Monday, February 26, 2007

God is ... Reply to Tarundeep Singh

Monday, February 26, 2007
God is .. (Reply to Tarundeep Singh)
In a recent blog, Mr. Tarundeep Singh has opined as under:
1) GOD should never call HIMSELF the best but still HE remains the BEST.2) GOD should never call HIMSELF the savior, but still HE is the SAVIOR.3) GOD should never say that everything works as HE desires, but still everything happens as HE desires.4) GOD should never force one to pick a correct path, but HE should bow down to show the correct path.5) GOD should never punish, but HE should warn about the outcome of the deeds a man is doing.6) GOD should never perform a miracle to help, but HE should give enough thurst to prevent someone from drowning so that he can gain enough maturity and character to be pulled out from miseries by HIM.
Since there is a limitation to the length of comments one can make against any blog, I am writing this blog in response to the above views.
Mankind is divided into three groups, (a) believers in God (b) non-believers in God (c) those who do not seriously bother whether God is there or not.
Believers are divided into three groups (a) those who are still trying to find out God (b) those with blind faith and wrong notions about God (c) those who really know God.
Those who are still trying to find out God are honest and need our sympathy. Those with blind faith and wrong notions need guidance and assistance to come out of their ignorance. There are very few people like me who really know God, as He is and how He is.
Well, coming to your opinions, the factual position is as follows:
i) God is the BEST and the HIGHEST. In today's degenerated, rotten, uncivilised world, He is forced to proclaim HIMSELF to be the Highest on High, the World Almighty Authority, since in every nook and corner especially in India you find mortals claiming themselves to be God. We need light to be thrown by God Himself on the Truth, lest we cannot see.
ii) Ever since devotion (bakthi) started, we have been calling out to Him to come and save us from the Hell that this world is. Therefore when He responds to our call and comes, He answers to the title of Liberator and Saviour.
iii) God never says that everything happens as He desires. People, devotess sing that not a leaf moves, not an atom moves without His will. God clarifies that whatever we see happen is as per Nature's plan. (Nature = "kudrath") Nature's plan includes karma philosophy according to which we reap the results of our actions. Chain of actions become our individual nature. (Here nature = "swabhaav")
iv) God gives knowledge to mankind about right and wrong and disseminates the consequences of doing things which are right and wrong. He does not force anyone to do anything, because He cannot take credit or curse for doing things good / bad and become like humans Himself. Those who choose to do good become elevated and happy, others remain rotten and sorrowful.
v) God doesn't punish humans as is popularly imagined (see Garudapuranam in which details of punishment are explained elaborately) or believed by people. He does give punishment, which is nothing but "REALISATION OF FOLLY" by the humans at the appropriate time. To the civilized mind, there is no greater punishment than repentence.
vi) This is already answered above in point (iv).
11:53:02 AM
Posted By Listen to Me Comments (2) Musings
tdsingh Monday, February 26, 2007 11:47:51 AM
Thanks for continuing the topic :)
K.Venugopal Monday, February 26, 2007 10:41:48 PM
Dear Tarundeep, Your comment reflects the great person you are. You said "Thanks for continuing the topic". This indicates that you consider a different view not as a challenge but as an opportunity to see further afield. Superb.

From Islam-lover to Islamphobe-lover - ex-convert

Monday, February 26, 2007
From Islam-lover to Islamophobe-lover -- Ex-convert
Part I:
From Islam-lover to Islamophobe-lover
by Dee Anna
07 Feb, 2007
Islam critics of Faithfreedom and like-minded sites have been demonized as racist Islamophobes by Muslims and non-Muslim Islam-sympathizers alike. Here is what one such Islam-sympathizer now says of the Islamophobes:
I started off full of love and eager to embrace Islam and be embraced by it, I defended it I told the lies it had trained me to tell, I proclaimed Islam is about peace,...
But I thank you faithfreedom for daring to stand because you are the true heroes of the land!
Ok, you guys were right all along, I was one of those people, Who really wanted Islam to be good.....I thought you guys at faithfreedom were just hate mongers, Although I recognized you had some valid points, Still I wanted so much for Islam to be good that I fell into its trap and tried to make it good. And yet I noticed my brothers and sisters in Islam, who praised me when I praised Islam, Just as quickly and readily demonized me when I began to question all the lies I was told about Islam...Because you see I knew nothing of Islam nothing at all, Sep 11 was my first introduction to Islam, But I was so eager to love the world right into a better world that when Muslims began telling me Osama was to Islam as the anti-Christ was to Christianity they told me Islam was all about peace and love and that Muhammad was some great prophet of peace. they praised him as though he were pro women, They basically made him into a god......But they did not tell me about his evil actions and when I began to learn of them and wanted to discuss them because I still wanted to believe Islam was good and perhaps there was some good explanation for why Muhammad would commit such evils but I quickly learned that to dare question Muhammad is to be demonized threatened abused etc. And they will see them selves as doing good and so I began to study and learn all the more, after 5 or 6 years of research and trying so hard to prove you all wrong all I have found is that you were right all along.
I put some of your challenges before my Islamic friends as though they were my own challenges. They could not dispute them. They merely attacked and demonized me instead. The very people I worked so hard to defend became my enemies. As they demonized me, more and more I began to get angry and the more I saw the truth about Islam the angrier I became. I was hurt very, very hurt, afraid, shocked, humiliated.
On one hand they tried to convert people to Islam - tried to convince people that Islam is about love and peace, but never did they show me this alleged love and peace nor did they show this love and peace to anyone else who did not glorify Islam as they did. I started off full of love and eager to embrace Islam and be embraced by it, I defended it I told the lies it had trained me to tell, I proclaimed Islam is about peace, because that’s what they told me, They told me the very word Islam was peace, But they lied. Now I know it means submission, which is the opposite of peace. I did the world no justice when I helped to glorify Islam then. And now because I know the truth the whole truth about Islam and because of all that it has done to me and because of what it has done to believers and disbelievers alike, I hate Islam. By saying this I am often demonized and they see me only with hatred. But they do not understand. I hate Islam because I love humanity. I love the believers and the disbelievers alike and I hate what Islam has done to them, For what it has done to humanity I hate Islam and never again will I defend it never will I submit, I will not bow nor will I submit!
But I thank you faithfreedom for daring to stand because you are the true heroes of the land!
Dear Dee Anna
You are lucky that you do not live in an Islamic country or you would not have had the chance to leave Islam. Millions of the so called Muslims are desperate to leave this cult but they know that they can’t or they would pay with their lives.
Wish you all the best
Ali Sina
>> Continued in Part 2: Why I should hate the atheists, you are the best of people.
Part II:
After I embraced Islam with love I discovered too late that Islam was even worse and its eternal hell even more barbaric... I walk away from Islam because, I love the disbelievers. And I am thoroughly ashamed of how we the believers have treated them. And yet still I love you as the believers but I love the disbelievers too. I did not bow for the belief that demonized the disbelievers and condemned them to eternal hellfire in my own original religion, why would I bow for such a barbaric belief in a new religion that is even crueler to the disbeliever?
I think you (unbelievers) are the great heroes of the world and the most beautiful people and I am ever so grateful that you stood.

Yes my friend I assure you I do tell people about your site. In fact I talked to one of the Muhammad worshipers, (because basically that’s what Islam really boils down to) I talked to one of the Muhammad worshipers about your site and explained how accurate you seemed. I was hoping for some response such as: “Well Islam has done some wrong and I’m so sorry for that.” Instead he said, you guys were a bunch of Baptist preachers who got together and made all these sites to make Islam look bad! And he told me how educated he was and basically implied that because he is so educated and I am not, he is right and I am wrong. I was a slave for the shackles I put on my self. But I did it out of love. I knew first hand what it is like to be a victim of discrimination, a victim of hate a victim of evil. And in my heart I could not bare that others should be as I had been, so full of pain and sorrow. Desperate to belong in a world, where I did not know my place, I struggled to conform, struggled to fit in. But there was always something different about me. I always knew all forms of abuse. I knew this abuse even as a baby. But of all these forms of abuse that which caused me the utmost suffering was the lack of love. I was starved for love starved to matter in this world. And to starve for love is a pain greater than I could bear and it was something I would not wish on my worst enemy. As I grew older I saw that it was not only me and my siblings who suffered in this world, but the world was full of suffering people. People starved for love and a place to belong. And so I decided I would make it my goal to love the world right into a better place for us all. I was doing that play it forward thing before there was ever a movie about it. I grew up raised by many different people, from Atheist to strict religious. My step grandfather was atheist, my grandmother a catholic, and both were very abusive to me. Religion was a constant in my life. And as I passed from one family to another and to the next, abuse and hellfire and brimstone teachings were a constant. But I rebelled against the notion that a good loving god could be so psychotic and I raised my voice and said so. I said so not because I wanted to hurt the believers but because I wanted to love the disbeliever as well as the believers. For that I was demonized and called satan at times etc. Still I loved the believers, so I tried to please them, but I also loved the disbelievers. This left me torn in the middle somehow. Out of love I walked away from it all. When I learned how many religions there are I decided perhaps my fate, my destiny in my quest for a better world was to find the golden sparks within each faith and use them to help humanity love one another as equals not with all the differences and divisions, I was so happy at last I had found my path. Sept 11 happened to us all and my first response when I found out Osama was a Muslim and there was a religion called Islam, was love and mercy. I wanted to ensure that not all of Islam was persecuted for what Osama had done. So I defended Islam and Muslims. I still didn’t know squat about it though. Some Muslims told me that Islam was about peace and love and Muhammad was a great prophet of peace who love and liberated women. They made him sound Christ like, and they made Islam sound like some small persecuted religion of peace and non violence. And all I felt was an innocent love and acceptance, I sought to embrace Islam with love, to love and be loved and work together for a better world for all people. But from the start I was lied to. They depicted Muslims as the poor peaceful yet persecuted minority. The truth is that Islam is the persecutor of minorities. Still at first, though I had questions about the faith and the founder of the faith, all I wanted was to love and be loved. After all, I had had some very bad experiences in my own Christian background. I had been demonized so many times as a child I began to be truly afraid the devil was in me. After all I was accused so many times, because I would not bow, nor would I submit to anything as barbaric as eternal hell for humanity. Anyway, after I embraced Islam with love I discovered too late that Islam was even worse and its eternal hell even more barbaric. A submitted slave who dares to question the faith is as bad as a disbeliever. Once again I was demonized. Demonized because I dared to love, dared to stand for the disbelievers as equal to the believers. Now I stand again and walk away. Now yet again I am cast down and again demonized and satanized. But I have a message and that message is: I do not walk away from Islam because I hate the believers. Oh no! I walk away because, I love the disbelievers. And I am thoroughly ashamed of how we the believers have treated them. And yet still I love you as the believers but I love the disbelievers too. I did not bow for the belief that demonized the disbelievers and condemned them to eternal hellfire in my own original religion, why would I bow for such a barbaric belief in a new religion that is even crueler ieto the disbelver? You can make me the great Satan in your minds, you can demonize me if you must, but I walk away, not because I hate but because I LOVE! I love the disbeliever as much as I love the believers and never will I submit to any eternal evil cast upon them. You may vilify me and satanize me if you have to, but someday, someday you will have to ask your selves why your devil loves more than your god. I am and have been a slave, but now I am setting my self free. P.S. I love you all! I think you are the great heroes of the world and the most beautiful people and I am ever so grateful that you stood. I love all of you thank you faithfreedom!
Dear Dee AnnaI believe you have found the essence of religion within yourself. Religion is a way to find God in our hearts and to love our fellow being. You have done both on your own. You reached your destination, flying. You took no roads. All roads were proven to be torturous and thorny for you. Yes, love is the essence of religion. This is the eternal principle of all good philosophies and faiths. Once you reach the point that you love all mankind and become blind to the differences that separate us, you have reached the pinnacle of humanness. This is a lofty station, at the reach of all of us and yet it is the path less trodden. Many people who defend Islam do it out of the goodness in their hearts. They have the best of intentions. Alas the road to hell is paved with good intentions. In Persian we say, kindness to the wolf is cruelty to the sheep. Unfortunately the world is reluctant to see Muslims as wolves. Muslims are wolves for what they believe and what they practice. It is their demonic cult that converts them into deceitful and hatemongering murderers. Otherwise we are all born innocent and pure. We become who we are through indoctrination. You were lied to, like all of us. Every Muslim is lied to and he then takes upon himself to perpetuate that lie, to keep lying to himself and to others. But we are free. No amount of indoctrination can overcome our free will. Once we come to age and can make choices on our own then the excuse that I was indoctrinated is not a valid excuse anymore. We become responsible for our actions, for what we believe and what we do. Muslims are not innocent. They are guilty for what they believe and for what they do. There is no excuse for hating our fellow being. Foolishness is not an excuse.
- FFI Editor
This article originally belongs to:
8:22:27 PM
Posted By Infidel M Comments (4) Musings
iyer53 Monday, February 26, 2007 8:28:09 PM
Hi Infidel doing a great job keep it up
Infidel Monday, February 26, 2007 8:50:25 PM
Thanks brother, Together we will do it.
perfektm Monday, February 26, 2007 9:11:56 PM
hey infi...i was wondering... i had seen some other title a few minutes back...anyways this one looks more globalize :) as this is a global threat.Jews had presented a prolog, slowly but surely, democratic perticulars have stated to understand, that what started with Jews, never end with the Jews... Keep the good work up! we need to bring the real face of ROP in front
K.Venugopal Monday, February 26, 2007 9:38:54 PM
Dear Infidel, I believe, as I am sure you would too, that conversion is the most pernicious act in the culture of religion and acceptance is the greatest act in the culture of religion. There is of course a great difference between converting to a religion and accepting a religion. In the former case, the convert denounces his former and other religions, while in the later the new religion is one more proof of the glory of man's heritage. The Semitic religions believe in conversion whereas the Hindu religions believe in acceptance. Ali Sina will be remembered in the history of religions as a man who started a great movement to expose a religion which claims that it alone is the true religion and all other religions are best forgotten. Let the world take the cue and free mankind from the curse of narrow-mindedness, in whatever level and whatever field of man's living. (We have the narrow mindedness of caste among Hindus, which is no less pernicious.) In short, let us all join hands to free the world from the "holier-than-thou" culture.

Infidel Monday, February 26, 2007 10:02:57 PM
Dear PM, Actually I posted two article today with titles similar in nature.Did you still have your article (Original author Sher Khan reg. warbooty) or you deleted it? That was a nice one.
Infidel Monday, February 26, 2007 10:06:59 PM
Absolutely correct Venu. I admire your views. Lets keep on exposing this evil cult and surely it will be eradicated like nazism, sooner than later. Ameen.
perfektm Tuesday, February 27, 2007 2:45:18 AM
NDTV had done that service for me...absolutely free... anyways here is sherkhan,, a case study of this article too... and in a great way... as it has a great will be the grave stone of pseudosecular politicians
mission islam? Tuesday, February 27, 2007 7:49:03 PM
together we can and we will; is that you mean MR. Infidel?
Infidel Thursday, March 1, 2007 10:11:48 PM
Yes, I mean that together we can and we will help our muslim friends to come out of this cult, so that they can experience freedom and see the truth about true god and humanity.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

What directions for Amrita TV news division?


Imagine a Television station reporting that peace loving Hindus celebrating cultural festivals are in a communal frenzy! Now imagine that the same TV reporting Islamic terrorists gathered to galvanize communalists as peaceful religious gathering! Finally, imagine that after all these hostile reporting against the majority community, the TV station has escalated venomous attack against Hindu organizational leaders. Unfortunately, you don’t have to imagine any of these things because they actually happened at Amrita TV News Division. Even worse, these are hardly isolated incidents. Simply put, news reporting practices of Amrita TV is in need of solid management, credibility, commitment and community accountability. The sad news is that Amrita TV News Division is fully under the control of hardcore, anti-Hindu card holding Marxists. They are committed Marxist agents hiding behind the News Division to inject anti Hindu venom in the minds of TV viewers.
Many of the problems with Amrita TV’s News Division stem from a dramatic infiltration of Marxist Journalists and pseudo secular Jihadi supporters. Since 2005 anti Hindu reporting and politically motivated rhetoric has escalated. The myopic leftwing TV journalists create an artificial and jaundiced perspective on Hindu organizations and cultural activities. They are unable or unwilling to expose the real terrorists or anti national elements roaming all over Kerala. There are several Jihadi organizations and Missionary groups in Kerala, which mislabel and show false secular representations to hide their pervasive pretext. Amrita TV News Division seldom looks into their operations, financing, activities and conduct. Amrita TV’s deliberate and malicious reports to tarnish the reputation of Hindu intellectuals and its leaders is provocative. Drawing heavily on our own and majority of TV viewers experience, we have identified several instances where Amrita TV news division displayed their insensitivity, prejudice and blatant disregard of journalistic ethics. As evidence by the news reports of Amrita TV, the following instances are cited to show Amrita TV News Division’s lack of sensitivity, performance accountability, fair and balanced reporting.
Few months back Amrita TV program titled “Nadakame Ulakam” indirectly ridiculed Parameswarji (He was awarded “AMRITAKEERTHI PURASKARAM” by Mata Amritanandamai Devi) when he was giving lemon juice to RSS senior leader Valsan Thillenkeri while ending his fasting.
Amrita TV news division denigrated the nationalist Valsan Thillenkari by comparing him to the notorious Bihar criminal Pappu Yadav who is now locked up in prison.
The hardcore Islamic terrorist Abdul Nazer Madani and his supporting members of the terrorist organization NDF, its mouthpiece Thejas and their terrorist activities are projected as cultural expression.
RSS, Hindu Ayika Vedi and Hindu cultural activities are projected as communal disturbances by Amrita New & current affairs division.
Few months back Amma made a visit to RSS Head Quarter in Nagpur during the centenary celebration of Guruji. Amrita TV deliberately downplayed the news and warned to Amrita TV reporter who sent the news to the television station.
Amrita TV has completely blacked out the Guruji Centenary celebrations conducted all over Kerala and the Hindu Maha Sammelan at Thiruananthapuram where thousands of people attended.
Amrita TV showed its arrogance when it failed to properly telecast the Samadhi of Swamiji Sathyananda Saraswathi of Sri Ramadasa Matt. But the same channel broadcasted with live coverage of the funeral ceremony of Malankara Arch Bishop!.
The majority community is at a loss to understand how Amrita TV blacked out the recently concluded Cherkolpuzha Hindu Maha Sammelanan.
Amrita TV was the only television channel in Kerala which openly demanded on the eve of the state assembly elections that hardcore Islamic terrorist Madani who is currently detained at Coimbatore jail should be released.
As per one of the Amrita current affairs program ‘Nadakame Ulakam’, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi is a Hindu fascist and senior Hindu organization leaders in Kerala P. Parameswarji, Kummanam Rajasekharan, J. Sisupalan etc.. are also Hindu fascists!.
It is invariably noticed Amrita News comparing an 80 year old nation’s biggest cultural organization RSS with a Kerala based deadly terrorist organization NDF. As per Amrita News division RSS-NDF is one coin of two sides.
Since its inception Amrita News failed to report a single story about serious issues like forcible conversion, Islamic terrorist activities, Criminal activities by Marxists, Illegal cow killing across the state, government involvement over Hindu temples and institutions etc.
What is real truth behind projecting Islamic terrorist organizations and Missionary sabotage activities as service to the nation? Evidence suggests that Amrita TV news Division is in complete control of the Marxists. These hidden agents of the Marxist party move around in a greater variety of ways to sabotage spiritual services of the Matt and Hindu organizations in Kerala. Amrita TV news division reflects the planning acumen, strategic techniques and sophistication of the Marxist party.
Amrita TV is under the control of the Mata Amritanandamaidevi Matt. The news division Chief Neelan is a card holding member of the Marxist party (CPM). The Chief Operating Officer (Marketing) Suresh Narayanan is another CPM man. The technical in charge of the Channel SMC Pillai is a close confident of the Marxist Party General Secretary Pinarayi Vijayan, an ardent anti Hindu. Apart from these, more than 80% of staffs selected for Amrita News & Current affairs division are identified as CPI(M) background journalists.
It is important that management leaders responsible for Amrita TV News Division respond to the urgent problem of unbalance, hostile and negative reporting on Hindus. It is equally important that they establish a supervisory management system to adopt a fair and balanced news reporting policies. Despite much progress over the past several years, there remains a web of Marxist agents that promotes anti-Hindu rhetoric and hostile propaganda against Hindu organizations.
Stale, inflexible, pseudo secular, anti-Hindu culture exists within the News Division of Amrita TV. The management must impose additional conditions to overcome these programming prejudices. A closer look at Amrita TV’s News reporting suggests that an entirely new team, a new approach, using fair and balanced reporting by fair-minded professionals is needed.
Amrita TV management must understand these challenges and recognize the stakes and find a solution to end the erosion of fairness and bias by enlisting guidance from some of the nation’s top nationalist and cultural leaders as well as professionals. Amrita TV must consult with Hindu organizations and community leaders to lay out a road map for improving the News Division performance.
As supporters of Amrita institutions, social services and the TV, we are not interested in assigning blame for the news division’s short coming to spiritual leaders of the Matam. Instead Amrita TV executives must pledge to roll up their sleeves to build realistic solutions to the ongoing prejudices of the news division Marxists. We are requesting Amrita TV executives to better utilize their resources to hire, recruit, and train fair-minded professional TV reporters and news anchorman. We support Amrita institutions, its peace mission, inspiring spiritual services and cultural goals.
We hope Amrita TV quickly reach a consensus about what some of the common characteristics of the solutions should be. They would look into the ideological affiliation of the news division staff, identify and address their hostility towards Hindus, Hindu cultural leaders and implement successful, all inclusive, innovative and fair, ethical news gathering and reporting systems to project the idealism and aspirations of the majority of Amrita TV viewers.Posted on 2/25/2007 by HK Correspondant

K.Venugopal 2/25/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Haindava Keralam has shown the way by having a site that is enthusiastically and vibrantly Hindutva minded. We must go ahead and have a Hindutva minded TV channel, eventually in all Indian languages and English. Such a network of TV channels is a must even from RSS organisational point of view. A brilliant strategist like Kummanam Rajashekaran should be assigned by Sangha to bring this project to fruition.
sandeep 2/25/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Pls let's join on the mission to start Haindava Keralam TV channel. Pls start a new page for that. Lot of Hindus are ready to invest. Let's start it with 100 Rs share.
Radhakrisnan P.K 2/24/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? The comments by various readers are interesting!. What is going on this channel is quite shocking. Did anybody noticed one of their current affairs program, they said those who assembled at Putharikandam Maidan to hear Narendra Modi’s speech were given Rs 300 each and a food parcel. The biggest joke is Swami Sivamrita Chaithanya, head of Thiruvananthapuram Amritanandami Asharam was also attended that function. As per this statement by the Amrita TV, Swami Sivamrita was also came there to collect Rs. 300/- plus a food parcel.!! Most surprisingly those made this allegation is still existing in this channel. If it continues, they would not even hesitate to criticize Mata Amritanandamai Devi in the coming days. Its better to close down this channel than continue like this.
Manoj 2/24/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Sir,Simply making an apology is not enough. The commies team of Amrita News division headed by Neelan & Santhosh must leave this channel. No compromise. I hope the Amrita viewers noticed the explanation they gave while making apology. They said in the ancient days also similar types of jokes / laughing out against individuals were happened including against the King. What a foolish explanation!!!!. Here the issue is they used to criticize / laugh out only against Hindu organization or its leaders to implement their hidden agenda as directed by the AKG Center. I challenge these Neelan & team let them laugh out Pope Benedict, Mohammed Nabi, St. Thomas or at least the Panakkad Shihab Ali Thangal and see the consequences. Manoj
ben 2/24/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Koodos to sriMS Giri and RV Babu for sending notice to santhosh of amrita channel who senselessly criticised Gujarath CM Sri Narendra modi and raised baseless allegation against the tvm Hindu maha mela. Santhosh the hench man of com Neelan was forced to apologise and revert his commends
Vasudevan Namboodiri 2/24/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Respected Dr.A.M.C.Menon, Tank You very much for taking up such a noble cause, which is the desire and dream of every Hindu. Please update us on the progress of your project. Haindava Keralam may devote a special section for following it up. It could be a community contributed effort by floating shares. Hope it will not take the course of 'Mathrubhumi' daily.
Vinod chandran 2/24/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Mahatman, We are waiting to hear the developments in changing the mentality of AMTITHA CHANNEL. Still in the same anchor? or any progress? Regards
pk krishna mohan 2/24/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? I am a devotee of our most beloved Amma . It is sometimes ridiculous and painful to see the scenes in Amrita TV. We have become doubtful whether it is totally under the control of the Math or mostly under the control of the CPM pseudo-secularists. It looks as is the CPM men have allowed the TV company to show some spiritual contents also. More than the CPM tricks the channel seems to be projecting too much of anti-hindu sentiments. Amma's good devotees and like minded average hindus who are regarding Amma as an epitme and everything of the Hindu causes won't tolerate this. Remember She was once honoured the Hindu of the year and was the chairperson of a world hindu summit. We hope that only Amma and no one else can resurrect the lost hindu values in this world. As an example in a recent edition of AMMOYODOPPAM which we all relish to see again and again, her Kodungalloor programme was shown, there was an " unnecessary " description for more than three minutes on the Chermanperumal Mosque. What is the relevance of uttering the false historical facts like Perumal a muslim king was originally a hindu etc. The narration of the history of the palces and the false messages on facts is of no interest to the viewers if Amrita TV. Rather they would like to see more of Amma's visuals. I think Manoj Manayil should take care of this. It is better not to talk about the totally procommunist, anti- hindu news of the TV. There will be no end if we go to details and examples. Why should the TV compromise too much an dappease the minorities like these ? Is it not pseudosecularism ? We hindus expect more better treatment from TV. Manoj Manayil acts like a hindu scholar but giving wrong inputs to viewers in programme like Pradakshinam and Sandhyadeepam.
Dr.A.M.C.Menon 2/22/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? A New Channel I appreciate Kavitha Menon’s idea and I offer my alacrity to take up the challenge. I can point out the right person to mobilize and organize just the team to launch a channel for Haindavakeralam ; also I can show you a couple of millionaires who will be able to handle the financial part along with a lot others to follow suit. Dr.A.M.C.Menon
Dileep 2/22/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? (1) I have stopped watching Amrita TV.(2) I am preparing a letter to them, expressing my anguish over the comments they made about the Hindu Maha Mela held at Thiruvananthapuram. One Svamiji from Amrita matt was also present on the stage and the channel said it was a function of communalists!!!(3) About being called fascist - people have now started openly questioning the usage of this much-abused word against Hindus.(Eg:- A malayalam blog)(4) Another word is getting popularised now.KOOSISMThe people like the marxists and muslim terrorists who call themselves as secularists and act as communalists, are called KOOSISTS.An interesting malayalam blog explains this
Bhaskar Chatterjee 2/20/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? As a Hindu, I follow this website which is updated regularly and I thank you everybody for their effort.The newsitem related with Amrita TV shows importance of news/media in today's world, and how desperate Marxists have become to control the mind of people.I think the only way to confront this is to build an alternate medium where real news can be dissimated. These are cheap ways, and Hindus cannot be stopped by these tactics for long.Its just a matter of time that Communists will be history even from Kerala and West Bengal.
Anil 2/20/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Many elderly people watch Amritha News and believe it as Holy Truth. Many people watch sandhyadeepam which spreads lots of mis-information. Most of the stories in "Sandyadeepam" are childish and against the basic tenants of "Sanathana Dharma".Amritha TV is more of a curse to Hindus than a boon. Unfortunately, we are not in a position to start our own channel. Amritha TV's programs are also not upto any standards of the organisation said to be running it. Comapre it with Shalom and Jeevan TV!We may approach Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for a true Malayalam Hindu Channel.
Venu 2/20/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? I've read most of the comments and I join with them in condemning the attitude of News Division.
Manilal 2/20/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? It is the result of strategic infilteration of media rowdies in the media and pursuing their version of journalistic culture to malign whatever is dear to the hindus of this country and especially in Kerala.
vijay 2/20/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? This intrusion of Anti Hindu forces in the News Channel is actually an intelligent and long lasting corruption issuse, with far reaching effects.Its the duty of every Hindu to make sure that Amma is aware of these facts.
Sandeep 2/20/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Yesterday while watching Sandhyadeepam programme on Amrita TV, I noticed another shocking thing. The anchor was describing Kaliyamardana and atlast she said Bhagvan killed Kalya. I immediatly called Amrita TV and I got mobile number of producer Mr. Manoj. I expressed my protest on his great mistake. He too agreed that Kaliya was not killed by Krishna bhagvan, but Bhagvan let kaliya to escape to Ramanka island. Mr. Manoj said he will clear the mistake on next episode. I further expressed my anger over Parmeswarji issue. Mr. Manoj was also against Amrita news devision. He said when the issue was happend Amma and other swamies were in Tamilnadu. When Amma got the news, she immediatly called Neelan to Ashram and warned him. Neelan was sharply critisised by other swamies. Most of the Amrita team members hate Neelan and news devision.
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Please donot compare Amrita with amrita TV..Amritia TV is Businees venture,the partners and propriters will try to promote and accunilate audiance to the maximum, for which they will play any faul game.Let us Hope ,Amrita TV will match with Amrita soon.
Govindankutty 2/19/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Please send a mass memorandum to the matt, may or may not they changed / ignored, even like before, SNDP, whose leaders before said we are not Hindus, thru the letter they might have changed a bit. Also teach our children journalism or legaal matters, history as well. and make protect thru' attacking mentality by word to word.
Abhi 2/19/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Dear all,This is the main problem which we are facing from the past long years.But this is also good becouse some people like us, now n atlast started work against these type of activities.The main thing which we want to understand that these type of people are using our cultural names.For eg.The Hindu News paper, now Amrita etc. And this is very dangerous that a reputed hindu channel which is introduced by our amma, is publishing these type of news.Now our brothers are using anti-hindu news and posters for getting more attention in their business, a hindu shope u can see a Chris or makka picture. They are thinking that they will get a good name in the community ,if they did like this. What a dangerous problem which are creating our own brothers to Our oun Mother-Hindu.So we can start...for us.
Gireesh 2/19/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Dear Kalidasji,I respect your devotion to positive reinforcement and your belief in the ultimate victory of character. So kindly take my response as that of one who is ‘Rajasik’ as opposed to Satvik.Speaking of PP Doctorji, has not Doctorji emphasized on the need for robust Hindu strength to protect the Hindu Samaj ? When Parampujya Guruji was addressing a sankhik at Trivandrum and the Marxists tried to attack that meeting, we had swayamsevaks defending the meeting with the ‘danda’ in his presence. Some battles cannot be avoided. So too in the realm of the media.I believe that Mata Amrithanandamayi is the best thing that has happened to the Hindus of Kerala after the Sangh. Those who seek to weaken us may try to drive a wedge between Mata and us. This has to be avoided. Yet, in Kerala we face ‘Thridosha’ – Communism , Islam and Christianity combined. The Hindu majority here itself is tenuous. The reality of Kerala has imposed upon the Hindu forces the need for entirely different strategies and attitudes.And so…when we speak of ‘the path of stones and thorns’ in Kerala this path involves the judicious use of strength, persistence, and patience. Even when our head is at the level of the clouds, guided by noble thoughts and intentions, our feet should be firmly on the ground. I feel a healthy blend of Yin and Yang is called for.-Gireesh
KALIDAS,Mumbai 2/19/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Dear Brothers & Sisters,Though I can understand & I also respect the emotional outburst of all the readers who expressed their opinion, we should not forget the fact that the task before is to infuse SANGH VICHARDHARA [ Sangh ideology ] in to ALL , not by coercive force but by OUR SUSHEELA [ sweetness of our character ].Patience, Perseverance, Persistence all add to sweetness of OUR character. I just read solutions suggested by some readers like Presenting a Mass petition to AMMA for removing Neelan & Co. from AMRITA TV’s news division, starting a new channel etc. These , I think are short sighted solutions. When Param Poojya Doctorji thought of organising HINDU society and started SANGH, the road before him was full of THORNS. He accepted the challenges before him and succeeded in building EXCELLENT HINDU ORGANISATION. He never resorted to any short cuts.As true followers of Doctroji, we should undertake a challenge that is nothing but ‘HINDUISING’ all the media giants including KAIRALI channel.From the words of some readers which came from their heart, I can understand they are really SAD & ANGRY. These brethren over-expected that AMRITA will resort to a IMPARTIAL stance. But that they did not happen . Let us first strive to make it a IMPARTIAL News Channel and as a next step as a sibling of HAINDAVA KERALAM in Television NEWS channel field. As pointed by one of reader , we should never consider it as a plot hatched by AMMA or Mutt. We should not forget the fact that AMMA is the embodiment of TYAGA [ which Param Pavitra Bhagva Dhwaj is representing ] and we should be careful our reactions should in no way denigrate AMMA or Mutt’s activities. A Marxian gameplan to create rift in VISHALA HINDU PARIVAR cannot be ruled out.
mithun 2/19/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? dear sir,what sandeep told is 100 percent true.before the launch of the channel,wat was said was ,it was a channel to spread the ideals and messages of AMMA.even i and my friends campaingned vigruosly for the channel among our friends thinking that it will help a lot in spreading sanatana dharma...but one of my friends whom i introduced the channel called up me one day and asked to turn on amrita tv and to my shock it was the program sandeep mentioned...different ways to cook beef....contrast it with yesterdays 'AMMAYUDE KUDE' program were AMMA was seen hugging ,kissing and feeding cows and calfs at coimbatore vishva vidyapeetham campus....kali kaalam, if then wat else, OM AMRITESHVARIYEE NAMAH..
Suresh 2/19/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Dear SandeepThe information what you gave us is really SHOCKING. One side AMMA, founder of Mata Amritanandamai Mutt and Amrita Telecommunication Pvt. Limited (Amrita TV) is performing GO POOJA and the other side her own AMRITA TV is teaching us how to cook BEEF!!!!. Now the big question is if AMMA is nothing to do with Amrita TV, then this channel is belongs to whom?? Suresh
sandeep 2/19/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Two months before, my father noticed that a programme on Amrita called " Tastes of Kerala" which was briefing how to cook beef. I immediatly called to Amrita TV Thiruvananthapuram. I had a talk with Amrita TV's officials. The reply I got was shocking. The person who talked with me was shouting, " it is just a programme, there is nothing to protest'. I replied with a news from on which Amma was doing GO POOJA. Then he said " Amrita TV has nothing to do with Amma's GO POOJA". I send a fax to Amrita TV office on the same issue with photo and news of Amma offering GO POOJA on Ashram. There are few criminals inside Amrita TV who are just there to theft money. We need to kick them out.
Pradeep Kumar 2/18/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Only discusing here is not enough to make this channel in order. Let all devotees whenever they meet AMMA for blessing, tell her about these nonsense going on in this channel. Tell AMMA about the dangerious hidden agenda & the communists involvement in this channel. Give her some example also. Just imagine suppose if one lack devotees complained to AMMA against the news division of Amrita TV, the next hour this Neelan & Team will be kicked out from Amrita Office. So public support is very very importent. Let us all make maximum awareness among public and Amma's devotees about the nonsense going on this channel.
Gireesh 2/18/2007
Dr. Ranjit 2/18/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Its good you people take up this matter seriously. I had sent them more than 15 letters about this matter but not received single reply. Now I stopped writing them. They have their own agenda so why they should listen us?. Now I completely stopped watching Amrita News but I am a regular viewer of their other programs.regards Dr.Ranjit
nanda 2/18/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Yes it is a truth that the Channel which aroused much hope and relief in the general hindu mind is drifting away from the very ethos and cultural identity which HER HOLINESS AMMA herself propagates. This trend is to be curbed. But one serious thing I want to highlight is the unity among ourselves, ie the movements and institutions trying to strengthen Hindutva. Some forces are making problem among us. Be careful about that factor too.
ben gurion 2/17/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Om Amriteswarye NamahWhat this channel is up to, or to be more precise what this Com;Neelan and co are up to? Thrown out of other prestegous medias due to the reasons quiet obvious, which my culture doesn't permitt to elaborate, are clinging to Amrita's goodwill like parasites. I'm wondering why the authorities of mutt and the revered Swami's are not aware about all these facts? Those who are calling AMMA a DemiGod are at the helm of affairs. You've done a marvellous job in investigating all details, but why did you ignore the ridiculous scoop of one of its reporters about the involvement of RSS involvement in marad riot. Not even kairali dare to telecast such a foolishness. But why on earth HK ignore it? Was it because the mouth piece of RSS,Kesari gave away the best young journalist award to that particular reporter who reported that rubbish.
Raj Nair 2/17/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? It is time now that HIndus must seriously take initiative to start their own TV or better purchase one (I think this is better idea because the pseudo secular government in central as its policy for appeasing deseart religions, do not give license to a pro Hindu Televison Channel). Why not each statewise Hindu Organization (like Hindu Aikya Vedi in Kerala)start mobilizing funds for this noble event. It is past the time now, to expose the anti national, anti HIndu Kommunists, racist deseart religion leaders, corrupt congress party leaders, people like Madini, corrupt judges, and spread true ideals of Hinduism. Recentrly I am viewing on every month in Asianet a sort of "Mongolian Kids look like" Marxist Leaders getting off from their car and getting into a building to a room with century old files in their hand for "the so called Nonsense polit Bureau Meeting, to find more ways to destroy Hindu religion and Indian values.
Narayanan Parvaoor 2/17/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Truly speaking, please tell us Amrita what is the difference between your news and other channels news. Really I dont see any difference. why you made big propagations that your channel will be a different one???? what difference??
RAJESH 2/17/2007
Rajasekhara Panicker 2/17/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Hk unnoticed one more thing in Amrita News. If there is any protest march by ABVP, Yova Morch, BJP, HAV with less number of people Amrita News will defenetely broadcast that news. But if there is any major pro Hindu fuctions attended by mass public they will totally ignore it. For e.g recenly there was an ABVP march in Trivandrum and some other places but the number of participents were less but Amrita lifted that news. Today there was a march by Yuva Morcha activists to Trivandrum Airport, the number was very less, Amrita shown it. But the same Amrita News totally blacked out 150 Hindu Mala Sammelans across Kerala for the last one month which was attended by thousands of people. Amrita was hardly shown 5-6 programs that also with minimum coverage. This is one of their hidden agenda.
Krishnappa Palar 2/17/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Yes. I too noticed now a days there is not much difference between Kairali TV news & Amritha News. I think it is because the so called talent persons like Dr. Santhosh Kumar's full control over each and evry news related programme in the channel.What to do? Only when malayali hindu people start think and act seriosly these things will change.
S Jain 2/17/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Well the simple answer to all these problem is that we have to start our news channel. Please please stop expecting someone else to give you any coverage or respect. Respect is earned and not given.Just like it is foolish for a muslim organiation to expect proper coverage from Haindarav Keralam. We should stop wishing that someone else will give our due respect. We need to earn it, and not beg for it and cry like the author of this article, every time some commi doesn't like us.I am tried of hearing Hindus bitch about someone else treating us poorly in media.Haindava Keralam has shown the way by creating a website which provides alternate source of news for the Hindu masses. This action needs to be repeated by other like minded Hindu and especially Hindu organizations such as RSS, VHP.Rather than complainting about others, lets create our own media by way of Internet, Community Radio, Local Newspapers and then maybe Television.
radha,ankamaly 2/17/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? absolutely correct.stop watching amrita of the readerrightly pointed out.asianet news is better now.but there aresome non news programme in amrita which are good.any how we badly need a hindu t.v channel.
Vijayalakshmi 2/17/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? I am glad that you have done some good investigation into the Minority-Marxist nexus controling Amrita TV, about which I mentioned a few times in my comments on Haindavakeralam website.Most people like me were eagerly waiting for watching Amrita TV programmes.We were told that they will be showing only 'positive' programmes.including the TV serials.Unfortunately,the quality of the Serials is 'very bad'. DD 4(Malayalam) serials are of good quality,whereas Amrita TV serials are the worst!I am sure this 'infiltration' by the Minority-Marxist nexus into Amrita News Division and Entertainment sections is a pre-planned move with ulterior motives! As a regular viewer of Amrita TV, I find the news broadcast very biased and anti-Hindu. Some weeks ago there was a 2-day SNDP Yogam which was telecast 'live'. It was 'live' only in name! Sooshmananda seems to be a marxist 'mole'.Despite his losing the election to Swami Prakashananda,his faction still seems to weild power in they managed to invite the communist CM,whose entire speech,peppered with references to his favourite 'communal elements-bashing' was given full coverage. A young Hindu leader's speech was 'blacked-out'.So also was Swami Prakashananda's speech! I particularly noticed the pain in the Swami's speech,but we were not allowed to listen to what he had to say.Amrita TV camera deliberately strayed elsewhere, so as not to 'cover' the Swami's speech and the Hindu leader's. This much for their 'live coverage'!'Nadakame Ulagam' also has an anti-Hindu Santosh Kumar,sometimes leaving bitter taste in our mouth. He also passes ill-conceived comments, in Pathra visesham, like 'why should BJP and Hindu organizations object to the privileges being given by the Govt for muslims,based on the Sachar Committee report about the backwardness of muslims.'We know that the Sachar Report has no 'sach'(truth)in it- it is a 'manipulated' one.In Kerala, Muslims are the richest community.Who can refute this?It is a fact that there is a well-planned scheme by the Marxist-Minority nexus to infiltrate our Hindu organizations and Mutts to 'sabotage' and cause in-fighting from within. Let all of them be warned of the evil designs of the marxists.Some months back,RSS wanted Amma's blessing for a magazine of theirs.Inspite of approaching the Mutt several times,they did not get it- somebody is manipulating there already!
Aneesh 2/17/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? Why we are worried this amrita. watch asianet news. its far better than this amrita. specially for the last 2 months there is significant changes on asianet news policies. now you can see hindu aikya vedi / vhp related news as flash news in asianet. Nowadays asianet launched massive attack against CPM. let us forget this amrita and watch asianet for time being till we get a real patriot channel in kerala.
Manoj 2/17/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? The contents of this article is true & its true many people now stopped watching amrita news but be very careful while writing anything against Amma's institutions. Various sources indicates that the present policy of amrita news division is part of a biggest mission to create rift between AMMA-RSS. mANY marxists / congress leaders from Kerala are behind this. Few cpm leaders are very close associate with amrita news chief and some other sr. journalist there. so let us not fall in to their evil design and the criticism should not go beyond amrita news division.sincerely
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? NamastheOnly remembering AMMAS word.BE CAREFULL THE ILLNESS IS WITHIN YOU...As we hindus think or supposed to think that amrita channel is our's, this illness creating bacterias in the form of NEELANS etc etc are inside us.Give immediate medicine to our body...We some of gulf viewers allready discussed this matter early and decide to switch of this channel as early as possible and to spread this among others hindu viewrs....As you know most of the hindu family outside our home country were pressing our kids to watch amrita tv as a big relaxation and santhi to ourselves to teach them our dharma little by littleAny how now we worry to open this channel as this playing the part of POOTHANA.....Regards vinodh c
indian 2/17/2007
Re: WHAT DIRECTIONS FOR AMRITA TV NEWS DIVISION? This is a fact....the channels' news divison is trying to impress Leftsist pseudo intellectuals from the begining. For them Prof M N Vijayan who justified the killing of Jayakrishnan master is an intellectual and idelogue, but P Parameshwarji is an outcast...there is deliberate agenda behind all this ...Amrita is trying to become B team of asianet...While trying to expose should be very careful not to denigenerate the Madom and our Swamis....because that is exactly these people want...they want RSS and other Hindu organisations to turn against the channel..they want to create a rift...between Amma and that it is easy for them to carry on with their let the fight be against the "intellectuals" planted by AKG centre in Amrita....

Muslim + Terrorist = Muslim Terrorist

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Muslim + Terrorist = Muslim Terrorist
Muslim + Terrorist = Muslim Terrorist

If you listen carefully to the rhetoric that circulates among Muslim communities, you may be treated to some remarkably idiotic comments. Over my next few columns, it is my intent to describe and analyze some of these comments in the hope that dissecting them may expose their idiocy.
First up: “There is no such thing as a Muslim terrorist, because a ‘Muslim’ is someone who is ‘at peace,’ so how can such a person be a terrorist?” This is a classic example of the type of self-appeasing commentary that many Muslims love to bandy about. As a generally isolationist community in the West, Muslims often speak only to themselves, with no reference for or intention to speak to the outside world. (Another example of such utter cultural unawareness is the constant use of abbreviations such as SWT and PBUH in Muslim literature in English, as if all readers should just magically know what they mean!)
Acting as if they’ve achieved a decisive victory, these Muslims then assume that the case is closed. There you have it, folks, there is no such thing as a “Muslim terrorist” because such a thing is evidently a linguistic impossibility. As for that guy called “Abdullah” who was just on TV quoting the Qur’an and calling for chopping people’s heads off … uh … well … he’s just an invention of the Zionist-controlled media … yeah, that’s it!
To be fair, Muslims are understandably disturbed by the coupling of the word Muslim with the dirtiest word in the English language today: terrorist. However, this disturbance does not alter the objective reality one iota. The “Muslim terrorist” is as fair and accurate a term as any to describe those individuals who commit acts of vigilante violence against civilians in the name of Islam. They are Muslims — perhaps not in a linguistic sense, because they certainly do not appear to be people who are in a state of peace and submission — but certainly in a technical sense from the standpoint of the theology and law of the religion of Islam. At worst, one might argue that Muslims, who advocate vigilante violence against civilians (read: terrorism) and claim that it is justified by the teachings and scriptures of Islam, have embraced a dangerous heresy. Even so, they would simply be heretical Muslims, yet Muslims nonetheless. They enjoy the rights accorded any other Muslim under Islamic law, yet they stand condemned in the eyes of God for their sin (just like any other sinful human being).
Another obvious reason why the notion that “there can be no such thing as a Muslim terrorist” fails logically is that this argument is tantamount to saying that there can be no such thing as a “Muslim murderer,” or a “Muslim rapist,” or a “Muslim thief.” Again, objective reality and history bear out the fact that such individuals can and do exist. Yet such ridiculous notions are born out of the essentializing views of ideologues who prefer the delusion that being a Muslim somehow makes one a perfect member of a chosen people rather than accept the reality that Muslims are human beings like everyone else, facing the same human challenges, and often suffering from the same human weaknesses. By the idiot’s logic, once the Caliphate is wondrously re-established, there will be no need for prisons and a criminal justice system in the new Islamic Republic, since Muslims are not sinful, much less criminal — remember, they are “at peace,” so why would they commit a crime!? The great irony here, of course, is the fact that if a Caliph existed today, he would probably round up all the Muslim terrorists and have them publicly executed as a deterrent to wannabe vigilante “freedom fighters.”
A related complaint often heard in Muslim quarters is: “Why doesn’t the media ever use the terms ‘Jewish terror’ or ‘Christian terrorists’? It only speaks of ‘Islamic terror’ and ‘Muslim terrorists.’ The media is biased!” This sentiment was extremely popular, for example, when the infamous serial killer was arrested last week in the Mumbai and it was revealed that He is Hindu. “Why wasn’t he described as a ‘Hindu terrorist’?!” Muslims incredulously whined.
Again, Muslims would love to innocently wonder where this alleged bias comes from instead of taking an objective look at reality. So I shall spell it out for you: The difference between acts of vigilante violence against civilians (in recent memory) that have been carried out by individuals who are Muslims versus those from other religions is the way in which the individuals claim to be inspired, influenced, and shaped by their respective religions. The terrorist who is a Muslim is not just a terrorist who happens to be a Muslim. On the contrary, he gets up in front of a camera and releases a grainy Internet video in which he dresses himself up in the language and garb of the Islamic religion. He quotes from Muslim scriptures and observes all forms of outward religiosity. He claims that his violent operations against Americans, Zionists, infidels, are not sanctioned by Islamic law, but rather are required by it, and that he is carrying out the will of Allah and serving the honor of Islam’s holy prophet, etc. Compare your standard terrorist from any other religious group; he is a terrorist who happens to be Christian, or Jewish, or Buddhist, or whatever, but he doesn’t claim to be inspired, influenced, and shaped by his religion, much less that he is serving his religion’s aims by committing acts of violence. In recent memory, it is virtually impossible to find the moral or religious equivalent of a Muslim terrorist from any other faith group. Mumbai Serial killer would probably be the first to admit that his sadistic acts of terror on innocent people were in utter contravention of Hindu teachings. That’s the difference.
None of this is to say that the media is blameless. Certainly, the mainstream commercial media has played a huge role in creating and reinforcing the stereotype of the “Muslim terrorist.” Sadly, it seems some young Muslims around the world (including, now, even in the UK) are all too willing to succumb to such stereotypes by modeling themselves after them, thereby raising the very valid question: Which came first, the stereotype or the reality?
Next up: “I believe in the fundamentals of Islam; therefore, I am a fundamentalist.” Somebody please give this person a dictionary.
SWT stands for the Arabic words “Subhanahu Wa Ta`ala,” which mean, roughly, “Glorified and Exalted is He!” and is appended after each mention of the divine name, Allah. PBUH stands for “Peace Be Upon Him,” which is an honorific phrase included after each mention of the Prophet Muhammad’s name.
Admittedly, a good case could be made that the Ku Klux Klan, as well as Hitler’s Nazi philosophy were heavily inspired by Biblical teachings, and of course there are the historical realities of the Inquisition and the Crusades. As for acts of state terrorism carried out, for example, by the Israeli military, these are done for obvious and explicit political objectives and are not claimed by Israel to be in furtherance of religious aims of Judaism (in spite of the nexus claimed by some Zionists between Jewish teachings and the state of Israel). Similarly, the BJP in India, which is closely associated with the Hindutva movement, could be blamed for ideological and identity politics-based acts of terror. However, we are principally concerned here with our contemporary context, particularly the post-9/11 era, during which time the term “Muslim terrorist” has gained undeniable currency and lacks any meaningful counterpart in other faiths. And besides, even if the media began using the terms “Christian terrorist,” “Jewish terrorist,” and “Hindu terrorist,” would that make Muslim terrorists any less terrorist?

6:55:51 PM
Posted By Mohammed Irshad Hussain Comments (1) Society
K.Venugopal Sunday, February 25, 2007 7:42:23 PM
One thing not realized by most non-Muslims is that Islam, apart from all other religions, has a political goal - as different from a spiritual goal of other religions. By political goal I mean forming the government to rule the world with Shariat as the constitution. All other religions only attempt to guide individuals or congregations towards individual salvation. Therefore, it would be more correct to describe Islam as an ideology rather than a religion. The Church, had hoped to rule the world, but that was only an institutional ambition and not a goal taught by Christianity. Hinduism, on the other hand, has always separated religion and state - a truly secular situation. Therefore it is this inalienable goal of Islam - that of world political domination - that has always made the spread of Islam a blood drenched one and Muslim communities always prone to be led by political dictatorships. Secularism is impossible with Islam, so also democracy. There is of course a spiritual element that has become almost imperceptibly enmeshed with Islam and that is Sufism. If Islam is not to be treated more and more as an ideology rather than a religion, Muslims at large have to discover Sufism.

Irshad4u Sunday, February 25, 2007 7:55:12 PM
“This day have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion” (Quran 5:3)“If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to God), never will it be accepted of him.” (Quran 3:85)
Irshad4u Sunday, February 25, 2007 8:05:04 PM
Each person is born in a circumstance which is not of his own choosing. The religion of his family or the ideology of the state is thrust upon him from the very beginning of his existence in this world. By the time he reaches his teens, he is usually fully brain-washed into believing that the beliefs of his particular society are the correct beliefs that everyone should have. However, when some people mature and are exposed to other belief-systems, they begin to question the validity of their own beliefs. The seekers of truth often reach a point of confusion upon realizing that each and every religion, sect, ideology and philosophy claims to be the one and only correct way for man. Indeed, they all encourage people to do good. So, which one is right? They cannot all be right, since each claims all others are wrong. Then how does the seeker of truth choose the right way?
Irshad4u Sunday, February 25, 2007 8:26:25 PM
The first thing that one should know and clearly understand about Islam, is what the word “Islam” itself means. The Arabic word “Islam” means the submission or surrender of one’s will to the only true God, known in Arabic as “Allah”. One who submits his will to God is termed in Arabic a “Muslim”. The religion of Islam is not named after a person or a people, nor was it decided by a later generation of man, as in the case of Christianity which was named after Jesus Christ, Buddhism after Gautama Buddha, Confucianism after Confucius, Marxism after Karl Marx, Judaism after the tribe of Judah and Hinduism after the Hindus. Islam (submission to the will of God) is the religion which was given to Adam, the first man and the first prophet of God, and it was the religion of all the prophets sent by Allah to mankind. Further, its name was chosen by God Himself, and clearly mentioned in the final scripture which He revealed to man.
K.Venugopal Sunday, February 25, 2007 9:44:03 PM
Dear Irshad4u,I have the following queries:1. When Allah said, “This day I have perfected your religion for you” it implies that Allah had not perfected the religion of all the earlier prophets. Or does “for you” mean only the people of Mohammad’s generation? Particularly since Allah spoke the Arabic of Mohammad’s generation? 2. And when Allah said, “. . . and have chosen for you Islam as your religion”, isn’t that what he should have said to Adam rather than to Mohammad many thousands of years down the line?3. Do you have any clue as to what could be Allah’s problem in accepting a religion other than Islam? If He is going to be disturbed thereby, then, since billions of people have lived without accepting Islam, is Allah going to be one hell of a disturbed person?4. Why should there be “submission or surrender of one’s will to the only true God, known in Arabic as Allah”? What would Allah gain by it? What would we gain by it? Only something after death? Are we to have such desires that transcends life when spirituality is all about not having desires at all?

Irshad4u Monday, February 26, 2007 1:45:41 PM
. The Pastor may be knowing - It’s the Book of New testament…It’s the Book of Acts. The enemies of Christians, nick named the follower of Christ, as Christian. Its an abuse given to them… which is held on today. But the Holy Qur'an says in Surah Al-Imran, Ch. No. 3, V. No. 52, that… Jesus Christ was a Muslim. Qur'an says in Surah Al-Imran, Ch. No. 3, V. No. 67, he was not a Jew or a Christian but he was a Muslim. So what law Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) brought… the basic message, is the same… Believing one God, don’t do idol worship, same the superficiality. So that human race, when it reached a certain level, Allah (SWT)… God Almighty, thought it fit, that they can receive the final message. After this no other Messenger will come, no other law will come… and todays law, is the most practical law.
Irshad4u Monday, February 26, 2007 1:46:10 PM
The Pastor may be knowing - It’s the Book of New testament…It’s the Book of Acts. The enemies of Christians, nick named the follower of Christ, as Christian. Its an abuse given to them… which is held on today. But the Holy Qur'an says in Surah Al-Imran, Ch. No. 3, V. No. 52, that… Jesus Christ was a Muslim. Qur'an says in Surah Al-Imran, Ch. No. 3, V. No. 67, he was not a Jew or a Christian but he was a Muslim. So what law Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) brought… the basic message, is the same… Believing one God, don’t do idol worship, same the superficiality.
Irshad4u Monday, February 26, 2007 1:46:47 PM
in the Book of Acts. The Pastor may be knowing - It’s the Book of New testament…It’s the Book of Acts. The enemies of Christians, nick named the follower of Christ, as Christian. Its an abuse given to them… which is held on today. But the Holy Qur'an says in Surah Al-Imran, Ch. No. 3, V. No. 52, that… Jesus Christ was a Muslim.
Irshad4u Monday, February 26, 2007 1:56:22 PM
the Qur'an says in Surah Al-Imran, Ch. No. 3, V. No. 49, that… Isa Ale-Salam, was sent as a messenger to the Bani Israel… to the children of Israel. Jesus Christ (pbuh) says in the Gospel of Mathews, Ch. No. 10, V. No. 5 to 6, he tells his twelve disciples… Go ye, not in the way of gentiles. Who were the Gentiles? - the Non-Jews, the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians. Jesus Christ (pbuh) said… Go ye not in to the way of gentiles… enter ye not in to the city of the Samaritans, but rather go to the lost sheep of Israel. Jesus Christ (pbuh) says, in the Gospel of Mathews Ch. No. 15, V. No. 24, I have not been sent, but to the lost sheep of Israel. That means… Jesus Christ (pbuh), came only for the Jews - not for the other humanity. Who says that? - Jesus Christ (pbuh) says that - its mentioned in the Bible.
Irshad4u Monday, February 26, 2007 2:01:10 PM
in the Book of Acts. The Pastor may be knowing - It’s the Book of New testament…It’s the Book of Acts. The enemies of Christians, nick named the follower of Christ, as Christian. Its an abuse given to them… which is held on today. But the Holy Qur'an says in Surah Al-Imran, Ch. No. 3, V. No. 52, that… Jesus Christ was a Muslim.
Irshad4u Monday, February 26, 2007 2:01:33 PM
Qur'an says in Surah Al-Imran, Ch. No. 3, V. No. 67, he was not a Jew or a Christian but he was a Muslim. So what law Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) brought… the basic message, is the same… Believing one God, don’t do idol worship, same the superficiality. So that human race, when it reached a certain level, Allah (SWT)… God Almighty, thought it fit, that they can receive the final message. After this no other Messenger will come, no other law will come… and todays law, is the most practical law.
K.Venugopal Monday, February 26, 2007 10:57:41 PM
Dear Irshad4u, Don't you want to answer my questions? Instead you say Jesus Christ was a Muslim. I wonder what the Christians would have to say to that!

Irshad4u Tuesday, February 27, 2007 3:33:26 PM
Try to read again again and Inshallaha you will find your answers and try to understand them. Inshallaha Allaha will guide you. Ameen
Irshad4u Tuesday, February 27, 2007 4:04:23 PM
Dear Down the line All the prohets which came earlier to Mohammed(PBUH) were muslims and they have brought the same message as that of Mohammed(PBUH)but it is was for certain period of time but Mohammed (PBUH) has brought the message for whole world
Infidel Tuesday, February 27, 2007 6:39:35 PM
Dear Venu,Don't expect any answer from any muslim. All the answers are in quran.LOLWhatever crap quran says is the only truth. It says "Earth is flat", "Jews were turned into Apes and Pigs", "Sperms come from between backbone and ribs" and many more miraclous facts. So close your mind and believe what quran says.LOLIf it says Christ was muslim, believe it. Don't use your brain. Don't question that how can same god give two totally opposite messages to two persons.Christ always preached LOVE AND PEACE, while MO preached and practiced HATE AND INTOLERANCE, still they are messengers of the same god, don't think that. Moreover, Christ was only for a time being and MO is for all the times, all the places and all people. Now, You should seriously consider a 6 years old child for marriage to be bonked at 9, then only allah will forgive you (as you followed MO, the perfect exemplar). Allah is most merciful and all knowing. LOL
Infidel Tuesday, February 27, 2007 7:05:35 PM
Venu, If we read life and teaching of christ and MO, it becomes very clear that christ was god's messenger (a real prophet) and MO was a messenger of SATAN (a fake prophet, prophesized in hinduism as asur[devil] and as fake prophet in bible).You can find all the best human qualities in christ and all the worst devil characteristics in MO. Still christ was muslim and MO is the best among all prophets. What a joke.LOLVenu, Don't even try to open the closed mind set of muslims. They will be furious and may harm you.Beware. LOL.Our great muslim ajmal wrote that even earth and sun are muslim (see the level and impact of indoctrination) though he accepted that MO was a pedophile, but these ,uslims will always follow that pedo MO.
Infidel Tuesday, February 27, 2007 7:08:04 PM
When I say, read life and teaching of christ, don't read quran for that. Quranic Christ and actual christ are totally different intities. Quran even says Mary is a part of trinity. No wonder, MO was illiterate. So forget about what quran says and get some good literature.
Irshad4u Tuesday, February 27, 2007 8:22:08 PM
Mr. Infidel you love only to hate others and I think this what your religion says. May Allaha Guide you to the right path
Infidel Tuesday, February 27, 2007 8:58:21 PM
Dear Irshad, It's islam who teaches to hate non believers, not any other major relgion. Show me1) a single verse in quran saying "love nonbelievers unconditionally"2)any other major religion saying to hate muslimsWhere as Islam preaches to hate christians, jews, pagan and all idolators. Can you deny this? NO, you cannot.What we infidels are trying to show you people is that you have been fooled for 1400 years by teaching of pedophile MO. We are not against muslims as human beings but we certainly are against 7th century barbaric cult "islam" which is a threat to the civilised world.You can see that many of your brothers on this blogsphere were enlightened by the truth and they saw the evil in islam. A pedophile cannot be a prophet of a true god, but certainly be of a satan. Don't you realise that? Do you get aroused by seeing a 6 years old girl? (I don't think so). If YES, you are a true follower of pedo MO. But if NO, why you are following a pedophile, who ruined ayesha's childhood just to satisfy his lust?Ask yourself Irshad, is your conscious is so dead that you can not accept the obvious truth? Wake up Irshad, it's never too late.
Irshad4u Wednesday, February 28, 2007 3:40:14 PM
I have posted around 100 articles but in non of them I talk bad of other religions - but I have been seeing you all the guys, that your job is only to blame others I just won’t know when people like you will start to look around and learn Good. I Hope you will try to understand me. May Allaha guide you to the right Path.
Infidel Thursday, March 1, 2007 6:52:47 PM
Dear brother Irshad, I can see the change in your tone. So I'll also reciprocate in same manner. I request you to read calmly and understand what I mean, please.Irshad, I have not read all of your blogs yet, but I believe what you said. FIne. There are two reasons why we critisize Islam.1)There is a compulsion in Islam (DOn't bring some copy-paste saying NO compulsion verse-PLease read my article on that before you proceed). It actually forces to believe that 'ISlam is the only true religion', 'Allah is the only true god', 'quran is the final word of god' and 'MO is the final messenger'.None of these is true. And No other religion teaches hate and voilence to the extent islam does. All other religions reformed to meet changes, but islam stuck in 7th century barbarism.2)There is a serious threat to the civilised world from Islam and its practising muslims.It's duty of a true muslim to convert or kill or subjugate & tax nonmsulims in order to make islam the only religion on the earth.Which makes us critisize islam and make people (both muslims and nonmuslims)aware about danger of islam.There are serious problems in all religions but they are within themselves and are not threat to the civilised world but islam is actually a cult not religion hence is a serious threat.Trust me, I want to help you find the truth about true god and humanity. you people have been deceived for 1400 years and now it's time to wake up and learn the truth. Irshad, see how your brothers here and elsewhere are seeing the truth that islam is false and denouncing it. Please give it a try.
Infidel Thursday, March 1, 2007 7:02:48 PM
Irshad, why we infidels are so confident that quran is word of Mo? Because we saw many errors in it. True god can not make a single error.During my debate and in my blogs and comments here, I have proved time and again those errors, but no muslim brother could answer even a single question asked by me. Why?Because, if they say the truth then it will be proven that quran is from MO, so they decided to keep silent and evade the questions.Take your example, I asked you many things, but you never answered any. Most you did is a copy-paste stuff, which also got rebuttal. The same thing happened to all muslim bloggers here, including muneer, ajmal, TT, Rumple etc. Nobody could give a to the point answer but copy-paste from "authentic (read crap)islamic site". See the post from TT about quran saying "electricity", "Aero plane technology" and "voyager to Moon". By believeing such absurd things, actually you people are showing that you have surrendered your brain and thinking power to your faith. Which is not right. God have given us brain to judge right & wrong and we should check by ourselves that whether we are fooled or not. A single error in quran proves that it is not from god but from MO. I have shown you people many errors in it.Then, what are you waiting for? Irshad, do you think that a 54 years grandpa bonking a child of 9 is noble? NO irshad, no way. It's not even good, rather it is the worst thing, how can it be noble and how can be such a person be prophet of true GOD?Mo actually ruined ayesha's childhood to fulfill his lust. Can't you see this simple thing? Wake up Irshad, read quran and sunnah one more time by yourself, not Dr Naik or mulla's version(while keeping my points in your mind), I am sure you will see many errors in it.May god help you in seeking the truth. Amen
Infidel Thursday, March 1, 2007 7:20:52 PM
Dear irshad,I am not against muslims as human beings but certianly against ideology of islam. There are good and bad people in all religions and all places.There are three types of muslims:1)Intelligent muslims: One who questioned islam, searched by themselves, saw the truth and left islam.2)Innocent muslims: who believe what is being told to them and never questioned. So actually they don't know the actual teachings of islam and hence belive that islam means peace and tolerance, quran is word of god etc. These people can go to category 1 or 3, depends upon input given to them. Most mulsims today falls in this category.3)Cunning muslims: those who knows that islam is evil and still use taqiyya to mislead people (category 2 muslims and nonluslims) to fulfill their wishes. Most of such bigots are very rich and powerfull in muslim society. They get money from Islamic organisations and preach hate & voilence. They are hypocrates and liars, like our politicians. Have you seen any mullah's son or brother going for suicide bombing, leave alone himself becoming "SHAHEED". NO. They look for other innocent muslims for spreading terror in the name of god. They are devils, not priests.Try to understand what i mean and then reply, if necessary.

Why in Ayodhya, because in Mecca?

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Why in Ayodhya, because in Mecca?
This is a response to Mr. Venugopal's blog, "As in Mecca, so in Ayodhya" posted on the 24th of Feb at 2127 hrs.
Dear Sir,
Why should we Hindus take cue from the prophet of Islam?
About the sanctity of the temple... I never did contest it. Building a Ram Mandir there, would restore the sanctity of the place, which has been robbed of the same, because of the blooodshed, and senseless behavior of ours. I am for it.
But please tell me, can you assure me, that another Akshardham like incident will not happen there, robbing it of its sanctity again... It will only make my blood boil, as it would for many a Hindus...
I am suggesting an end to the problem, not a re-fuelling basis religiously or politically driven ego.
Now, I would ask you to weigh the possibilities of an attack on a hospital, that treats all Indians equally, to that on a Ram Mandir built there.
It requires us to be apolitical to the core, and to keep religion absolutely out when finding a way out. A research centre, with the name that suits one community, does not end the matter. It only fuels it further. Let it just be "Ayodhya Research institute" or name it after one of our Param Vir Chakra Medalists..Atleast this way, it will symbolise our patriotism.
Because I personally believe, naming it after a poiltical leader is an insult.
The solution to this issue like I said can only be found outside politics and religion. It can't be found by our politicians and our religious leaders. It has to be found by our people, who really want it to end. Because, the pride of our country, and its well being takes precedence over all religious and political feelings, aspirations of the people.
Jai Hind!
5:01:39 PM
Posted By Gautam Ramaswamy Comments (4) Politics
perfektm Sunday, February 25, 2007 4:54:56 PM
perhaps u should check al-asqa too..there is no solution, when jews pray at walling wall, why ,muslims throw stone...u think they will do any comproise with us
viperov Sunday, February 25, 2007 4:58:30 PM
@ perfektmAs expected, you really didn't get what I am trying to say in this post. It was meant for Mr. Venugopal. I would suggest, your reading my post, his response to that, and then, this post and finally comment.Cheers!Viperov
Irshad4u Sunday, February 25, 2007 5:25:56 PM
"The good thing about the past is that it is over."Moving into the future is impossible if we remain tied to the past.Our job as creators of a better tomorrow is not only to recognize that the past is over, but to get over it.Habit is Some people is always to blame others for the things that went with them.
K.Venugopal Sunday, February 25, 2007 6:03:39 PM
Dear Gautam, I could not paste my comments here. I have thus pasted them on the same blog "As in Mecca so in Ayodhya". Please read. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Islam - A practical religion

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Islam-A practical religion
What does Islam mean?
Islam is to recognize and acknowledge that above us is a Being who created, sustains us and the world, and to whom we will return with death. As a corollary of the above, Islam is to submit, unconditionally, in love and obedience, to the will of that Being, as He manifested it through revelations, the final being the Qur’an.
Why do we fast during the month of Ramadhan?
Islam is not the name of a set of beliefs. It is also not simply a way of life. It is designed to raise men • all men - to higher physical, intellectual and spiritual levels of existence. It develops the humans, investing in them such qualities as are necessary for the next phase of their lives which starts with the death of the body in this world. Fasts create in men and women an understanding of what truly it means to be hungry. What are pangs of hunger? What is it that the mind of a hungry person thinks of most? What it means to the strength or weakness of the body and mind? How extreme hunger can lead a man to do things he wouldn’t ordinarily do, to extinguish his hunger? Fasts raise people to new levels of consciousness: a level at which they are better appreciative of the needs of the countless millions who struggle everyday from dawn to dusk just to fill their bellies. Fasts also create in man some other qualities such as, patience, fortitude, stronger will power, use of the energies lying low in his body and thus discover and know himself. They also help to shed extra calories, to make the body trimmer, and the mind quicker.
What is zakah?
Zakah is to expend out of whatever one possesses, whether in cash or in kind, on the poor, in order to get rid of certain base qualities such as, love of wealth, and selfishness - to create in place, generosity, love of people and willingness to share their tribulations. If a person is rich, he spends according to his means, and if poor, then according to his means. Everyone finds someone lower than him or her. Zakah teaches him or her to recognize such of the lower ones as “one of us” and therefore, give out, from whatever he or she has to reduce the material disparity. If one has no wealth, he shares food. If one hasn’t got enough of it, he offers services. And if one is unable, as a ninety year old man is unable, then, he smiles in the face of his brother to spread cheerfulness and goodly countenance.
12:03:51 AM
Posted By mohammed taqiuddin Comments (2) Uncategorized
K.Venugopal Sunday, February 25, 2007 3:02:29 PM
Dear Mohammad, Reading without understanding or misunderstanding is ignorance. Therefore after reading what you have written above, I request you to please clarify the following to ensure that I have understood what you have meant:Why do you say that we have to submit unconditionally in love and obedience to the will of that Being as a corollary of recognizing and acknowledging that He created and sustains the world and to whom we will return with death?
K.Venugopal Sunday, February 25, 2007 3:14:41 PM
Dear Mohammad, You say fasts create in men and women an understanding of what truly it means to be hungry. I say an understanding of what it means to be hungry is an understanding that everyone has from birth to death – otherwise we would not be eating regularly. Therefore putting man through a course of fasting year after year in the name of religion to learn the lesson of hunger is meaningless.

Sikhism: Religion, Concept or Evolution?

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Sikhism: Religion, Concept or Evolution???
Few days back i was under the impression that Sikhism is a religion. Then i realized it is a concept. But now I feel I was limited and was ignorant at every occasion. I thought that i have begun to understand the beauty of the word 'Sikh'. But they were nothing more than wrong conclusions. Every time my perception was limited. Only couple of minutes ago by grace of Guru Gobind Singh a realization struck me. Sikhism is not religion since religion is followed by only few group of people. But Sikh Guru's lived for the whole man kind. I knew no one, even the Tyrannical Imperialists of those times agreed to it later, considering the maximum opposition came from their side, that Sikh Gurus are for every one. Religion binds but Sikhism wants to liberate every one. Sikhism cannot be concept since the number of people to understand a concept will definitely be less than the number of people following a religion. Sikh Guru explained everything so lucidly that it can be understood by anyone if he wants to know. Hence Sikhism cannot be restricted to concept or religion.Thus what can be bigger than a religion or concept. Well Sikhism is 'AN EVOLUTION' of High Consciousness from Lower Consciousness. An Evolution which was started at the will of 'Akal Purakh', nourished by 10 Enlighten Master and now taken care by Guru Granth Sahib. Sikhism is so well planned, logical and analytical that only evolution can best describe it. Sikhism is a evolution having all the characteristics of Religion and Concept but not limited to either of them. Now i am proud to be a Sikh not only because of i am part of a tradition, a rich culture, a great religion, a beautiful concept but because i am part of evolution whom Baba Nanak gave initial form and Guru Gobind Singh the final.
2:02:14 PM
Posted By Tarundeep Singh Comments (1) Uncategorized
K.Venugopal Sunday, February 25, 2007 3:01:47 PM
Sikhism is a religion that was announced, built up and finalized over a period of time by Guru Nanak and his disciplic succession. The finished product is there now before mankind and what an elixir of exquisite tradition it is. The whole lineage of teaching from Guru Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh is integrated. It is noteworthy that Sikhism did not go on to decry other religions or claim that wisdom culminated with its teachings, as happened in the Semitic traditions. This is because Sikhism flourished in the Hindu culture of inclusiveness. The religious traditions of Shiva, Vishnu, Devi, Tantra, Vedas, Vedanta, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Sai have all, over the ages, become a single quest for spiritualism – all due to the Hindu culture of accepting many paths to divinity. May the glory of Sikhism be known to more and more people and may everyone also realize the great potency of the Hindu culture in harmonizing religions in the quest towards spirituality. Good writing, Tarundeep, keep it up.

perfektm Monday, February 26, 2007 11:15:58 AM
Tarundeep, every ideology has its own base, and they are born to fulfill interest of community.As a Hindu, i accept under 1000 yrs of islamic rule in india, people were divided on name of dimmi gods; caste system raised up, thanks to islam; and various other deeds... at that time sikh gurus came and enlightened those peoples back with ideology of hinduism.. which peoples forgot... remember, ever the Aarti refer the god as 1, saying "parambrahm pareshwar".. only we were not learning that. sikh gurus also tried to find a peaceful solution to the killing made by Muslims... but Islam was incomaptible with peace...what so ever, there are claims that sikhism orignated from Islam... I will only say, then its the 1st sect of islam which dont refer to Mohammed and allah.what so ever, khalistan is also a arabic word.. provoked by Arabic to divide Sikh. so as seeing Sikhism as a religion, see it as a group of faith under hindu dharma... because we can't live with each other... if sikhs are warriors of hindus; hindus are reservoir of sikhs...only thing missing is peoples, who really realize it.
jj Wednesday, February 28, 2007 12:07:12 AM
sikhism is the sword arm of hinduism. the connection between sikhs and hindus is like that between body and soul.the verse "ik onkar satnam" explains it all. onkar is the word that symbolises the sum total of hindu dharma
dumbo Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:49:53 PM
That's why S*KHS were m*ssacered by H*NDUS in 84 just like musl*ms were in Guj*rat! LOLWhat a gr8 bhai/chara! The body demolishng the soul!
K.Venugopal Saturday, March 3, 2007 4:09:49 PM
Dear Dumbo, After the loss of Bangladesh, Pakistan planted the seeds of separatism through the Khalisthan movement, just as the British tried in the beginning of the 20th century, which ended in tragedy.
K.Venugopal Saturday, March 3, 2007 4:11:20 PM
May no Indian community be victims of Pakistan’s evil designs. Alas, Pakistan has succeeded in brainwashing a large number of Kashmiri Muslims. Pakistanis are also backing other separatist movements in India. The only solution is the destruction of Pakistan. And by this I do not mean killing of Pakistanis, but changing the mindset of Pakistanis, who formed their nation because of their belief that Islam constitutes a separate nation.