhammad (peace be on him) received his first revelation from Allah through the Angel Gabriel. This revelation, which continued for twenty three years, is known as the Qur'an.
As soon as he began to recite the words he heard from Gabriel, and to preach the truth which Allah had revealed to him, he and his small group of followers suffered bitter persecution, which grew so fierce that in the year 622, Allah gave them the command to emigrate. This event, the Hijrah, 'migration,' in which they left Makkah for the city of Madinah some 420 kilometres to the north, marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar.
After several years, the Prophet (peace be on him) died at the age of 63, and within a century of his death, Islam had spread to Spain in the West and as far East as China.
How did the spread of Islam affect the world?Among the reasons for the rapid and peaceful spread of Islam was the simplicity of its doctrine - Islam calls for faith in only One God worthy of worship. It also repeatedly instructs man to use his powers of intelligence and observation.
Within a few years, great civilizations and universities were flourishing, for according to the Prophet (peace be on him), 'Seeking knowledge is an obligation for every Muslim.' The synthesis of Eastern and Western ideas and of new thought with old, brought about great advances in medicine, mathematics, physics, astronomy, geography, architecture, art, literature, and history. Many crucial systems, such as algebra, the Arabic numerals, were transmitted to medieval Europe from Islam. Sophisticated instruments, which were to make possible the European voyages of discovery, were developed, including the astrolabe, the quadrant and good navigational maps.
What is the Qur'an?The Qur'an is a record of the exact words revealed by Allah through the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him). It was memorized by Muhammad (peace be on him) and then dictated to his Companions, and written down by scribes, who cross­checked it during his lifetime. Not one word of its 114 chapters, Surahs, has been changed over the centuries, so that the Qur'an is in every detail the unique and miraculous text, which was revealed to Muhammad (peace be on him) fourteen centuries ago.
What is the Qur'aan about?The Qur'an, the last revealed Word of God, is the prime source of every Muslim's faith and practice. It deals with all the subjects which concern us as human beings: wisdom, doctrine, worship and law, but its basic theme is the relationship between God and His creatures. At the same time, it provides guidelines for a just society, proper human conduct and an equitable economic system.
Are there any other sacred sources?Yes, the Sunnah, the practice and example of the Prophet (peace be on him), is the second authority for Muslims. A Hadith is a reliably transmitted report of what the Prophet (peace be on him) said, did, or approved. Belief in the Sunnah is part of the Islamic faith.
Examples of the Prophet's sayings:
The Prophet (peace be on him) said:
'Allah has no mercy on one who has no mercy for others.'
'None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.'
'He who eats his fill while his neighbour goes without food, is not a believer.'
'The truthful and honest businessman will be in the company of the Prophets, the truthful people, and the martyrs on the Day of Judgement.'
'Powerful is not he who knocks the other down, indeed powerful is he who controls himself in a fit of anger.'
'Allah does not judge according to your bodies and appearances, but He scans your hearts and looks into your deeds.'
'A man walking along a path felt very thirsty. Reaching a well he descended into it, drinking his fill and came up. Then he saw a dog with its tongue hanging out, trying to lick up mud and quench its thirst. The man saw that the dog was feeling the same thirst as he had felt so he went down into the well again and filled his shoe with water and gave the dog a drink. Allah forgave his sins for this action.'
The Prophet (peace be on him) was asked: 'Messenger of Allah, are we rewarded for kindness towards animals?' He said: 'There is a reward for kindness to every living thing.'
(From the Hadith collections of Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi and Bayhaqi.)
What are the 'Five Pillars' of Islam?They are the framework of the Muslim life: faith, prayer, concern for the needy, self-purification, and the pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are able.
There is no god worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad (peace be on him) is His messenger. This declaration of faith is called the Shahadah, a simple formula which all the faithful pronounce.
In Arabic, the first part is 'La Ilaha Illallah - there is no god except Allah'; Ilah (God) can refer to anything which we may be tempted to put in place of God - wealth, power, and the like. Then comes Illallah: 'except God', the source of all creation.
The second part of the Shahadah is Muhammadur Rasulullah: 'Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.' A message of guidance has come through a man like ourselves.
Salat is the name for the obligatory prayers, which are performed five times a day, and are a direct link between the worshipper and Allah. There is no hierarchical authority in Islam and no priests, so the prayers are led by a learned person, who knows the Qur'an, chosen by the congregation. These five prayers contain verses from the Qur'an, and are said in Arabic, the language of the Revelation, but personal supplication can be offered in one's own language.
Prayers are said at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and nightfall, and thus determine the rhythm of the entire day. Although it is preferable to worship together in a mosque, a Muslim may pray almost anywhere, such as in fields, offices, factories and universities. Visitors to the Muslim world are struck by the centrality of prayers in daily life.
One of the most important principles of Islam is that all things belong to Allah, and that wealth is therefore held by human beings in trust. The word Zakah means both 'purification' and 'growth.' Our possessions are purified by setting aside a proportion for those in need, and, like the pruning of plants, this cutting back balances and encourages new growth.
Each Muslim calculates his or her own Zakah individually. For most purposes this involves the payment each year of two and a half percent of one's capital.
A pious person may also give as much as he or she pleases as Sadaqah, and does so preferably in secret. Although this word can be translated as 'voluntary charity' it has a wider meaning. The Prophet (peace be on him) said: 'Even meeting your brother with a cheerful face is charity.'
The Prophet (peace be on him) said: 'Charity is a necessity for every Muslim.' He was asked: "What if a person has nothing?' The Prophet (peace be on him) replied: 'He should work with his own hands for his benefit and then give something 'out of such earnings in charity.' The Companions asked: 'What if he is not able to work?' The Prophet (peace be on him) said: 'He should help poor and needy persons.' The Companions further asked: 'What if he cannot do even that?' The Prophet (peace be on him) said: 'He should urge others to do good.' The Companions said: 'What if he lacks that also?' The Prophet (peace be on him) said: 'He should restrain himself from doing evil. That is also charity.'
Every year in the month of Ramadhan, all Muslims fast from first light of dawn until sundown, abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations. Those, who are sick, elderly, or on a journey, and women, who are pregnant or nursing, are permitted to break the fast and make up an equal number of days later in the year. If they are physically unable to do this, they must feed a needy person for every day missed. Children begin to fast (and to observe the prayer) from puberty, although many start earlier.
Although the fast is most beneficial to the health, it is regarded principally as a method of self­purification. By cutting oneself off from worldly comforts, even for a short time, a fasting person gains true sympathy with those, who go hungry as well as growth in one's spiritual life.
The annual pilgrimage to Makkah the Hajj - is an obligation only for those, who are physically and financially able to perform it. Nevertheless, about two million Muslims go to Makkah each year from every corner of the globe providing a unique opportunity for people of different nations to meet one another. Although Makkah is always filled with visitors, the annual Hajj begins in the twelfth month of the Islamic year (which is lunar, not solar, so that Hajj and Ramadhan fall sometimes in summer, sometimes in winter). Pilgrims wear special clothes: simple, unstitched garments, which strip away distinctions of class and culture, so that all stand equal before God.
The rites of the Hajj, which are of Abrahamic origin, include circling the Ka'bah seven times and going seven times between the hillocks of safa and Marwah as did Hagar during her search for water. Then the pilgrims stand together on the wide plain of Arafah and join in prayers for God's forgiveness, in what is often thought of as a preview of the Day of Judgement.
In previous centuries the Hajj was an arduous undertaking. Today, however, Saudi Arabia provides millions of people with all necessities like foodstuff, water, modern transport, and the most up-to-date health facilities.
The close of the Hajj is marked by a festival, the Eid Al-Adha, which is celebrated with gifts in Muslim communities everywhere. This, and the Eid Al-Fitr, a feast-day commemorating the end of Ramadhan, are the main festivals of the Muslim calendar.
What do Muslims think about Jesus?
Muslims respect and revere Jesus (peace be on him), and await his Second Coming. They consider him one of the greatest of God's messengers to mankind! A Muslim never refers to him simply as 'Jesus', but always adds the phrase 'peace be on him.' The Qur'an confirms his virgin birth (a chapter of the Qur'an is entitled 'Mary'), and Mary is considered the purest woman in all creation. The Qur'an describes the Annunciation as follows:
'Behold!' the Angel said, 'Allah has chosen you, and purified you, and chosen you above the women of all nations. O Mary, Allah gives you good news of a word from Him, whose name shall be the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, honoured in this world and the Hereafter, and one of those brought near to Allah. He shall speak to the people from his cradle and in maturity, and shall be of the righteous.
She said: 'O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has touched me?' He said: 'Even so, God creates what He will. When He decrees a thing, He says to it, "Be!" and it is.' (Qur'an, 3:42-47)
Jesus (peace be on him) was born miraculously through the same power which had brought Adam into being without a father.
"Truly, the likeness of Jesus with Allah is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, and then said to him, 'Be!' and he was." (Qur'an, 3:59)
During his prophetic mission Jesus (peace be on him) performed many miracles. The Qur'an tells us that he said:
"I have come to you with a sign from your Lord: I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it and it becomes a bird by Allah's leave. And I heal the blind, and the lepers, and I raise the dead by Allah's leave." (Qur'an, 3:49)
Neither Muhammad, nor Jesus (peace be on them) came to change the basic, doctrine of the belief in One God, brought by earlier prophets, but to confirm and renew it. In the Qur'an, Jesus (peace be on him) is reported as saying that he came:
"To attest the law which was before me, and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden to you; I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear Allah and obey Me." (Qur'an, 3:50)
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) said:
'Whoever believes there is no god but Allah alone without partner, that Muhammad is His messenger, that Jesus is the servant and messenger of Allah, His word breathed into Mary and that Paradise and Hell are true, shall be received by God in Heaven.' (Hadith from Bukhari)
Why is the family so important to Muslims?
The family is the foundation of Islamic society. The peace and security offered by a stable family unit is greatly valued, and seen as essential for the spiritual growth of its members. A harmonious existence of extended families; children are treasured and rarely leave home until the time they marry.
What about Muslim women?
Islam sees a woman, whether single or married, as an individual in her own right, and with the right to own an dispose of her property and earnings. A marriage dowry is given by the groom to the bride for her own personal use, and she keeps her own family name rather taking her husband's.
Both men and women are expected to dress in a way which is modest and dignified. The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) said: 'The most perfect in faith amongst believers is he who is best in manner and kindest to his wife.'
Can a Muslim have more that one wife?
The religion of Islam was revealed for all societies and all times and so accommodates widely differing social requirements. Circumstances may warrant the taking of another wife but the right is granted, according to the Qur'an, only on condition that the husband is scrupulously fair.
Is Islamic marriage like Christian marriage?
A Muslim marriage is not a 'sacrament,' but a simple, legal agreement in which either partner is free to include conditions. Marriage customs thus vary widely from country to country. As a result, divorce is not common, although it is not forbidden as a last resort. According to Islam, no Muslim girl can be forced to marry against her will.
How do Muslims treat the elderly?
In the Islamic world there are no old people's homes. The strain, of caring for one's parents in this most difficult time of their lives is considered an honour and blessing, and an opportunity for great spiritual growth. Allah asks that we not only pray for our parents, but act with limitless compassion, remembering that when we were helpless children they preferred us to themselves. Mothers are particularly honoured: the Prophet (peace be on him) taught that 'Paradise lies at the feet of mothers.' When they reach old age, Muslim parents are treated mercifully, with the same kindness and selflessness.
In Islam, serving one's parents is a duty second only to prayer, and it is their right to expect it. It is considered despicable to express any irritation when, through no fault of their own, the old become difficult.
The Qur'an says:
"Your Lord has commanded that you worship none but Him, and be kind to parents. If either or both of them reach old age in your life, do not say to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but speak to them in terms of honour and kindness. Lower to them the wing of humility, and say, 'My Lord! Have mercy on them as they did care for me when I was a child." (Qur'an, 17:23)
How do Muslims view death?
Muslims believe that the present life is only a preparation for the next realm of existence. Basic articles of faith include: the Day of Judgement, resurrection, Heaven and Hell. When a Muslim dies, he or she is washed, usually by a family member, wrapped in a clean white cloth and buried with a simple prayer preferably the same day. Muslims consider this one of the final services they can do for their relatives, and an opportunity to remember their own brief existence here on earth. The Prophet (peace be on him) taught that three things can continue to help a person even after death; charity which he had given, knowledge which he had taught and prayers on their behalf by a righteous child.
What does Islam say about war?
Islam permits fighting in self­defence, in defence of religion, or on the part of those who have been expelled forcibly from their homes. It lays down strict rules of combat, which include prohibitions against harming civilians and against destroying crops, trees and livestock. As Muslims see it, injustice would be triumphant in the world, if good men were not prepared to risk their lives in a righteous cause. The Qur'an says:
"Fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. Allah does not love transgressors." (Qur'an, 2:190)
"If they seek peace, then seek you peace. And trust in Allah for He is the One that hears and knows all things." (Qur'an, 8:61)
War, therefore, is the last resort, and is subject to the rigorous conditions laid down by the sacred law. The term Jihad literally means 'struggle', and Muslims believe that there are two kinds of Jihad. The other 'Jihad' is the inner struggle which everyone wages against egoistic desires, for the sake of attaining inner peace.
What about food?
Although much simpler than the dietary law followed by Jews and the early Christians, the code, which, Muslims observe, forbids the consumption of pig meat or any kind of intoxicating drink. The Prophet (peace be on him) taught that 'your body has rights over you', and the consumption of wholesome food and the leading of a healthy lifestyle are seen as religious obligations.
The Prophet (peace be on him) said: 'Ask Allah for certainty (of faith) and well-being; for after certainty, no one is given any gift better than health!'
How does Islam guarantee human right?
Freedom of conscience is laid down by the Qur'an itself: "There is no compulsion in religion." (Qur'an 2:256)
The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred whether a person is Muslim or not. Racism is incomprehensible to Muslims, for the Qur'an speaks of human equality in the following terms:
"O mankind! We created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honoured of you in Allah's sight is the greatest of you in piety. Allah is All­Knowing, All-Aware." (Qur'an 49:13)
What the Holy Qur'an says?
Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold, that never breaks. And Allah hears and knows all things. (Qur'an, 2:256)
"Invite (all) to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: For your Lord knows best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance. And if you punish, let your punishment be proportionate to the wrong that has been done to you: But if you show patience, that is indeed the best (course) for those who are patient. (Qur'an, 16:125)
Say: "O men! Now truth has reached you from your Lord! Those who receive guidance, do so for the good of their own souls: those who stray, do so to their own loss: and I am not (set) over to arrange your affairs.
Follow you the inspiration sent unto you, and be patient and constant, till Allah does decide: for He is the Best to decide." (Qur'an 10:108-109)
"Nor can goodness and evil be equal. Repel (evil) with what is better: then will he between whom and you was hatred become as it were your friend and intimate!" (Qur'an, 41:34)
"(They are) those who, if We established them in the land, establish regular prayer and give regular charity, enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests the end (and decision) of (all) affairs." (Qur'an, 22:41)
The Muslim Journal - Vol.29 No. 4
8:17:18 PM
Posted By Darth Vader Comments (5) Society
vijay Thursday, November 30, 2006 8:35:30 PM
so, what is your point?
vijay Thursday, November 30, 2006 8:47:57 PM
no religion in its basic structure says anything different from the above anyway.
vijay Thursday, November 30, 2006 8:48:00 PM
no religion in its basic structure says anything different from the above anyway.
gudis Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:02:17 PM
Vijay ,May be but not hinduism.
K.Venugopal Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:03:58 PM
All the above are fine. Islam is one among many religions, each unique in its own way. The only problem is that Muslims think that Islam is the only true religion and all the others have been superseded and no new ones can come about because knowledge ended with Mohammad's final testimony in the Quran.

Who are the real infidels - Islamists or Non-Muslims

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Who are the real Infidels - Islamists or Non Muslims
Citizen Kane ,
First and foremost None of you Muslim Fanatic Extremist terrorists have any right in saying that all non beleivers are infidels.Even your bloody creator has no business making such statements.Who are you to decide on what religion we need to follow.Are you the only persons entitled to have an opinion.But when u try to defend ur religion why do u guys always try to prove that Islam is the only religion in the world which is peaceful , cares for women and children , is progressive etc.,What is your intention.Surely by now 99 % of the whole world population knows what the religion stands for.Why try to show ur love for the book in such a manner.This hypocracy must end and people like you cannot just blame individuals for the same.It is time to look into the reasons for people all over the world to hate the religion which is backward , regressive , encourages voilence , promotes bigamy , population explosion etc.,
You CITIZEN Kane claim that u run a school for children mostly Hindus etc.,Why specify all that is it to prove that you a progressive muslim.When the religion is regressive and offers noi scope for any discussion I wonder what u teach.
My take on your observations are as follows :
1. Who r these jihadis u talk about? Osama, Hizb, Jaish etc who r they? Who created them? They are not muslims as what they do is against the basic and true teaching of Islam.
They were created by thier muslim parents and were financed by muslim businessmen and other islamicts.Why we the ordinary citizens suffer now.It is the easiest thing to disassociate yourself when ever it suits you.Osama and others are born Muslims ( born to muslim parents ) continue to be muslims and will die as Muslims.Just by you or others stating that he is not a muslim does not solve the issue.In the same manner Jews / Christians / Hindus will disassociate themselves from the acts committed by persons of the same religion.You accuse Jews of various acts , can they also use your logic and say that the persons accused are not JEWS.YOU should never forget that 99 % of all MUSLIM terrorists and others who support terrorists listen to what these religious bigots say.These are telecast only in Arabic countries and on Channels which support the cause.So is it not the fact that all viewers who get influenced by these guys are also only MUSLIMS. The problem with muslims is that you are cowards.
You are scared to accept the truth and the reality that your religion just like others is FLAWED .You operate with a closed mindset which was in existense in the stone age . You dont want to change in tune with the times.The world does not revolve around ALLAH. It is time Muslims accepted this.
2.The issue of origin of life, amoeba, the big bang theory, and the world being a gaseous mass, all is already stated in the Quran.......Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error: whoever rejects Tagut (satan) and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, That nevWer breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth .
If your creator was such a great guy why did he not reveal the nucleur technology.Why is that Muslims today in various countries STEAL this technology.ALLAH has not mentioned about BOMBS AK 47/56 etc.,but all muslims use them to targer innocent fellow human beingsOnly allah knows everything .Cock and bull story.What about all events likely to happen why did he not predict the Tower Bombings or the iran iraq war or about bush.So what about lesser mortals who are not born to muslim parents.Is it Our fault. So is the solution Conversion .Are only Muslims enttled to call other infidels.Most muslims have several children ???Why has allah not commented on Population exposion,poverty in Muslim families due to multiple children etc.,If that is so your religious leader must also must have stated that rogues and fanatics like osama , Musharaf,syed salauddin,saddam etc.,will exist in the religion and it is the duty of others to kill him and not support him.You can quote selectively from your religious book.Iam sure other books might also contain some other matters which are relevant today.Just because it spoke of these issues earlier ( subject to scrutiny ) your Koran does not become the one and ultimate book in life.By trying to intrepet the evil and bad things mentioned in a different manner you are trying to deflect the issue.The TRUTH and the absolute TRUTH is the Koran also has a long list of disgusting references.
3.Some of the pagans accepted Islam while others were honourably escorted out of the city and were free to practice their own religions and beliefs..............YOUR NARROW RELIGIOUS mindset unfortunately gets exposed here.Who the HELL are you and YOUR CREATOR to label others as pagans.What is your worth in commenting on such a issue.
People belong to different faiths by birth and each one entitled to their beliefs.Trying to say that only ONE religion is supreme smacks of arrogance and hypocracy of the worst kind.The fact is that ISLAM is just one of the religions .You cannot bulldoze others to accept your point .You keep ur religious beliefs personal and at home.Trying to influence others in public forum indicates that you are on a weak wicket.
I may be a born Hindu but detest and hate any person/organisation which states that only their religion offers salvation or peace or security.I also hate all human beings ( mostly MUSLIMS ) who always say :I have acheived all this Due to ALLAH's grace .99 % of MUSLIM celebreties /stars / sportsmen ( absolutely third rate guys like Aamir Khan / Salman Khan / Shah rukh Khan ) use this dirty word in public.
In case u are secular you are supposed to say GOD
10:23:38 AM
Posted By ashram a Comments (17) Society
Guru Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:39:12 AM
Mr ATHIEST.. Can you read other blogs where almost everybody is BASHING ISLAM by quoting Quraan in wrong way. Nobody is trying to influence, this post was the reply of other post. OKAY keep religion at ur home then why the hell people writing against Islam here.. You see the history of BLOGS at NDTV, 90% of religous BLOGS are against ISLAM. Ofcourse Muslim will try to explain the things if others are spreading false information about Quraan and Islam..
K.Venugopal Thursday, November 30, 2006 11:46:51 AM
Dear Ashram, Your submissions are very logical and forceful. I fully agree with them. Everyone, theists, atheists and whoever you have, should all have their sacred spaces of belief/disbelief. Live and let live - this aught to be the cardinal principal in social matters. Hinduism, though full of caste discriminations and all that, has the underlying Advaitic vision of total freedom, which is its saving grace as well as maybe the world's.

Kalpana Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:04:49 PM
For people like you Allah says..Try to show them truth..if they don't listen then say them..Quran Surah Kafirun verse 6“To you be your Way and to me mine. “ ...that is what yesterday you asked me where is it written "Live and let live" in Quran...And yes You were asking me about Koran and Quran...K and Q in Arabic makes lots of diffrence...Anyways if you still wants to keep calling it koran ...never mind...carry on..The more you will spread hatred the more people will come to ISLAM. So please don't stop your work of spreading ISLAM..
Kalpana Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:05:04 PM
Mr Infidel,For people like you Allah says..Try to show them truth..if they don't listen then say them..Quran Surah Kafirun verse 6“To you be your Way and to me mine. “ ...that is what yesterday you asked me where is it written "Live and let live" in Quran...And yes You were asking me about Koran and Quran...K and Q in Arabic makes lots of diffrence...Anyways if you still wants to keep calling it koran ...never mind...carry on..The more you will spread hatred the more people will come to ISLAM. So please don't stop your work of spreading ISLAM..
ashram Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:10:41 PM
Please reply to the matters reflected here .Dont try to deflect the issue as others do.And for the sake of your creator start using you own names.Posting in the name of Kalpana/guru does not help.Be courageous and act like one.Dont be cowards.Face the truth.
Kalpana Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:19:41 PM
This is not my fake name this is my real name...KALPANA ...I accepted islam 6 years back...and did not change my original name..This shows i am not a coward..rather u guys are and thats why using name like infidel...
krish Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:29:33 PM
Converts always try to proove more faithful than the originals.A fake is a fake by whatever name u call.
Kalpana Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:03:53 PM
Mr ATHEIST or Mr InfidelWith reference to your 1st question...Every religion you will find black sheeps… that doesn't mean they symbolize Your the same cannot take Osma...etc as an Symbols of Muslims...if one mango is rotten that doesn't mean you will say all mangos are rotten...
vijay Thursday, November 30, 2006 2:08:40 PM
well!!! actually, we are not refering to one rotten mango here... we are refering to a complete basket of rotten mangoes. a few good ones may still be there however.
Kalpana Thursday, November 30, 2006 2:29:03 PM
Turn it whatever way you want and try to spread more and more hatred towards ISLAM..Result will be...more and more people coming to ISLAM..Try your level best..and please don't stop your so call spreading hatred...Its indirectly leading people to ISLAM
vijay Thursday, November 30, 2006 2:37:13 PM
nobody hates islam. there is nothing wrong with islam... the problem is muslims. the only danger islam has in this world is from muslims.
Kalpana Thursday, November 30, 2006 2:41:45 PM
Believe me brother your under wrong impression..You guys are simply hearing what media says...And helds your opinion based on newspapers..TV...etc..And says its Muslims...Its not muslims...Muslims are more peace loving and humble people...But i do agree upon some people on earth do carry mischiefs...As i said black sheeps are in all religions...And you cannot help it..
vande_Matram Thursday, November 30, 2006 3:15:30 PM
Bhaiyya, baaki sab kuchh thik--magar hum bhi pichhle 3 mahine se sasura yeh blogs pe nazar rakhe hue hain. Guru bhaiyya, Kalpana Didi thik farma rahe aur yeh baat hamaare bheje mein nahin ghusat ki 90% bloggers kaahe anti-islaam hai. Saura sab jagah yehi charcha wa--sab ka sab islam ko hi blame kar raha AATANKBAAD ke liye. KAHE BHAI ? Woh gaana suna hai na---"Dhapli waleeeee--- dhapli baja--Mere Ghungroo---" Nahin toh bhaiyya Jaiho--jaiho--jaiho--KALPANA DIDI ki--naam nahin badla--Toh kya badla?
Guru Thursday, November 30, 2006 4:13:20 PM
OYE BEY ASHRAM...I m not hiding my identity....I already told I M MUSLIM.. ALHAMDO LILLAH.. ALLAH KA KARAM HAI KI MAI MUSLIM HOO..
Kalpana Thursday, November 30, 2006 4:20:55 PM
GURUStay cool brother , Do u need to tell them ur Muslim...Do u need to give any explanation of What u are..Just ignore this kind of claims...and cotinue only on topics which u feel is important for them to know..
perfektm Thursday, November 30, 2006 5:52:05 PM
Kalpana,In childhood, i had seen Arabic nights... and Muslim around in my city also had placed a Fuss in public .. that Islam is Religion of Peace...we all know Advertisement works.. as a child, i thought perhaps nice babes, free life and enjoyment, belly dance and peaceful evening around camping fire... this is islamic tradition.... was definately too nice!! it has attracted me to, to find a bit more of the Islamic camp.. & belly dance culture... but what i find out is,belly dance was human discrimination from people taken into slavery, there was nothing like open minded girls or any such concept, which were free to celebrate and dance across camping fire. it was all ugly thrust of Sheiks... which are also drinking from hyderabadi bowl....there is no peace, instead you will find belly dancing on a rope... as Muslim cut and hand them.....really Nice Swing, nice dance, nice peace as well as Extremely nice Submission ... calpings for kalpana thanks for your contribution in Al taqiyya.... we are thankful for your act... kalpana... don't make kalpana, come in real world--
psycho Thursday, November 30, 2006 6:17:11 PM
u showed ur true colours man...A SEX PERVERT....maybe ask the ladies in ur family to have a belly dance and put that clip on the blogs so that everyone can enjoy!

Atrocious and sick TV program on prime time

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Atrocious and sick TV program on prime time.
Subject: atrocious and sick TV program on prime time. Date: 28th Nov 2006 Time: 10:00 pm Channel: Ten Sports Program: Wrestling Sir, I would like to bring this atrocious , sick and extreamly disgusting program aired on ten sports on 28th Nov and that too on prime time. The program was Wrestling, a giant beast looking guys was fighting with a girl of probably 1/3rd of his weight. Then came a guy and poured a bag full of LIVE AND MOVING *EARTHWORMS* on the floor of the ring. Big Guy slammed that girl on the worms, she was filled with disgust and was crying. Now the most stinking and obnoxious part came. The guy picked up a handfull of LIVE worms and filled them up in his MOUTH, CHEW them for a couples of seconds, camera foccussing his Jaws, crushed pieces and some semi liquid type something flowing out of his mouth, he is shouting and boasting about his daring(barbaric) act. Suddenly he came closer to the girl lying(crying) on the floor and SPIT THOSE CRUSHED WORMS IN HER MOUTH. She was crying, her mouth was open and HIS SPIT went straight in HER MOUTH. That was the most disgusting scene I have ever seen. Generally I do not see such wrestling etc. But I just stopped over curosity when I was surfing channels just like that. My wife also seen that just for curosity and when she saw that Guy chewing the worms, MY WIFE VOMITTED. She couldn't sleep that night. That program was really offended and I am just imagining if some kid have had seen that program that day. If adults like me and my wife got this much disturbed, how hard hitting it would be on the minds of kids. I do not have that video because it was on television and I do not have a computer to capture the programs. But you guys as Press, I think, have this rights that you can demand TEN SPORTS to give the tape of that program. Regards, Abhishek Jain 09342238159 Bangalore
4:06:07 PM
Posted By abhishek jain Comments (2) Entertainment
Ram Thursday, November 30, 2006 5:57:56 PM
ha ha ha
K.Venugopal Thursday, November 30, 2006 7:15:10 PM
As long as the remote is in our hands, we have a choice of watching or switching to another channel. And so long as we have a choice, we can choose freedom to what we think is carp or worse. If we don't exercise our choice, whom do we blame? It is only when we are forced into a situation where we have no choice but to do or accept what is told to us that the question of liberty comes into the picture. It is only then that we need to call governmental agencies to action.

Can we have a blogger group?

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Can we have Blogger group
Can you tell based on all these days of experience which Blogger .Likes what Like Chandra Shant ,Jkeshav ,Yavesh Rana , SN Roy, MK Banergee .Cant there be a group of blogger with similar ideologies. So that offline also they share the same Like are some strong Fundamentalist ,some are Religious Some are having very liberal thoughts some and some conservative approach .This group would make difference since there is no point in Blogging people would read and forget this blogging is not going to make any impact in anybodies life or the society it would all go out in archive items .Or can you mention any such blog which were incredibly moving or thought provoking So that I can also have a look. If there is Some group our voices would be heard better .I know that we all are jobless people in our respective professions .But still can we form a ideology groups Unity is strength Think about it
6:12:24 PM
Posted By Smart Guy Comments (1) Lifestyle
K.Venugopal Thursday, November 30, 2006 6:43:55 PM
Whether you write as an individual or as a group, you blog or comment counts as a single entry and you are judged by the worth of your words or the reader's prejudice.

Answer to Ashram

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Answer to Ashram a
If you are atheist and believe that there is no God then tell me who developed you when you were in your mother's womb. And if you are atheist then you don’t have any right to speak about any religion or any religious book. You should not pull your leg in this debate. Lay off!!!
And if one says that he is thankful to Allah then what loss are you sustaining from that. Do only Muslims thanks the God, if you think this then you are absolutely wrong even Hindus all the time thanks their durga maa and always say "jai mata di"
12:59:53 PM
Posted By Lesson Learner Comments (8) Personals
ashram Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:34:01 PM
SEX between two individuals causes birth.Now dont tell me ALLAH is responsible for all births in this universe.Your short sighted response proves that you are a religious fanatic.I have clearly said all secular human beings should only utter : God is responsible for sucess or what ever the issue is.Be it allah / Durga anyone who brings in Personal favourite god names is a fanatic bigot however big he is.
Kalpana Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:42:41 PM
Big question for you MR ashram..How did first couple came on earth..?Any illiterate will tell you the same thing what you said...But question is 1st couple on earth for 1st time ...i.e ADAM and EVE..How did they come?Who created them...?
superstition Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:59:15 PM
defnitely not created by ALLAh
vijay Thursday, November 30, 2006 2:04:55 PM
Go thru the evolution of Humans in science journals. Although, you may not be satisfied and end up asking who created the first Amoeba on earth... still that is more beleivable than imagining things written in any book. And remember, it is not only Islamic book that claims GOD / ALLAH / ISHWAR created the first MAN.
Kalpana Thursday, November 30, 2006 2:06:03 PM
Reply to my plain question...According to you who created first man on earth...
vijay Thursday, November 30, 2006 2:12:27 PM
I could make good spiritualistic arguments, but that does not seem to be your area of interest.Practically, nobody can claim to control birth / life / death. Nevertheless, you can control your actions (read deeds)
Kalpana Thursday, November 30, 2006 2:14:19 PM
Vijay,Say anything evolution theory etc..many more reasons of yours..If you guys feel you control it..Then control your death also...Live forever. Can you control your death...?Why not..?
K.Venugopal Thursday, November 30, 2006 3:34:57 PM
Dear Kalpana, Who created Allah? If you say Allah was never created but always was, is and ever will be, can't I ask if what you would call creation too might not be self-sustaining as you claim Allah to be?

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Citizen Kane - reply to your post

sday, November 30, 2006
CItizen Kane ; Reply to your post
All your points are well taken.I have not read the posts of the persons refered to in your post but i have some observations :1. Who r these jihadis u talk about? Osama, Hizb, Jaish etc who r they? Who created them? They are not muslims as what they do is against the basic and true teaching of Islam.
It is the easiest thing to disassociate yourself when ever it suits you.Osama and others are born Muslims continue to be muslims and will die as Muslims.Just by you or others stating that he is not a muslim does not solve the issue.In the same manner Jews / Christians / Hindus will disassociate themselves from the acts committed by persons of the same religion.You accuse Jews of various acts , can they also use your logic and say that the persons accused are not JEWS.YOU should never forget that 99 % of all MUSLIM terroris ts and others who support terrorists listen to what these religious bigots say.These are telecast only in Arabic countries and on Channels which support the cause.So is it not the fact that all viewers who get influenced by these guys are also only MUSLIMS. The problem with muslims is that you are cowards.You are scared to accept the truth and the reality that your religion just like others is FLAWED .You operate with a closed mindset which is was in existense in the stone age.
2.The issue of origin of life, amoeba, the big bang theory, and the world being a gaseous mass, all is already stated in the Quran.......If your creator was such a great guy why did he not reveal the nucleur technology.Why is that Muslims today in various countries STEAL this technology.ALLAH has not mentioned about BOMBS AK 47/56 etc.,but all muslims use them to targer innocent fellow human beings.
Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error: whoever rejects Tagut (satan) and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, That never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.”
So what about lesser mortals who are not born to muslim parents.Is it their fault. So is the solution Conversion .Most muslims have several children ???Why has allah not commented on Population exposion,poverty in Muslim families due to multiple children etc.,
If that is so your religious leader must also must have stated that rogues and fanatics like osama , will exist in the religion and it is the duty of others to kill him and not support him.You can quote selectively from your religious book.Iam sure other books might also contain some other matters which are relevant today.Just because it spoke of these issues earlier ( subject to scrutiny ) your Koran does not become the one and ultimate book in life.By trying to intrepet the bad things mentioned in a different manner you are trying to deflect the issue.
3.Some of the pagans accepted Islam while others were honourably escorted out of the city and were free to practice their own religions and beliefs..............YOUR NARROW RELI GIOUS mindset unfortunately gets exposed here.Who are you and your creator to label others as pagans.What is your worth in commenting on such a issue.People belong to different faiths by birth and each one entitled to their beliefs.Trying to say that only ONE religion is supreme smacks of arrogance and hypocracy of the worst kind.The fact is that ISLAM is just one of the religions .You cannot bulldoze others to accept your point .You keep ur religious beliefs personal and at home.Trying to influence others in public forum indicates that you are on a weak wicket.
I may be a born Hindu but detest and hate any person/organisation which states that only their religion offers salvation or peace or security.I also hate all human beings ( mostly MUSLIMS ) who always say :I have acheived all this Due to ALLAH's grace .99 % of MUSLIM celebreties /stars / sportsmen use this dirty word in public.
In case u are secular you are supposed to say GOD
10:23:38 AM
Posted By ashram a Comments (2) Society
Guru Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:39:12 AM
Mr ATHIEST.. Can you read other blogs where almost everybody is BASHING ISLAM by quoting Quraan in wrong way. Nobody is trying to influence, this post was the reply of other post. OKAY keep religion at ur home then why the hell people writing against Islam here.. You see the history of BLOGS at NDTV, 90% of religous BLOGS are against ISLAM. Ofcourse Muslim will try to explain the things if others are spreading false information about Quraan and Islam..
K.Venugopal Thursday, November 30, 2006 11:46:51 AM
Dear Ashram, Your submissions are very logical and forceful. I fully agree with them. Everyone, theists, atheists and whoever you have, should all have their sacred spaces of belief/disbelief. Live and let live - this aught to be the cardinal principal in social matters. Hinduism, though full of caste discriminations and all that, has the underlying Advaitic vision of total freedom, which is its saving grace as well as maybe the world's.

Post for Infidel M

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
This post is for Infidel M
Ok Mr infidel you are telling that princely states had the choice to join any one of the nations. and the ruler of J&K Maharaja Hari Singh preffered to remain independent.My question is the seventh Nizam of hyderabad also preferred to stay independent like that of Maharaja of Kashmir, then why did Indian Govt took military action against this princely state(Nizam State)and Annexed Hyderabad into its territory.If the will of that Kashmir ruler was taken care of then why not the will hyderabad ruler taken care of.
As far bangladesh is concerned why did india sent its troops to east pakistan as they(indians)follow non alignment policy for which they are famous also.
Why that policy of non alignment was kept aside by indira gandhi and helped East pakistan in acheiving its Independence.
9:10:50 PM
Posted By Lesson Learner Comments (1) Politics
K.Venugopal Wednesday, November 29, 2006 9:33:20 PM
Pakistan at our border is bad enough. Imagine the problems we would have had with a Pakistan (Hyderabad) deep within India. The breaking up of Pakistan proved that Islam cannot hold together even a new nation formed in the name of Islam for more than 25 years. On the other hand, marvel at how Hinduism has held India together through the ages

Reply to Infidel and PM

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Reply => Infidel and PM
I am writing this seperate blog as the comments are not working.
The whole world knows the lies Israel is spreading but keeping quite for their own wordly desires...The top media and finances are controlled by the jews and hence this false propaganda...israeli soldiers shooting children in point blank range is the STARK REALITY and u are a sadist to hide behind this fact....There is an inner voice for every ur soul u will get the answer...blind hatred doesn't lead u anywhere except DOOM..Who r these jihadis u talk about? Osama, Hizb, Jaish etc who r they? Who created them? They are not muslims as what they do is against the basic and true teaching of Islam. Its USA and Israel which has created these jihadis as political tools for world power, Saddam was nurtured by the USA and Israel to counter Iran, Taliban was sponsored during the cold war with Russia....When u talk of facts speak the whole thing not in bits and pieces that suit ur fancy.
And Mr. Infidel (r u both same persons?)..
quoting verses from the Holy Quran in bits and pieces (even the full verse u r not able to quote) and trying to prove lies shows ur cheap culture and upbringing...twisting of truth cannot survive for long...hiding behind fictitious names and slandering - ur a COWARD of the first order...if u have guts why dont u have a one on one debate with facts with a learned muslim instead of appyling cheap theatretics and mischief making and slandering!
U have in ur blog "World without Islam Part 3" quoted a few verses from the Holy Quran....Below are ur translation and the one I produce from Imam Yusuf Ali (One of the authentic translations available today)
U Quoted 'The "Religion of Truth" (Islam) must prevail, by force if necessary, over all other religions" Quran Surah 9.33
The Translation of Imam Yusuf Ali " It is He who hath sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth to cause it to prevail over all religions, Even though the Pagans may detest it" Surah 9: 33
Infidel, there is a huge difference in both the meanings...U have been doing this mischief for the last few weeks with various verses...U r quoting in bits and pieces and manipulating the meanings.. If u pick a few words from the middle of a sentence without analysing the situations and context, you are bound to be in great error and that is what is happening and most of the quotes are from Surah Tauba which was revealed during the Tabuk expedition and subsequent treaties with some Christian and Jewish tribes and how the Prophet was deceived by the Hypocrites who joined forces with the Pagans to annihilate the muslims...The majority of verses in this surah apply during that period of confrontation....misquoting them and manipulating these verse now to create enmity and mistrust shows the kind of upbringing u have!
6:08:54 PM
Posted By Citizen Kane Comments (3) Personals
Learner Wednesday, November 29, 2006 6:45:22 PM
Its an honout to give the first comment on your blog.I agree with each and every word of your mr citizen kane.These fellows like infidel m and perfektm are taking the verses of quaran that too incomplete verses and using them according to there vims and fancies.
Learner Wednesday, November 29, 2006 7:05:36 PM
and one more thing dear citizen iam sure that nobody would comment your post as they dont have any answer or argument to counter you.These fellows are on a spree to defame Islam and relate every evil in their society to sati and dowry etc.These are futile attempts to hide their evil pratices.They are using Quranic verses out of context and blaming these verses for the terrorist activities. And these so called peace loving fellows wants us to change the text of Quran and delete some of the verses.

K.Venugopal Wednesday, November 29, 2006 7:12:08 PM
Dear Citizen Kane, If you say Osama, Hizb, Jaish etc. are not Muslims, whom do you consider as Muslims? Is the Imam of Juma Masjid at Delhi a Muslim? Or maybe our beloved President Abdul Kalam?

Original vs. duplicate

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
ORIGINAL Sai Baba of Shirdi ( Maharashtra ) v/s DUPLICATE of Andhra
Please comment at only after reading FULLY page 8 of Hindustan times dated 26th Nov , 2006 by Editor Vir Sanghavi . For example , he says ORIGINAL Sai Baba of Shirdi ( Maharashtra ) is different from this DUPLICATE sathya Sai Baba of Andhra Pradesh.
This photostat business is right from ancient days. About 5230 years ago when Lord Krishna was very much in Dwarka , a duplicate Paundrak declared himself as Lord Vishnu and thus Lord Krishna had to clarify the matter. Similarly , Ravana came in disguise of sage to abduct Sitaji or in form of Rama himself to misguide monkeys-bears on Lord Rama side. In modern days , COPY & PASTE is much in fashion so let true devotees of ORIGINAL Sai Baba of Shirdi ( Maharashtra ) be beware please.
11:46:37 AM
Posted By t reddy Comments (1) Entertainment
K.Venugopal Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:28:50 PM
There is no such thing as an original person and a duplicate person. Everyone is unique in his or her own way. Anyways, imitation is the best form of flattery. So where is the problem?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sanjay Dutt is guilty

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sanjay Dutt is GUILTY.Good for You:Anil Joshi.
Sanjay Dutt is GUILTY. Good for You: Anil Joshi
Dear Sanjay Hi!
I feel sad that you have been proved guilty, but at the same time I am happy for you and for all of your fans.
Contradicting myself, No Pal the only reason is the judgment could have been more “HARSH” for you. As far as I am concerned I had not been a great fan of yours at any given point of time, but had been an “ardent” FAN OF YOUR LATE FATHER. He will be surely relieved, as you have been acquitted from the charge of co-conspirators/traitor/terrorist. This is what I feel is the “good” aspect of the judgment for you.
As for being “guilty” the past catches up with all of us-sooner or latter. Better bow your head in front of the “god almighty” and thank, for removing the “STIGAMA” attached or could have attached with the “FAIR” names of “Sunil & Nargis Ji”.
I hope that both of them will be definitely relieved now, MAY THEIR SOUL REST IN PEACE.
Whatever happens from now on Sanjay, will be better for you and for your fans.
Yours truly,
Anil Joshi.
Personally, I always believed Shri (Late) Sunil Dutt Sahib That you could not have conspired against the country he loved most. I still recollect Sr.Dutt’s contribution during the war times.
Khush Raho Munna Bhai.
1:24:54 PM
Posted By Anil joshi Comments (13) Personals
imran Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:10:40 PM
kiran sharma Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:15:45 PM
you said it.good sanju Baba it couls have really been worse.
lago_raho_munna_bhai Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:26:33 PM
lagoo raho munna bahai.
buster Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:45:32 PM
Change of heart again!Nice one nevertheeless.
buster Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:46:11 PM
Change of heart again!Nice one nevertheeless.
buster Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:54:51 PM
Change of heart again!Nice one nevertheeless.
buster Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:54:51 PM
Change of heart again!Nice one nevertheeless.
buster Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:54:52 PM
Change of heart again!Nice one nevertheeless.
buster Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:54:52 PM
Change of heart again!Nice one nevertheeless.
buster Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:55:13 PM
Change of heart again!Nice one nevertheeless.
bussy bee Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:57:12 PM
buster the span is again crawaling?khush raho munna.
bussy bee Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:57:42 PM
buster the span is again crawaling?khush raho munna.
K.Venugopal Tuesday, November 28, 2006 3:02:25 PM
Whatever the truth, the courts ought to have the final say on matters that come up before it and we have to accept it, because life has to go on. Nevertheless, I feel that Sanjay Dutt was part of the conspiracy to blast Mumbai and prepare for the fallout. Fortunately, the anticipated fallout of communal riots did not materialize and Sanjay Dutt's powder remained dry.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Testimony of the Prophethood

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Testimony of the Prophethood
This Article is based on a true incident which occurred at the time when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was spreading the message of Islam to other nations of the world.
This incident was mentioned by Abu Sufyan who was the strongest opponent of Islam, who later on embraced Islam went to syria for doing business and was called by Heraculus to enquire about Prophet Muhammad.
So Abu Sufyan and his companions went to Heraculus at Ilya (Jerusalem). Heraclius called them in the court and he had all his dignitaries around him. He called for his translator who, translating Heraculus's question, said to them:
Who amongst you is closely related to that man who claims to be a Prophet?"
Abu Sufyan replied, "I am the nearest relative to him."
Heraclius said, "Bring him close to me and make his companions stand behind him."
Heraclius told his translator to tell Abu Sufyan's companions that he wanted to put some questions to me regarding that man and that if I told a lie they should contradict me.
Abu Sufyan added, "By Allah, had I not been afraid of my companions labelling me a liar, I would not have spoken the truth about the Prophet."
Heraculus asked 10 Questions regarding Prophet Muhammad.
The first question he asked me about him was: 1)"What is his family status amongst you?" I replied, "He belongs to a noble family amongst us."
2)Heraclius further asked, "Has anybody else amongst you ever claimed the same before him?" I replied, "No!"
3)He said, "Was anybody amongst his ancestors a king?" I replied "No!"
4)Heraclius asked, "Do the nobles or the poor follow him?" I replied, "It is the poor who follow him."
5)He said, "Are his followers increasing or decreasing?" I replied, "They are increasing."
6) He then asked, "Does anybody amongst those who embrace his religion become displeased and renounce the religion afterwards?" I replied, "No!"
7)Heraclius said, "Have you ever accused him of telling lies before his claim?" I replied, "No!"
8)Heraclius said, "Does he break his promises?" I replied, "No.
We are at truce with him, but we do not know what he will do in it." I could not find opportunity to say anything against him except that
9)Heraclius asked, "Have you ever had a war with him?" I replied, "Yes." Then he said, "What was the outcome of the battles?" I replied, "Sometimes he was victorious and sometimes we."
10) Heraclius said, "What does he order you to do?"
I said, "He tells us to worship Allah, and Allah alone, and not to worship anything along with Him, and to renounce all that our ancestors had said. He orders us to pray, to speak the truth, to be chaste and to keep good relations with our kith and kin."
Heraclius asked the translator to convey to me the following, "I asked you about his family and (Ans 1) your reply was that he belonged to a very noble family. In fact all the Prophets come from noble families amongst their respective peoples
. I questioned you whether anybody else amongst you claimed such a thing, (Ans 2) your reply was in the negative. If the answer had been in the affirmative, I would have suspected that this man was following the previous mans statement.
Then I asked you whether anyone of his ancestors was a king. (Ans 3)Your reply was in the negative, and if it had been in the affirmative, I would have thought that this man wanted to take back his kingdom.
I further asked whether he was ever accused of telling lies before he said what he said, and (Ans 4)your reply was in the negative. So I wondered how a person who does not tell a lie about others could ever tell a lie about Allah.
I then asked you whether the rich people or the poor followed him. (Ans 5)You replied that it was the poor who followed him. And in fact all the Prophets have been followed by this very class of people.
Then I asked you whether his followers were increasing or decreasing. (Ans 7)You replied that they were increasing, and in fact this is the way of true faith, until it is complete in all respects.
I further asked you if there was anybody, who after embracing his religion, became displeased and discarded his religion. (Ans 8)Your reply was in the negative, and in fact this is the sign of true faith, when its delight enters the hearts and mixes with them completely.
I asked whether he had ever betrayed. (Ans 9)You replied in the negative and likewise the Prophets never betray.
Then I asked you what he ordered you to do. (Ans 10)You replied that he ordered you to worship Allah and Allah alone and not to worship any thing along with Him and forbade you to worship idols and ordered you to pray, to speak the truth and not to commit illegal fornication. If what you said is true, he will very soon occupy this place underneath my feet and I knew it from the scriptures that he was going to appear, but I did not know that he would be from you, and if I could reach him definitely, I would go immediately to meet him and if I were with him, I would certainly wash his feet."
6:21:45 PM
Posted By Syed Raziuddin Comments (3) Uncategorized
jay Sunday, November 26, 2006 10:58:19 PM
blabla bla whe have no respect for islam
perfektm Monday, November 27, 2006 12:22:19 AM
Caught You...Hey Mohamed brake his can you forgot the end of tribe Banu Qurayza, April-May 627 AD. the tribe which has given halter to him in past. NamakHaramPoint 7 and 8 had failed ... so Mohamed is a false prophet...
K.Venugopal Monday, November 27, 2006 7:13:46 PM
Mohammad, as quoted above, teaches, "renounce all that our ancestors had said". By implication it also came to mean "renounce all that our future generations would say". Thereby hangs the tale of a prophet who taught his followers to have a fossiled mind as far a religion went.

11 farmers commit sucide in Vidarbha

Sunday, November 26, 2006
11 farmers commit suicide in Vidarbha
11 farmers commit suicide in Vidarbha$All/7BD81606F09F2CFA652572320041246F?OpenDocument Nagpur, Nov 26 (PTI) Eleven farmers committed suicide in the last two days in various parts of Vidarbha, an NGO claimed here today.With this, the number of suicides by farmers in the region has risen to 1,136 since June, and 91 have ended lives in November alone.The dead were identified as Rameshwar Hade of Rohinkhed in Buldana, Namdeo Karmole of Bhoji in Wardha, Narayan Khobalkar of Viverkheda in Washim, Devidas Chikre of Sindhewahi in Nagpur, Karnu Soyam of Nagejhari in Yavatmal, Pravin Vijay Bakamwar and Bhagwan Kadam of Yavatmal, Bhaskar Jaoujal of Hingni in Akola and Anil Khadse, Kishore Yewatkar and Dyandeo Bendre of Amravati, a release issued by Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti said. PTI

6:41:01 PM
K.Venugopal Monday, November 27, 2006 7:03:28 PM
What is happening? Why are the farmers committing suicide? Parliament must convene an emergency and special sitting to discuss this matter threadbare and act fast to stop this national tragedy. The men who provide food for the nation must be priority.

From Hindustan Times

Monday, November 27, 2006
Arunachal ; Mars ;Sonia ; Sathya Sai Baba
From Hindustan times dated 26th Nov , 2006 ;---
i) as many as 82.36 % people want that Parliament should adopt a resolution affirming Arunchal Pradesh as part of India i.e Left parties do NOT represent popular sentiments as they did not use their goodwill with Red comrade Hu when he ca,me from China. But they were pressurizing on PM to make certain concessions fro him. Left's heart beats more for foreigners than Indian counterparts !
ii) India is spending whopping Rs 300 crores to reach on Mars in 2012 . As we are a poor Nation let this space -hunting be with rich countries like USA , Russia etc . Can we spend these Rs 300 crore to build roads , hospitals , schools please ? if we are so rich why our farmers are suiciding or kids are dying for want of food , clean water ? And why should taxpayers pay Rs 300 crores from already reduced income ?
iii) on page 14 & 15 , two ads bring out interesting facts . That of page 14 is by Delhi Govt --while photo of CM and Chairperson DCW is understandable , that of Sonia in what capacity ?
On page 15 is of PM + minority minister but here that of Sonia is missing while she is Chairperson of UPA . In case of Delhi , if MP Govt publishes photo President Rajnath Singh , how will tax-payers react ? Most interesting will be case of West Bengal as they don't have ea supremo but whole Politburo so whose photo shall be published ?
Let SC and Election Commission decide the norms --otherwise it's sheer wastage of tax-payers money + open invitation to papers as they bargain for specific ads to be inserted in their papers nd quality of reporting also gets politicised to that extent.
iv) lastly Editor Vir Sanghavi on page 8 questions Sathya Sai Baba. If he truly has divine powers can he stop suicide of farmers , domestic violence , atrocities on women , other weaker sections or at least provide 2 time meals to hungry children , poor people ? Quite thought-provoking indeed. Mail your response to
6:29:16 AM
Posted By t reddy Comments (2) Entertainment

K.Venugopal Monday, November 27, 2006 6:23:07 PM
A living nation is ever vibrant at various levels. Just because we are not satisfied with the progress we make at poverty alleviation, we should not put brakes on other areas where we are progressing – be it at space exploration or the Pole expedition. India has to be multi-faceted, not uni-dimensional and it is always possible that progress in one field would open up possibilities in other fields too. Can anyone deny that the invention of the tractor has helped farming though at first fetch a person at that time might not have seen the connection between a tractor and farming.
K.Venugopal Monday, November 27, 2006 6:55:22 PM
Sathya Sai Baba is verily a God among men. Can anyone tell me of another person in the world today who can parallel the phenomenon that Sathya Sai Baba is? If Sathya Sai Baba is a crook, why hasn’t the law moved against him? Vir Sanghvi owes it to his journalistic brilliance to take a fresh look at the Phenomenon and report to the world why there has never been anyone quite like Sathya Sai Baba.