Tuesday, August 28, 2007

To Muneer only - UPDATED

Saturday, February 17, 2007
UPDATE 1: August 28, 2007
Hi Muneer,
It is more than 6 months now, since we last communicated over here. You told that you are learning ABC of your ISlam and will be back after 6 months, in early February this year. I am still waiting for your come back. If you don't reply to this, I will assume that you have seen the falsehood of Islam while learning it all over again and now you are enlightened by truth of humanity.
Regards, Infidel
This blog is for Muneer only.
Dear muneer,
Just forget what I wrote and what you wrote, for a minute.I am going to ask you a question from core of my heart and I expect an honest answer from your heart, no cheating please.My question is like this:Muneer,you are around 53-54 years old (correct me if i am wrong).you must be having a family and your family may consists of your sons & daughters and thier children (so your grandchildren).Muneer, an honest question and an honest answer (please forget everything we wrote on NDTV Blogs, for a minute).1) At the age of 53-54, do you get aroused by a 9 years old child? 2) Can you even think of having sex/intercourse with a child (girl) of your grandchild's age (to be specific, of age 9 years)?
3) Will you marry your own daughter / grand daughter of age 6 to a man of your age?
Munner, I will appreciate your honest reply. Please don't engage yourself in any kind of fallacy this time and answer straight as the questions are straight.Please don't evade this time and let us all know your position as you claimed that people who know you will never say that you are a wrong person. Your answers will clarify any misconceptions about you, if any.Muneer, I know that it is very difficult (or very easy, it depends upon how you take it) question for you to answer but it is extremely important for you and me as we are on fire on this blogsphere. Please write YES or NO if you don't want to elaborate/explain the things.Muneer, Please answer the questions honestly and rest assured that these questions are solely mine and not at all related to your faith, religion, prophet, or anything like that, nor even science and miracles.Simple quesions and simple answers (hopefully)
12:18:02 AM
Posted By Infidel M Comments (15) Musings
ganshyam bhonsdiwala Saturday, February 17, 2007 1:47:16 AM
Mr InfidelIf musselmans can marry brothers daughter than of course they will jump at 6 yr old regardless of own age. As long as he gets khada danda, he wil indulge in underage funda.
jj Saturday, February 17, 2007 2:20:12 AM
infi, after all this dirty fighting that has taken place and exchange of abuses and shows of verbal anger ....it is highly unlikely that your gud old friend will ever come back to blogosphere. switch over to some other topic. i dont think even allah can answer your question !
perfektm Saturday, February 17, 2007 5:13:17 AM
Infidel M...i think, he will not reply...the truth is that these peoples are so blind in koran, that they dont know what they are doing....what Austrian Hitler had done to German childern was insane, but what m?ms are doing to there own childern is worst... the problem is that Mullah oriented culture had gone so far in its imperialistic goal ... that they are teaching young childern from childhood to hate others... they teach the childerns to die for Allah... but they never teach the childern to love and live for allah....this is what makes Muslims and non-muslims different. Moslems dont have any respect of life, which is the core pillar of human civilization... they attack this pillar which in itself is known as scaredness of human life..... so you think they will show respect for childerns...... even from the birth onwards they muslim womens think to give birth to a jihadi devil to kill others on name of islam... instead of giving birth to a loving human being.
Irshad4u Saturday, February 17, 2007 8:05:55 PM
Well whatever you write is just nonsense the references you are taking is out of the way and got corroupted by the enemies of Islam and we are not like you to make sisters and daughters public property
Infidel Saturday, February 17, 2007 9:12:58 PM
Irshad,I can understand your frustration.Prove that what nonsense I have written?I am referring SAHIH HADITHS related to muhammad and ayesha, how they are out of the way, when I am writing about themselves? Are you allright?Do you mean that islamic scriptures are corrupted by enemies of islam, please confirm?If yes, then it also proves that islam is not divine as allah could not protest its own true religion.Also you need to prove what is corrupted and how?For your kind information, "mutta" (temporary marriage for money) is legally permissible in islam, which is nothing but other name of prostitution. So, in your "divine religion", making sisters and daughters public property is made legal by "almighty allah".Think before you write out of your frustration. Just an advise.
perfektm Saturday, February 17, 2007 11:19:48 PM
Irshad4u..the problem is your thinking... you still consider them as a property. its not asking to make womens public property which you consider private property...its about basic human rights...to give them a right to feel like a human. to give respect to the emotions they have.. to behave like humans...
Infidel Sunday, February 18, 2007 7:38:15 AM
Dear PM,I was in a process of write an article on women in islam to answer one of the blogger who commented my blog earlier.But now I think I have to write replies to ruizvan and rumple first. Surely in islam, women is not more than a sex object and hence a property of a man.Please wait a while for that article. Meanwhile you can enjoy my replies to these two zombies, which are coming shortly.
whatsTheUse Sunday, February 18, 2007 10:01:46 PM
Hey Infidel and gang,Whats the use in maligning this great religion as you will not be able to stop the growth of Islam.Dear Hindu brothers please look at ur religion before looking at others.
Infidel Sunday, February 18, 2007 10:37:53 PM
Dear whatstheuse,Please show thegreatness of your religion first, because everywhere you people are telling the lies that islam is the only true religion, allah is true god and muhammad is the last prophet, first stop these lies or prove them.If you stop lying, we will not criticise your great religion.
yameen Sunday, February 18, 2007 11:18:18 PM
Infidle at last u admitted"Islam is the only true religion, allah is true god and muhammad is the last prophet"
Infidel Monday, February 19, 2007 8:05:10 AM
Yameen, check your eye sight and do to a psychatrist.I wrote "Please show thegreatness of your religion first, because everywhere you people are telling the LIES that islam is the only true religion, allah is true god and muhammad is the last prophet, first stop these lies or prove them."Do you understand the meaning of LIES. If not, please go and learn then come to my blogs.
yameen Monday, February 19, 2007 8:04:50 PM
infidle, i understood the meaning of LIES after reading ur blogs......thanks very much
Infidel Tuesday, February 20, 2007 2:06:34 AM
Good for you yameen, now better use your brain and stop lying.
K.Venugopal Tuesday, August 28, 2007 9:35:30 PM
Dear Infidel, Its wonderful to see that you are still going great guns. About Muneerka, I suspect what got him was the strain he had to go through in upholding his belief. In the case of Muslims, they have no choice (Islam does not lead to self-realisation) but to remember or refer to what the Quran and the Hadiths say and then express themselves. Quite an academic job. (Since most lack the patience required to be an academic, they resort to foul language or irrelevant topics to express themselves.) In the case of a Hindu (or a free-thinker), except if he is taking an academic stand, his religious position is the expression of his own experience in the world of spirituality and there is no strain in expressing it and its expression is versatile too. Actually, discussing religion with a Muslim is not an option. Either you'll have to accept what he says (how could you not, he is quoting Allah!) or go down in his estimation as a rabble rouser. You can discuss and generate light, not heat, only by discussing with free thinkers.
infidel Wednesday, August 29, 2007 5:34:27 AM
Dear Venu, I am pleased with your enlightened comment. You are right. It's bit diffcult to discuss islam with muslims. Most of the times, their minds are so closed that it takes so much energy to put a simple logic in their minds. but I sincerely believe that muneer and co (HUman, learner etc) saw the truth of humanity. They realised the falsehood of islam when we proved to them that quran is not direct word of god with irrefutable facts. Atleast, the seed of doubt is sown in their minds and souls and they will never be the same devout muslim any more. Each time they read, listen or see "quran", our questions will dance in their minds. This seed will definitely grow one day, hopefully soon, and they will be free of shakels of this evil cult known as islam.Our aim is to help them out in seeing the truth of humanity and free world. We will surely succeed.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Pakistan buys BJP, Commies slaves of China

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The cat is indeed out of the bag. Pakis and chinks have found a great ally in bjp and commies respectively. It is indeed sadedning to see the bjp parrtoing the lines which should have come from a paki ministers mouth. The moth eaten jurassic minded two penny worth ideology of the unpatriotic commies is again playing in parliment and this time in tune with the bjp which has donned the paki colors. I am speaking about the nuke deal and how the commies and bjp are oppising the same without any valid reasons whatsoever. It is a shame on bjp which claimed to the custodian of patriotism in India. These guys have proved to the real traitors of the nation. I wonder how a party having a leader like Atal Behari Vajpayee could stoop to such unfathomable levels. With trecherous parties like bjp and the commies around, who needs enemies. These cockroaches can reduce a nation to ashes within minutes. Shame shame shame...
9:21:09 PM
Posted By
Prayukth Jayarajan Comments (2) Politics
indian Thursday, August 23, 2007 3:21:37 PM
Why is BJP behaving in such a stupid way? It was gaining support due to Anti Hindu policies of MMS govt. Now in the lust for power it will lose that support
K.Venugopal Friday, August 24, 2007 4:55:09 PM
The whole question is one of friendship. While we need to be friends with all, there is no harm in having a special relationship with USA. USA is both democratic and secular. Those who are opposing this friendship are those who wish to cater to the Muslim constituency. Congress' in-built Muslim appeasement tendency will cover the USA-deal fall-out by bringing in minority reservations. Unfortunately, BJP has missed the opportunity of being true to itself by supporting the Nuclear deal and facing elections by co-opting Manmohan Singh on the issue.
slowhand Friday, August 24, 2007 5:09:26 PM
Prime Minister should let the nation know that the left is only interested to see 'China gallop and India limp' and put brakes on India's march to greatness. India according to the left should always play second fiddle to China they didn't expect the deal to go through so the sudden knee jerk reaction.I wonder why only the left think about agitating why are we not doing this to expose such shameful acts we should also hit the streets. In my opinion the future generation would see this as new age treason. Shame indeed

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Why Manmohan is not losing sleep over Taslima?

Friday, August 10, 2007
Our dear prime minister keeps a diplomatic silence over the travails of a helpless woman Taslima who is waging a lone crusade. It is a shame that when such an event was taking place, there were no proper security chekups or security guards. It happened in the the IT capital of India. How the MIM people are allowed to go berserk at an organised event? It reminds us of similar attacks on artists in Baroda. If some find fault with others, the protestors can always organise other ways of protest like black flag demonstrations or taking them to court. Let Taslima settle in a first world country where she may get some security.In Andhra Pradesh there is this famous author who wrote a scathing attack on Ramayana and Ram but nothing like this happened to her. If a religion does not allow legitimate criticism, that religion stagnates. Rebellion is the civilisation's hallmark. If there were no new thoughts, no new ways of thinking We would be still in stone age.
8:47:10 AM
Posted By nothing tosay Comments (1) Musings
K.Venugopal Friday, August 10, 2007 9:17:17 AM
A good question and definitive points.

manish_chowdhary Friday, August 10, 2007 12:07:52 PM
Manmohan looses his sleep only when he is told to do so by Sonia , Sonia says only when her minority vote banks are concerned . The attack on Taslima Nasreen bolsters their minority vote bank , in our country, when it is a matter of minority vote bank is concerned, the interest of country take a back seat . Mera Bharat Mahan

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Restless Mind

Saturday, August 4, 2007
Hi Friends,
In one or the other way we feel restless in todays busy life. We all have different dimensions of our life like, son, daughter, mother, father, sister brother, student, employee, employer, parent, boss, subordinate etc. In one or the other dimension we are restless to achieve something or to make other happy.
What this means that we all have mutli-personalities and we act, think and behave in differntly in individual dimensions.
My idea of starting this blogs is to share and understand your experience and thoughts on our muti-dimension roles we play in day today life. By writing our thoughts we would get a clear picture of our thoughts and we might improve ourselves in these dimensions.
3:16:40 PM
Posted By Atul Mohan Comments (1) Society
K.Venugopal Sunday, August 5, 2007 1:59:20 PM
We may have multi-personalities and may be playing multi-roles like son, father, employee etc. and we may we act, think and behave differently in different dimensions. Unfortunately, the result of such fragmentation is a restless mind. Instead of seeing the external reality and seeking to conform ourselves to it, we ought to see the inner reality and be free from the need to fragment ourselves. When we turn within to the realm of silence and unrestricted awareness, we become wholesome and of a restful mind. Then all our external relations would only be relationships of spontaneity and naturalness. Then we are no longer playing various roles, but living the wholesome being we are.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Friday, July 27, 2007

Haneef, I am sorry. Now, it seems for all purposes you are victimised and Australian government is almost apologetic. But the circumstantial evidence against you is so strong that it made you look guilty. Hope your incaceration will be a lesson and future Haneefs will not give away their simcards to terrorists and be careful with whom to mingle.
11:47:08 PM
Posted By vivek aahuja Comments (1) Personals
K.Venugopal Saturday, July 28, 2007 9:35:02 AM
Do you think Haneef knew he was giving his simcard to a terrorist or was it just an innocent leaving it behind with his relative?

K.Venugopal Saturday, July 28, 2007 9:38:01 AM
By the way, why do you apologise to Haneef? Were you in any way involved in his incarceration?

vivekaahuja Saturday, July 28, 2007 11:52:16 AM
Writing against him is also an act of incaceration if he is really innocent. Only time will tell the truth behind the simcard.
K.Venugopal Saturday, July 28, 2007 4:44:57 PM
Did you write against him or, like Jesus Christ, have you taken on the sin of others who wrote against him and apologised?

Dear Javedsaab, you too

Saturday, July 28, 2007

When you left your first wife and married Shabana I felt surprised and sad. Did you leave Honey because she is unbearably fat? Or she no longer inspired you? And you found Shabana in tune with your feelings? Wives and husbands become like that after bearing and having children. If you are not there when your husband or wife is less attractive and more vulnerable, then marriage has no meaning.And the senseless and heartless media always credits Shabana only for your success and inspiration which you gladly accept. Is your first wife not contribute anything? She gave you creative children like Farhan and Zoya.Marriage is no toy in the hands of a child to be thrown away for a new toy. If you have patience and a heart to take pain as well as pleasure, you can always save your first spouse heartbreak.If poets become selfish, then how can there be poetry in marriage?
9:12:05 AM
Posted By vivek aahuja Comments (1) Personals
K.Venugopal Saturday, July 28, 2007 9:24:08 AM
It appears that when it came to marriage Javed invoked his divine right to 4 wives as a Muslim. Otherwise he is a blue-blooded secularist and in being anti-Hindutva, Shabana is a well-matched partner.

Sex scenes on TV

Saturday, July 28, 2007
I am unable to understand why the government is bent upon showing adult and nude scenes on TV to people of the country. It appears there is no other work pending in the drawer of the government or some mischievous elements have crept into the corridors of Governance intending to spoil Indian culture.

This is why sometimes they attempt to introduce some chapters related to sex in schools/colleges syllabus or some other time they talk of showing adult sex scenes on TV. They have no time to ponder over other good features and requirements which are unavoidable for all academic institutions.

There are still thousands of schools in the country where there is practically no education, no infrastructure and no teaching staff. Schools are being run on registers or on the ground. There are numerous such courses which are not taught in the colleges or for which facilities are not available in India or in most of the states.

Proper colleges are not available for higher education in many towns. Students in eastern zone and students are constrained to go to other states in the south or in North to acquire quality education. Even for proper school education, parents are forced to send their wards to other states like Rajasthan, Delhi and UP for getting high quality education.

People in the country have almost forgotten the course of Law which forms the backbone of our judicial system. In most of the states degree of law is bought by payment of some amount as bribe to college chief. There may be many such illustrations.

What will be the fate of a country where acute scarcity of education is the common feature in most of the districts but our leaders talk of sex education and showing nudes scenes on TV?

Already there is vast scope for adults to view adult scene ad pornography on Internet throughout the day.
As a matter of fact in most of the cyber cafes running in the country, children and adults enjoy unrestricted porno sites most of the time. Their precious time is spoilt in such dirty materials which need not be taught in academic institutions and which a child understands automatically when the time comes. Even animals know how to enjoy sex. There is no need of government adding fuel to fire. Already most of our students are victim of western culture. Government should avoid aggravating the same further. I would like to advise our learned and experienced political leaders to use their wisdom and brain in constructive materials and not give scope for further erosion In social values.
5:47:09 AM
Posted By danendra jain Comments (1) Politics
K.Venugopal Saturday, July 28, 2007 9:05:20 AM
Even when scarcity of education was more acute many decades ago, we had set up institutions of excellence like the IITs. There is no need to stop ourselves from surging ahead where we can because we are lagging behind in many areas. As for funds, education in any category is an investment and in the long run it will benefit all.


Friday, July 27, 2007

2:28:51 AM
Posted By jagdish keshav Comments (1) Society
K.Venugopal Friday, July 27, 2007 9:21:20 PM
Posts by itself are only specifications of duties. It is the persons occupying them who would bring the posts dignity or mediocrity or even shame. While posts can be specified, how do we measure the character of a person? How do we ensure that only persons of character occupy vital posts? This is a key question.


Friday, July 27, 2007

Indian office goers must be released from the tyranny of full sleeved shirts with ties and coats and shoes. Indian weather is always sultry and humid. They must wear light cottons half sleeved shirts with comfortable chappals becaause most of them travel for hours in crowded trains and buses. By the time they reach their destination they are sweaty and their socks stink with soaked sweat. Shoes suit cold countries and we blindly imitate that dress code. And ties. What purpose do they serve?
9:47:11 AM
Posted By vivek aahuja Comments (2) Lifestyle
kalpana Friday, July 27, 2007 9:50:34 AM
Yeah i totally agree!!!!What about the school uniforms?ties in summer!!!!!!!!,skirts in winter!!!!!!!Someone please do something about it.
K.Venugopal Friday, July 27, 2007 8:42:05 PM
Let us have the freedom to dress as we want, so long as the consequences are only ours to bear. Stinking socks? That's not permissible. I've solved this particular problem many years ago - I walk barefoot.

Maa Tujhe Salaam

Friday, July 27, 2007
This is for all the diehards who fought it all out in the kargil war for the honour of the country. Shat-Shat Naman to you all. To the Vikram Batras, to the Anuj Nayyars and all those who fought the war. You are the real life heroes who do not get any attention but sacrifice the most. But remember that there are people who know that no sacrifice is greater than that done for the motherland. I salute to mothers who have given birth to such dedicated soldiers. Maa Tujhe Salaam, Bharat Mata ki Jai, Vande Mataram.
3:07:16 PM
Posted By Surender Negi Comments (1) News
K.Venugopal Friday, July 27, 2007 3:45:34 PM
I share your sentiments and I join you in saluting our military who are ever protecting us from external enemies. For the rest of us, we have to be aware of the enemies within, not just the inevitable foreign agents bent on wrecking havoc from within, but of our own debilitating corruption, indifference, immorality and suchlike tendencies. In the long run, they would be more destructive of our nationhood.

Monday, July 23, 2007

India’s Newly President for proselytizing

Sunday, July 22, 2007

A directive from the Ministry of Cults and Religions of Cambodia is reported in the media: Christians are prohibited from visiting people houses by knocking on the door and waiting to say: the Lord has arrived. Did India elect its President to welcome forceful conversion? Did Mahatma Gandhi want forcefully conversion? ................
India's Christian clerics reviving dying churches abroad
'We have about 150 pastors from the northeast preaching the gospel and assisting dying churches in countries like the US, China, Thailand, Cambodia and other countries,' Reverend Ngul Khan Pau, general secretary of the Council of Baptist Churches in Northeast India, told IANS................
Did Mahatma Gandhi want Forcefully Conversion?
No Such Thing as Conversion
“I believe that there is no such thing as conversion from one faith to another in the accepted sense of the word. It is a highly personal matter for the individual and his God. I may not have any design upon my neighbor as to his faith, which I must honor even as I honor my own. Having reverently studied the scriptures of the world I could no more think of asking a Christian or a Musalman, or a Parsi or a Jew to change his faith than I would think of changing my own.” (Harijan: September 9, 1935).......................
Did 10 Janpath gandhis and Newly President on the path of Mahatma Gandhi?
“Sonia Gandhi opposes Anti Forcefully Conversion Bills passed by Raj and MP Governments: Indian Congress President Mrs. Gandhi said, “The Congress Party has opposed this strongly in the assembly and through demonstrations.”
Why Pope sent ‘Fatwa’ to India? On whose instruction FORMER Rajasthan Governor AND NEWLY ELECTED PRESIDENT had sent back the Anti-forced conversion bill passed by Raj assembly?
This subject fully discussed at: newsanalysisindia.com/
By Premendra Agrawal
Please sign on the petition to save Ram Sethuby visiting at:
5:08:56 PM
Posted By premendra agrawal Comments (1) News
K.Venugopal Monday, July 23, 2007 7:13:54 PM
Watch out for a bill giving reservations to 'Dalit' Christians and Muslims in the SC category. The Hindu dalits will lose out because they are not as organised as the Christians and Muslims. Our lady President is eagerly waiting to OK it, as a token of thanks to Sonia for making her President.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Muslim as vice president

Monday, July 23, 2007
Muslim will be the vice president, Hindu will be the President, Sikh is the Prime Minister and Christian Sonia Gandhi heads the ruling combination of UPA. What an excellent combination of four VIP's of the nation. None can now doubt the credential of secularistic pattern of our democracy.
Now we need similar balance in states, districts and blocks too .One chance must be given to each of handicapped person ,beggars,pundits,maulvis,doctors,drunkards,criminals prostitutes, TB patients, cancer patients and so on whose population is at least more than one crore in the country.
In the same way we should allow MLA's in the state assemblies
.Jains, Budha, Rajput, Bhumihar, pundit and similarly all caste group should be given an opportunity in the democracy.
What is the harm in experimenting all caste persons and persons from all categories of people? When Mrs. Pratibha Patil can be given the responsibility of all three segments of army and can be entrusted the duty to protect our constitution, why not other segments of the society should get an opportunity to rule the country.
I am also a candidate to run the country even for a week or two.
This time Shiv Sena supported Mrs. Pratibha Patil because she hailed from Maharastra , next time Mr. Madhu Koda, CM of Jharkhand will ask for Vice President from Jharkhand. Mr. Sibu Soren is ready to take the responsibility.
Even IAS .IPS officers should also come from all castes based on their population.
After all we want to be the most secular in the world.
Particularly if we support Muslim candidate we will be praised by even our enemy country like Pakistan, Bangladesh, USA and many Islamic countries. As such Mrs. Nezmaaptullah is a right choice of NDA and Mr. Hanif for UPA. It should not be surprising for anyone. It was on expected line.
6:06:04 AM
Posted By danendra jain Comments (1) Politics
K.Venugopal Monday, July 23, 2007 9:06:39 AM
Dear Danendra, You've put across a vital point in great satire. But at least we, as individuals, should resolve that we would be Indians first and foremost. When more and more take the cue, India would become invincible.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Open letter to Pratibha Patil as next President of India

Friday, July 20, 2007

Dear Mrs Patil , Your election as President of India will go down in the history of India as a matter of great shame , as a concious citizen of this country, I bow my head in great shame and I refuse to accept you as the head of state of this country. You have been elected by 1000 criminals in Parliament and several thousand criminals in the different state legislators,they have chosen you to lead them and show them the way as to how to achieve their criminal objectives. After all smaller criminals have chosen a bigger criminal with proven ability to lead them. I am sure you will be in a position to accomplish this objective. The whole nations looks forward to your criminal achievement.many people see you as women empowerment in India , majority opinion in this country vouch for Rakhi Sawant , she fits the bill, at least she is not involved in criminal acts , she is also trying her best to serve the society and women cause . While nominating you as next President, the name of Dawood Ibrahim also surfaced as representative of minority community , he also deserves the nomination, after all like you no charges have been proved aganist him, he is a step better than you, he presented himself for investigation by a thrid country but you are still shy of such investigation, you did everything in your might to subvert the CBI probe . With you as head of this country, criminalisation of Indian politics is complete , we always missed a criminal as head of this country . we had some chamchas like Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad and Giani Zail Singh but never a person of great character like you . You filled the position . My best wishes to you .
1:15:35 PM
Posted By Manish Chowhdary Comments (1) Politics
K.Venugopal Friday, July 20, 2007 7:38:08 PM
The truth is, we deserve no better. Do you know that, for instance, the 'great' game of cricket, of which the majority of the nation is crazy, is actually a huge scandal, with a handful of nations playing against each year round the year in each other's venues and the media building it all up as the ultimate exlir? Have you wondered about the character of our cricketers? Ganguly was dropped and he went from door to door of the high and mighty literally begging them to take him back. Dravid, even as he is captain in all his glory, endorses citizen watch and shows it off, as if he has won a great trophy for India - all for the extra bucks he wants to earn while there is opportunity. Tendulkar, great as he is (I am his fan), he was still not great enough not to ask for tax concessions for a rare costly car he imported. This lack of character is today prevalent in all spheres. So long as we Indians fail to see that character is what we require above all, we will continue to have characterless people run our affairs.

Two Suitcases for Kalam 20 For Me

Friday, July 20, 2007
Kalam is a bachelor and a simple man. So his belongings are just 2 suitcases. Probably they are his clothes. But my belongings are more. So many years of family life.4 boxes are full of kitchen items and cutlery. Most of the steel utensils exchanged for old clothes. 2 boxes belong to my kids childhood toys, favourite clothes and other knickknacks which make me nostalgic. 2 boxes full of gifts received on various celebrabrations. 3 boxes for files. 2 boxes for books. 2 boxes for old clothes in good condition. 2 boxes for winter clothing and bedsheets. 1 box for unsued electric items. 1 box for photo albums which is my most prized possession. 1 box empty. That empty box reminds me that my life is not full yet. Marriage and kids give us a lot of full boxes. I envy Kalam. I also pity him because he missed certain things in life.
3:15:47 PM
Posted By urvashi mohan Comments (2) Musings
Ramachandra Friday, July 20, 2007 6:26:15 PM
Dear it is nature's balance that working for and against you. you loose something and you gain something. The net result is he is also happy and you should also be happy. Nothing to be envy about. Concentrate on filling the empty box.
K.Venugopal Friday, July 20, 2007 7:20:51 PM
However many boxes of material things we have, they will not bring us lasting peace, which is what all humans ultimately want. The less material possessions we have, the greater the chance of not being 'boxed in'. Therefore beware of those boxes - both full and empty.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

If you are searching for peace of mind

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
respected sir,
if you are searching for peace of mind, you can try any of following two things. firstly, you must set aside 10% of your salary for a noble cause.you must enquire about various genuine NGOs working for the benefit of children or mentally /physically challenged individuals,to help elderly people or women empowerment.
secondly, you can switch onto sanskar and aastha television and watch spiritual discourses of various sadgurus. believe me, i am speaking from personal experience.you will feel lot of peace within.don't forget it to refer it to your friends as well.(though the discourses are based on hindu holy texts, they are not at all based on communal lines).
7:47:45 PM
Posted By vivek kumar Comments (1) Society
K.Venugopal Wednesday, July 18, 2007 9:00:41 PM
There is no doubt your prescription would help in bringing peace of mind. It is also important to know that eventually we would realise that lasting peace of mind is possible only if we are able to relax totally and be attentive completely. If we sincerely seek to be relaxed and attentive at the same time, the right technique suited to our genius would uncover itself for our pursuit.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The Mohammed Haneef episode has slipped rapidly from a tragedy to a farce. Arrested in the wake of the failed attack on Glasgow Airport for the cardinal sin of lending his SIM card to his cousin Sabeel Ahmed, whose bother Kafeel Ahmed drove the jeep, the case has become a disgraceful demonstration of how India protects its citizens abroad.
Even as the Indian government and its diplomats have watched, Dr Haneef has become a pawn in Australia’s politics in the name of the “War on Terror”. Given bail after being detained for a fortnight, he has been stripped of his visa, threatened to be deported, labelled a “terrorist”, and has now been condemned to solitary confinement for 23 out of 24 hours a day.
In all the time, the Secular Republic of India has looked on haplessly as a citizen of its soil has been deprived of his civil liberties, robbed of his freedom and human rights, and humiliated by having his “character” questioned. India’s meek response threatens the wellbeing of its citizens in every part of the globe.
Today it is Haneef, tomorrow it could be any one of us.
It is now time to send a strong diplomatic signal that India will not tolerate any further circumcision of its citizens’ rights without clinching evidence being provided that Dr Haneef has a stronger, deeper involvement than has been made public. The Indian high commissioner to Australia should be recalled to show that India is one with Mohammed Haneef.
5:17:01 PM
Posted By churumuri dotcom Comments (2) News
manish_chowdhary Wednesday, July 18, 2007 5:25:02 PM
This is not true, the charges levelled against Haneef are very serious , his alleged links with Al-Queda activists are under investigation. Indian High Commission can not cross a limit, the maximum High Commission can do is make a representation of Indian stand , they can not ask Australian to absolve him of all charges . If Haneef is found not gulity, Australian authorities have no reasons to hold him for a single day . There seems to be some controversy , if no charges are leveled against him, then why is he being held in custody ,why is he being treated like a terrorist ? Whether Australians have discovered something which they are hiding or is it some simple act of high handedness ?
K.Venugopal Wednesday, July 18, 2007 6:07:23 PM
Do you think our High Commissioner in UK ought to be recalled because he did not point out that Kafeel Ahmed is innocent though he drove the Jeep? It can only be that he was innocently in the bad company of an Iraqi, the other occupant of the Jeep! If he was not innocent, would our Prime Minister have lost sleep over him and his likes?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Anyway we decided to make a prediction of our own-just cause it seemed easy! Ever wonder what Ash will look like at age 70?

5:12:31 PM
Posted By Bhavesh Shah Comments (2) Entertainment
ikchhugani Tuesday, July 17, 2007 5:35:43 PM
You are a very mean person ... you are trying to scare the poor lady.
K.Venugopal Tuesday, July 17, 2007 6:42:49 PM
Aishwarya is an intelligent person and she probably already knows that beauty is in how you feel, not how you look.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Monday, July 16, 2007
It has always intrigued one as to how more and more youth, educated and from well to do families, get attracted to Jehad and suicide attacks. I do not believe the religion teaches these attitudes.Nor can it be the dogmatic preachings of some vocoferous zelots. While you can understand an youngster from a poor family taking up Jehad as ameans of earning, one is baffled by the steps taken by the well to do.It cannot be monetary matters which count.Nor can it be religious dogmas as the Religion doesnot preach violence and killing of innocents.So then it has to be soem other motivsation....Salvation also cannot be a cause of death wish.Can any one throw some light on this? In the answer may lie the solution to the vexing problem.
1:07:27 AM
Posted By
Balachandran Nair Comments (2) Society
Infidel Monday, July 16, 2007 6:40:37 AM
No true religion teaches hatred and voilence but evil cult do. Islam is not a religion but an evil cult for which humanity is paying it's prize for 1400 years. Hope you got your answer.
K.Venugopal Monday, July 16, 2007 11:18:08 PM
Islam, according to its adherents, is not only a perfect religion, it is also a religion of total clarity. This clarity, unfortunately, is obtained not by independent thinking, but by parroting the conclusions of its authorised Mullahs, who go by the interpretation given by Mohammad through his hadiths. The bomber doctors may have used their brains and become brilliant in secular subjects, but when it comes to religion, they surrender their thinking to the Mullahs. The most educated Christians have never hypothecated their brains to the Pope or his missionaries. No Shankaracharya or Guru has stopped the Hindu from concluding matters for himself. Why, the license for free-thinking was given by Krishna himself in the Gita. Until the Muslim leaders in secular fields reinterpret Islam in the light of spiritual developments after the 7th century (and before too, in non-Arabic lands) the Muslims will continue to be guided by 7th century Arabic tribal mentality.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Arrests of Indian Doctors for terrorist activities

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Arrest of Indan doctors in UK and Australia is quite alarming, it clearly establishes and also strengthen the simple theory that no matter how qualified they become , to them Jihad holds uppermost and supreme position in their mind , to these people so called Jihad is more important than humanity ,these kind of people are monsters and every effort should be made to eliminate such menace from a civilised society.
10:23:57 PM
Posted By Manish Chowhdary Comments (1) Politics
K.Venugopal Friday, July 6, 2007 12:40:17 PM
The latest incident confirms Arnold Toynbee's conclusion that Islam is an intolerent majority and a turbulent minority.


Friday, July 6, 2007

Manmohan Singh couldn't sleep because he kept thinking about the Indian Muslim terrorist arrested in Australia.. If Sri Lankan terrorists are known as Tamil terrorists, what is wrong with Muslim terroists being called Muslims terrorists? After all, these people are terrorising for the benefit of Muslims and in the name of Islam. Also many verses, for example surah 8 ayat 12, in the Koran exhort Muslims to kill violently non-Muslims. Surah 8, for example tells them to "strike off" the heads of non-Muslims and burn them in hell-fire. Muslim terrorists have used such verses to justify killing non-Muslims. In any case, these arrested people will be dealt with by the laws of the respective countries and if innocent, will be released. He is not killed, nor is he likely to be.
Manmohan really should be having sleepless nights for the Indians being killed by floods in India for which he could have taken preventive action but hasn't. But what do you expect from this half-Muslim prime minister? He didn't have sleepless nights when many innocent Hindus were bombed and killed in India by these Muslim terrorists.
12:30:06 AM
Posted By Shamer Williams Comments (1) News
K.Venugopal Friday, July 6, 2007 6:34:54 PM
Hey, You are back after a long time, Shamer. A clash of civilization is well under way. Between those who believe in freedom and those who believe in scriptural dogma.

Why Our dear Prime Minister could not go to sleep for a night?

Friday, July 6, 2007
Our dear Prime Minister could not sleep for a nightbecause some Indian doctors were suspected to beinvolved in England bomb blasts. However, our samerespected Prime Minister goes to sleep daily when hevery well knows that as per various surveys, 64% ofIndians go to bed every night without food. He is notbothered nor his sleep is disturbed. He went to sleepquite soundly when Sikhs were being mercilessly killedby his partymen i.e. Congresswalla in 1984. He couldgo to sleep very well when Babri Masjid wasdemolished, when Bombay riots took place, when Bombblasts took place in Bombay. He went soundly to sleepwhen Godhra Carnage took place. He could not find anyreason not to sleep when post Godhra riots took place.He went to sleep quite soundly when Gujjar riots overreservations took place. He also could go to sleepwhen Gujarat Earthquake took place. He also went tosleep soundly when Tsunami took place. He had gone tosleep as usual when fake encounters took placeespecially in Punjab and J&K and he also sleep soundlywhen custodial deaths take place. Then why could henot go to sleep this time? As a Prime Minister, hesurely owes an explanation to the Nation. Dear PrimeMinister, please come out clean. Why you could not goto sleep this time?Satbir Singh Bedi
10:09:58 AM
Posted By Satbir Bedi Comments (2) Politics
cinical Friday, July 6, 2007 10:19:05 AM
good questions.
K.Venugopal Friday, July 6, 2007 6:36:18 PM
Elections are approaching and he needs to humour the Muslims.

How much money does it take to be happy?

Friday, July 6, 2007
A lot it seems these days. You've got to have a lot of it, and no stopping please! So what if you, already have 2 cars for the 2 and a half(kid) members of your family, own your own house, your kid goes to the swanky neighbuorhood school, and your salary nearly doubles every six month?
You are not able to go abroad every year, you don't yet own a Mercedes, and your house has only three rooms for God's sake! How can your family of 2 and a half make do with only three rooms and two cars? It doesn't matter if there are millions of kids out there who sleep in the open, and don't have two meals a day, and never ever learn to read and write. But chances are they might be almost as happy as you are. A full stomach a day gives them the same high as your overseas trip.
Isn't this obscene? How can anyone, who has food on his table, a decent place to call home, access to health-care , and the knowlege that things would stay that way, come what may, not be happy. Why do we as a nation not care about our fellow countrymen, who are not so fortunate? How is it that the much reviled Australian cricketers, like Steve Waugh and Ricky Ponting, come every year to India to work with the poor, whereas the Indian cricketers, some of whom are wealthier, are never seen doing anything of this sort.
Can all of us Indians resolve to be happy while striving to do well in life and also show kindness to others not as fortunate as us.
3:04:51 PM
Posted By Vipin Labroo Comments (2) Musings
NailingTheCoffin Friday, July 6, 2007 4:20:53 PM
You hit bull's eye.Perhaps our cricketers will emulate Steve Waugh and Ricky Ponting, when they decide to call it a day with regard to their (politicised) game of cricket, and wish to enter active politics, which these days is like a stupid combination of 20x20, ODI and test match, all-in-one!
K.Venugopal Friday, July 6, 2007 6:22:13 PM
Dear Vipin, The whole problem of unhappiness in man, rich or poor materially, is the sense of lack. Those who are not educated by the spiritual masters continue to foster the illusion that money would solve their problems. It never has. We have to first make our restless mind restful. Then we would be able to solve all problems ourselves. We would stop wailing that our problems arise from unfair social arrangements.

Indian Muslims

Friday, July 6, 2007

In the name of Allah, many Clerics are misdirecting young, poor muslims towards terror. In the name of Jihad they are making them to commit terror crimes not only in the country but also in the world. For the last many years, we indian muslims were not involved in such acts. But the recently terror attack in UK has made everyone in the country to look at us in a doubtful manner. We are been tried to be branded as Terrorists. So all muslims of our beloved India don't come in the words of this Clerics. They don't belong to any nation, they are following the words of their Masters located in Pakistan/Saudi Arabia.
First we are Indians then we are Muslims. This country has given a identity to us. So lets come together and face the terror together.
5:27:39 PM
Posted By Mohammed Khalil Comments (1) Politics
K.Venugopal Friday, July 6, 2007 6:06:18 PM
I applaud your statement. But the basic religious problem emanating from Islam would not be solved so long as it declares that it alone is the true religion and all other religions are false. Though many other religions, big and small, also declare that theirs is the only true religion, such declarations have not resulted, at least in the modern world, at attempts to foist their religion by undermining all liberal views and institutions as is the tendency in Islam. Muslims therefore must turn against Islam as is run by the Mullahs. They have retarded the evolution of the religion. Unless freedom to interpret is at the individual level, as it is today with Hinduism and even Christianity, Islam will take to terrorism in bigger ways.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Religion rules!

Thursday, July 5, 2007
Today almost in every part of the world there is some sort of war, argument or problem going on that has its roots related to conflict with some religion. From the United States, which many believe, is waging a war against radical Islam in the form of terrorism in countries like Afghanistan and Iraq, to Israel, which has its own age-old problems with neighboring Palestine. In fact the division of India and Pakistan was made on this whole topic of religion. There are arguments going around in the world about abortion rights and religion again has a part to play, even the statue of the age old Bamiyan Buddha was destroyed in the name of religion. People like Daniel Pearl are slaughtered and Salman Rushdie are issued fatwa’s to be murdered under the name of religion. Riots of Gujarat or the on going religious tension in Punjab all are given birth by religion. Worlds are made, leaders are chosen and rights are given not taking in consideration the human in it, but his religion. Eventually at the end of the day the big question we need to ask ourselves is, whether the God in the religion does this all, or is it the human that screen’s himself to play God on this big stage.
3:12:07 AM
Posted By Mr. Singh Comments (1) News
K.Venugopal Thursday, July 5, 2007 2:59:51 PM
Man is God but so long as he does not realise this he will act like a devil.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Reply to Ruzan shah

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Yuu are right when you said that there are leaders and business heads who make a difference to the world, but in total they don't make an impact on the community as does the clerics who rouse communl passions as is evident from the situation in Lal Masjid in Pakistan.Take the case of the doctors and engineers who were preyed by the communal elements, even after receiving the best education and possessing a good mind.Where is the menace?
Of course the western influence during cold war has done to invigorate the problem of terrorism?But were they not willing prey to western influence and continue to blame?May be thats the way history catches up with the sinners?But this is also true when the sinned become sinners?
The religion has co-existed with many different communities where the community is not under the clutches of the clerics.Its retrospection time for the community and the world to look for a peaceful way forward?
8:00:18 AM
Posted By vinod kumar Comments (1) Society
K.Venugopal Wednesday, July 4, 2007 9:34:24 AM
Dear Vinod, There is an aspect of Islam that is not accounted for seriously by many commentators and that is, Islam cannot be applied satisfactorily to a Muslim's life unless the shariat is enforced. Since shariat is the Islamic constitution, it can be imposed only by a State. Clerics form part of the surrogate state in almost all countries till they move centre stage like the Taliban did. Hence their importance. The same situation (of needing external imposition to complete the practice of religion) does not prevail in Hinduism because Hinduism is about seeking the divinity within ourselves whereas Islam is about being a perfect slave to Allah, an external force.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Thursday, June 28, 2007

This is second time in a week, I am insisting that Item Girl, RAKHI SAWANT will be better choice as a presidential candidate from Congress ,Shiv sena and leftists than Loan Pimp Pratibha Patil . Rakhi Sawant just moves her body parts and earn money but Congress-Shiv Sena Joint candidate PRATIBHA PATIL is a Public Money Pimp and CO-OPERATIVE Thief, as declared by RBI’S INSPECTION REPORT,INTERNAL AUDITORS REPORT and Chief Administrator Co-Operatives report. She is a blot on Maharashtrian working women, who toil in hard Summer and Rain in farms and other places. according to RBI Report tabled on 18/5/2007, As a chairman of PRATIBHA MAHILA SAHKARI BANK, Pratibha looted the Public Deposits and distributed it among her relatives, which includes waver on loans taken by her relatives and Equity Market business on Banks phone by her brother Dilip Singh Patil. What if she resigned from Chairpersons post in 1994,she has been declared a public money thief, which is according to me worst than pimping your own sister. Why I am using such language, because Mumbai Police beats up street prostitutes and send them to Jail ,than what should be done with Pratibha Patil? If Bal Thakrey is endorsing her, it’s not a liability on other Maharashtrian and Indians to have a loan and co-operative Pimp as President of India. Congress is challenging to People of India to provide a single piece of Documentary evidence against Pratibha Patil, What about RBI REPORT,18/6/2002, Has Soniya Gandhi and Dr.Manmohan Singh has no respect for RBI? Or they want to show the world that not only a Woman but they are first in world to endorse a Female Public Money Thief Pratibha Patil as official candidate of Congress for Presidency of India. I still demand ,Please Give Rakhi Sawant a Chance,she has better qualification as a working woman than Pratibha Patil.
[ Anirudh M.Dhodapkar is Chairman to Media/Rural Banking/Film Project-Marketing-Content- Casting-Distribution Consultancy firm “KRS” ,he writes for 168 Business Portals across the globe. He is willing to help personally and professionally, as he has overcome toughest of circumstances in 36 years of his life and inspired to help anyone ,who seeks help].Email;khemrajrupaliandsons@gmail.com]

5:52:42 PM
Posted By ANIRUDH DHODAPKAR Comments (1) Business
K.Venugopal Thursday, June 28, 2007 7:04:04 PM
Dear Anirudh, I think you are being unfair and somewhat worked-up. Maybe the Presidential candidate took some short-cuts vis-à-vis the law. But to use the word pimp to describe her, when, all said and done, she is the Presidential candidate, is to charge her for something she is not. Pimping has to do with sex and she is accused by nobody of any sexual scandal. So, if you are a gentleman, you ought to apologise. As for Rakhi Sawant, she has her fans ... but she would be better off on page 3.

Atrocities committed by White Christians-How to punish them?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I find that my Hindu and Muslim friends write pagesafter pages blaming each other for the atrocitiescommitted on Hindus and Muslims. I cannot understandwhy these brothers are fighting when the actualculprits are white Christian people of Europe. Theatrocities committed by them make atrocities committedby any other race pale into insignificance. How did it happen that these white European Christiansand their descendants turned into dracula likevampires and nearly made the race of red Indiansvanish from earth and they could so so with impunity. Even today, these white Christians like Bush, Blair,Brown, Sarkozy, Merkel etc. are busy getting people inIraq, Afghanistan and Darfur and elsewhere killedmercilessly. What is the background of all thiscruelty?Actually, when the whole world was passing through arather quiet period indulging in petty wars orcarrying on their hereditary trades and usingrenewable sources of energy, these Sons of Devil, thewhite European Christians who are most greedy peopleon earth, thought of making Gold from iron. In fact,one of the English Preists, Priestley while trying todiscover making gold from iron, discovered oxygen. Then these people who were gifted by the almightywith certain thinking powers, discovered non-renewableenergy sources like coal and petroleum etc. They werealso able to perfect medical sciences so that theystarted living more than people in other parts of theworld. This necessitated them to find and conquer newlands to get non-renewable sources of energy andsettle their extra population. Their first target wasAmerica and they exterminated the original inhabitantsof America who were Red Indians from the face of theearth. They were not very religious people and hadtherefore, no qualms about killing Red Indians whomthey considered to be inferior people. However, theirthirst for raw materials, non-renewable energy sourcesand finding new homes for their ever growingpopulation did not end. They also wanted to selltheir arms and ammunition. So, they startedconquering new territories in Asia and Africa and mademillions of Asians and Africans as their slaves. However, God in his kindness produced rivalary amongstthem and Hitler and Mussolini were born to challengeEnglish, French hegemony. Hitler was also a verydestructive person. He thought of eliminating Jewswho had come from West Asia to Europe. He killedabout 60 lakh jews in concentration camps. Englishand American people did save Jews but created apermanent hell for these Jew people by settling themin Palestine rather in a part of Europe to which theybelonged. This they did to sell their arms andammunitition to both Arabs who were unsettled becauseof Jews settlement and the Jews. Similarly, war withGermany ruined England financially and they thought ofgranting independence to India but the like monkey,they divided India in such a way that they createdKashmir problem between Hindu dominated Secular Indiaand Muslim Pakistan so that they could sell their armsand ammunition to them. Had they not given the optionof merging their State with either India or Pakistanto Indian Princes, all this strife would not haveresulted. They were very cunning people. Theyrealized that that if they did not make Hindus andSikhs on one hand and Muslims on other hand fight witheach other, then these native people because of thetorture which they were subjected to during theBritish regime, could have very gladly torn British topieces. Now, the same dirty game which they played in middleeast and Indo-Pak Sub-continent, the British played inAfrica also. Even now, to have a monopoly over thenon-renewable source of petroleum, America and Englandhave unnecessarily attacked Iraq and ruined thatcountry. They also want to take hold of another oilrich country, Iran which so far has escaped from beingseized by them. Meanwhile, we Asians are fightingamong each other; Hindus fighting Muslims and Shiasfighting Sunnis. Similarly in Afghanistan andPakistan, there are pro-American elements which arecarrying on the nefarious designs of America andEngland. So, let us Hindus and Muslims, Shias andSunnis not fight amongst each other but wage a crusadeagainst these evil sons of Satan, namely whiteChristians and their descendants in Europe, America,Canada Australia and elsewhere. That is the only sanething that we can do. Let us force America andEngland to quit Iraq, Darfur, Afghanistan and let uswork out an honourable solution of Kashmir to deafeatthe devilish designs of English and American people.
12:56:03 PM
Posted By Satbir Bedi Comments (1) Politics
K.Venugopal Thursday, June 28, 2007 4:56:34 PM
There is the devil in all of us and religions came into being to overcome our devilish (divisive) tendencies and help discover the divine in us. But eventually religions themselves became sources of divisive concepts. We have now to distinguish the divine teachings in religions from the identity traps they have become and save mankind. The old paradigms won’t stand. The future is in having an universal outlook. Ganging up against the White Christian is a tribal solution.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sonia screwed up on presidential candidate ?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
It seems Sonia Gandhi made her first political mistake by choosing Pratibha Patil as presidential candidate.
Dont malign highest office of the nation for petty political gain Mrs Gandhi.
Its nothing but seer ideological bankruptcy on the part of Congress if they failed to get a more acceptable & clean candidate.
Look at your wanna be prez candidate Patil , she already created barrage of blunders by her senseless crap.
Come on guys get some one saner than this cocky demeanour lady.
8:30:55 PM
Posted By ruzan shah Comments (2) Politics
Rightviews Wednesday, June 27, 2007 9:53:58 PM
Mr Shah, you are wrong on one point this is not the first political mistake of Sonia. She has been taking the nation for a ride for last many years.The bunch of jokers that the congress leaders are, they are blindly following her for petty personal gains.
K.Venugopal Thursday, June 28, 2007 9:41:20 AM
Hey Ruzan, Where were you all this while? I kinda missed you cos your forceful and colourful retorts never failed to shake me up. After all the verbal duels that have taken place on this blogsphere, it appears it is now resting peacefully. Shall we leave it at that or start the whole thing all over again? I am game. I agree with your this blog. But her comments on purdah and speaking-spirit did not sound all that carp to me. Remember, Allah spoke to Mohammad? Now here goes ...

Should a President be seen with godmen and godwomen?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Either we are in the most well-directed campaign to derail Pratibha Patil?s presidential hopes. Or the Marathi mulgi is truly gifted with a gab that will ensure that journalists earn every bit of the bread they make during what promises to be a long and colourful presidency.
First, her comments on the purdah caused a flutter among historians. Then, it was her Emergency-era statement that those who have hereditary diseases should be sterilised. But both those now pale in front of the big one, which CNN-IBN unveiled last night.
Apparently, three months ago, Pratibhatai claimed that she had a ?divine premonition? of greater responsibility coming her way while communicating with her spiritual guru who passed away 38 years ago.
?I had a pleasant experience,? Patil told a gathering in Mt Abu in February recounting her meeting with the head of Brahma Kumaris World Spritual University, Hridaymohini, also popularly known as ?dadiji.?
?Dadiji ke shareer mein baba aye (Baba came in Dadiji?s body),? she said. Her reference was to Dada Lekhraj who founded Brahma Kumari sect. Lekhraj died in 1969. Patil claimed the late Baba spoke to her indicating that she should be prepared to shoulder greater responsibility.
?He also made me very lucky,? she added.
Maybe, it?s unfair to target Pratibha Patil for her links with the Brahma Kumaris or its chief. After all, if even a scientist like A.P.J. Abdul Kalam didn?t have any problems in rubbing shoulders with godmen and godwomen?Saibaba, Mata Amritanandamayi, et al?why should Pratibhatai be immune?
Maybe, also, it?s her personal belief?a question of faith?and no one has any right to question it. But the problem arises when, instead of observing them behind closed doors, it is put up for public display, which most godmen and godwomen are experts are turning into advertisements.
An even bigger question is of propriety. Should the head of a State be seen sitting below a religious head? Should a President be seen in close proximity to godmen and godwomen, many of whom are sleazeballs using education and health as a cover for their nefarious activities?
Also read: VIR SANGHVI: The truth about Sabi Baba
An eleven-and-a-half point manifesto for President Kalam
9:35:29 PM
Posted By churumuri dotcom Comments (1) News
K.Venugopal Thursday, June 28, 2007 9:25:06 AM
"Sleazeballs" apart, there is no harm in meeting any Indian citizen or anyone else for that matter.


Thursday, June 28, 2007

I desperately need to tell all those students/professional/employees ,who wake to everyone, who wake up and drag themselves to workplaces and wait for a working day to end ,please read on and you will know, how to be more useful to yourself;

1] Your tomorrow will be decided by what you do today, your Job hardly makes you important or useless, and it’s up to you to make it important.

2] There is a CHAURASIYA PAN SHOP at RAJWADA, Indore, this shop is opened for 21 hours a day and night ,after many years ,he stopped my Car, made a Pan and fed me by his own hands ,just look at the way man loves his job. We send CEO’S their to learn, how to make client your family member.

3] If you are unhappy with what you are doing today ,you are destined to be unhappy in doing anything tomorrow, as unhappiness is state of mind and you are now addicted to it.
4] Wish to change the job ,keep searching and make a shift but the day you leave ,people must have tears in eyes ,Both of my parents were teachers, they had been harassed by MP School Administration throughout the career but I have seen NASA Scientists and IAS officers running behind ,touching their feet and saying ,”I was dieing to meet you from 17 years ,today d auspicious day has come.” This is the reward bigger than Noble prize.

5] Who told you, you can not fulfill your desire at the age of 5,45 ,55 or 65, you are as young ,as you want to be, you are the only limitation to your destiny and nothing else.

6] Series of failures are nothing but milestones of a Great successful journey.

7] Do not look down at yourself, even if whole world and your own family label you, as failure. British Monarchy and Winston Churchill looked down at Gandhi as a Naked Fakir, today British Monarchy is a stupid joke, Churchill is buried in history books, but GANDHI is a IKON for every global citizen.

8] Job or professional insecurity is biggest superstition, if someone tells you, who are you? Who is behind you? Immediately Declare, I am daughter/Son of God and God is behind, ahead and with me. Just make this declaration and you will feel his presence immediately.

9] Once a Great Astrologer told me ,you do not have line of money ,I informed him, I will make it, after 17 years Every Astrologer says I have a great line of Money ,I tell them ,I have drawn it.

10] There are only two Entities, who can make or break you, one is God and other is You. Trust God more than yourself and inform him, every time you are doing anything, tell him, if it goes wrong ,it’s your fault, if it goes right, it’s my credit, he is the invisible and never take credit for anything, So every credit will be yours and failure will be his mistake. The problem with most of us ,that we trust everyone else but God. Don’t trust me, just try this and God will be on is toes , either to stop you from committing a blunder or will make you successful in your task. I have destroyed my health to the point of death and than blamed SAI and asked him that you have done it ,and thrown away all the pain to him, Poor Doctors inform me I have developed a huge tumor in my Lever but they don’t know, how it became dead without any surgery .

11] Choose a favorite God and make him evidence to whatever you do, he/she will be so concerned that they will take you CANCER and HEART ATTACKS. Shri RAMKRISHNA PARAMHANSA,SHRI SHIRDI SAI was and SHRI SATYA SAI is in habit of taking devotees severe Paralytic and other medically uncured illnesses on heir own body. What other facility you seek from God.

12] Shri Satya Sai ,once told a person ,your CANCER is CANCELLED, Doctors informed him after thorough check up, there is no Cancer now.
13] Why you think miracles happens to others, they can happen to you, if you just leave each of your so called impossible looking problem on God’s feet, inform him, solve this, as I am not able to solve it, God is terribly image conscious ,he will either get the things done through you or someone else.

14] God keeps on discovering umpteen ways to help us , so do not bother, he will find a solution.

15] Once a Political Underworld Mafia Don, threatened my friend’s wife, that he will KIDNAP and Kill her 4 year old son ,she asked him to note down her kids school address and bus number and dare to kidnap him ,as her child is protected by her Guru, Mafia Don was so scared of lady that he called back after a day and said “ Didi We are very sorry ,please forgive us.”
If you will simply adopt this attitude,your worries and problem will begin to disapear,you are talking about silly job or profession,you will find most adament of people and circumstances are changeing in your favor,without any effort.If stilll you face a any hurdle remamber me,I am here for you.
[ Anirudh M.Dhodapkar is Chairman to Media/Rural Banking/Film Project-Marketing-Content- Casting-Distribution Consultancy firm “KRS” ,he writes for 168 Business Portals across the globe. He is willing to help personally and professionally, as he has overcome toughest of circumstances in 36 years of his life and inspired to help everyone ,who needs help.Email;khemrajrupaliandsons@gmail.com]

8:31:43 AM
Posted By ANIRUDH DHODAPKAR Comments (1) Business
K.Venugopal Thursday, June 28, 2007 9:04:15 AM
Your article is bubbling with optimism. Great to have people like you writing.

Open letter to TIMES OF INDIA

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
open letter to TIMES OF INDIA at http://treddyji.sulekha.com/blog/post/2007/06/open-letter-to-times-of-india.htm
Sir, when BJP Prez (Bangaru Laxman) was shown on TV accepting bribe , BJP removed him immediately ......
When MPs were shown in Cash against Query scam , LS Speaker Somnath immediately suspended all of them --Congress , BSP & BJP also expelled them from their parties .........
But when Prez nominee Pratibha Patil is being shown with same TAINT , UPA is not removing her but rather protecting her.
So we have 2 rules :--
* one for Dalit leader ( Bangaru ) & ordinary MPs
* but another for ruling party i.e. NDA
Do as Indian you approve it ? In today's on main page ( 27th June ) , you have written that :--
It's shocking because
* till now we had a rationalist or scientist Kalam as PREZ
* now we will have a superstitious & BLIND follower as Prez.. ... AAJTAK exposes Pratibha Patil
* Brahamkumaris are NOT part of Hinduism as they don't accept supremacy of Lord but only soul
* they don't believe in 4 ashrams of Brahamcharya, Grihastha , Vanprashta & Sanyaasa
* they believe only in ( forced ) celibacy --thus many Brahamkumars (& Kumaris ) are morally corrupt . They don't marry in front of society but ........ If OSHO ( Rajneesh ) was one extreme , Brahamkumaris are another.
* thus are not part of Sanatan Dharma
One more disturbing fact is there. Congress ditched Pranab Mukherjee b'coz he is NOT chamcha of Sonia G. But Pratibha shall ALWAYS say YES , MADAM to Italian lady .
As Indians , is it acceptable to us ?
In India, Media can make or mar a politician. If due to public-pressure both Pratibha & Shekhawat opt out in favour of Kalam , public will be grateful to Media. Your time has come please.
11:02:30 AM
Posted By great india Comments (2) Entertainment
Adhithan Wednesday, June 27, 2007 12:11:01 PM
One dalith leader (bangaru) got support. Great!!!
K.Venugopal Wednesday, June 27, 2007 5:55:31 PM
Your saying Brahma Kumaris are not part of Hinduism proves that you neither know Hinduism nor Brahma Kumaris. Hinduism transcends belief to lead to experience. Brahma Kumaris have their own mode of expression of the truth they have experienced. Expressions vary, but the truth is the same.It is Pratibha Patil’s right to choose what belief she shall have. Hinduism means freedom. May her beliefs lead her to freedom.

Hinduism and tolerance

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A quality universally attributed to Hinduism is tolerance. Tolerance is one definite reason for Hinduism to be amongst the longest surviving religions in world. In fact tolerance is referred to as the prime factor behind “greatness” of Hinduism. However whether tolerance is a virtue or not, is highly debatable.

Survival relies on adaptability i.e. flexibility. Flexibility breeds tolerance. If a “great” virtue like tolerance can be credited for survival, then surely it can also be held responsible for vices like corruption, unaccountability, irresponsibility etc. We turn a blind’s eye to all these vices because we are tolerant accepting these as fact of life. In fact the person, who is corrupt, is so because he is flexible. We tolerate mediocrity in every sphere of life because we are too flexible to stand firm for achieving higher standards. We are willing to bend rules to benefit our dear ones. We tolerate, actually worship, our mediocre cricketers, film stars, media etc. We are good in politics because we are flexible. Since flexibility defies standing firm politics should mean, “not standing for anything” and hence politics in its practice is itself a vice.

For exactly the same reasons we, the Hindus, are at peace with ourselves. One may appreciate this quality but then this prevents us from striving for excellence. We are under-achievers because we too tolerant of ourselves easily indulging in self-pity.

In the relationship between different communities, tolerance again has negative connotations i.e. merely noting other’s presence. In that context it has to be acceptance because then only real assimilation of cultures is possible. A culture can claim to be great only when it accepts others and not merely tolerates them.

12:35:44 PM
Posted By ashish mishra Comments (1) Society
K.Venugopal Wednesday, June 27, 2007 5:41:03 PM
Dear Ashish, You rightly said, "A culture can claim to be great only when it accepts others and not merely tolerates them." This is quite so of Hinduism. It accepts others and other ways of living because it believes that divinity underlies all life. But this acceptance is only on the principle of Dharma or harmony. If any force seeks to undermine harmony, it inherently and unfailingly undertakes a forceful corrective course. Thus, Hindu culture and civilization is dynamic and it is upto our generation to benefit from its teachings and move to excellence.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What is spirit?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

NDTV is after Pratibha Patil for believing in spirits. Believing in god itself is, to a reasonable mind, an aberration but which is approved even by Ndtv. If you believe in god there is no harm believing in spirits or bhooths.
8:47:48 AM
Posted By vivek aahuja Comments (1) Personals
K.Venugopal Wednesday, June 27, 2007 9:24:56 AM
We believe in all sorts of things. Pratibha Patil must not be faulted for her beliefs so long as they are not violent.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Religious feelings and Salman Rushdie

Monday, June 25, 2007
Ms. Barkha Datt in her article dated 24.6.2007 has written, "Much as we play up Sunita Williams’ Indian ancestry, we haven’t quite figured out how to respond as a country to her fellow American resident, Salman Rushdie. This is despite the fact that his ‘Indianness’ is actually much more direct and indisputable. Not just was he born here, his greatest works of writing have borrowed from the smells, sounds and stories of India. On his last visit here for a literary festival in Rajasthan, he told me that coming to India was “like drinking at the well, ever so often you have to come to drink at the well”. His parents may have migrated to Pakistan in the 1960s, but Rushdie has always been outspoken about where his sense of identity lies, despite his “complicated notion of home”. “I know which side I am on in cricket,” he joked last year, “it’s always India, not Pakistan, no problem for me.”
So, why has the Indian response to the author’s knighthood been so muted?
The politically correct among us may want to argue that an award from the Queen of England is not just an anachronism — it’s feudal, colonial and in poor taste. Others contend that the honours are farcical and lightweight. (This year, the winners included a global lingerie tycoon, Joseph Corre, who turned down his prize saying he could not accept anything from the “morally corrupt” Tony Blair.)
But let’s own up to the truth. Had an Indian-born steel magnate or business tycoon or even an academician been bestowed with a snotty little prefix from the British monarchy, enough awe-struck Indians would have been jumping through hoops.
The reason we are so understated about Sir Salman is not because we disapprove of royalty; it’s because we are hypocrites and mixed up about whether we want to claim the author as our own or not.
Parts of India treat Rushdie like he’s a rock star; we especially like boasting about him to our Western friends and acquaintances. It’s nice to act like one of the world’s most successful authors is as homespun as our handloom saris.
And yet, other parts of India (most noticeably the political establishment) continue to treat him like we would handle an embarrassing relative. We know he’s ours, but don’t force us to officially admit it.
Our television channels self-righteously debate whether Pakistan’s government had any business getting involved in the controversy. We are passionate about not mixing art with politics. And we feel appalled at the lunacy of politicians across the border who have warned the world that the award may spur on suicide bombers. For us, it’s just one more example of how Pakistan is hurtling down the path of self-destructive fundamentalism.
But how many of us have demanded an explanation from our own governments? Do we ask our politicians to clarify where they stand on the ban on Satanic Verses? Can we ever escape the blemish of being the first country in the world to ban the book? And for those of us who got so worked up over the attack by right-wing goons on the arts faculty in Baroda, will we speak up as vociferously for Rushdie’s right to express his creativity without censorship?
This isn’t about whether you like his books or him; it’s about double standards.
If we defended (as I did, for the record) the right of a young student of art in Gujarat to paint Christ and Vishnu in images that were sexually explicit and possibly offensive, we must also give Rushdie the same space to say his piece.
The freedom of expression cannot be defined selectively.
It’s time we owned up to the fact that Salman Rushdie, even more than Sunita Williams, was at least partially made in India."
I had responded to Ms. Barkha Datt in the following manner:
"Respected Madam,
Please refer to the article "Made in India" by you(Hindustan Times;24.6.2007)
You are absolutely right about Salman Rushdie. We have let down one of our greatest sons because ofour hypocritical nature based on an equallyhypocritical religious philosophy. To put it bluntly,we have not countered Pakistani Propaganda nor have wepraised the British Government for conferringknighthood on Rushdie because we are first classcowards afraid of our Muslim population.
In fact, I do not know why people are giving so muchimportanceto religion as if it were a matter of life and death? It is indeed strange that religion is supposed topreach tolerance but its followers are all intolerant. It is true that Rushdie has written something whichis against the religion of Islam but he too has aright of freedom of expression and he had not indulgedin any violent act. If you ask me all these religious leaders were andstill are merely humbugs. They pretended to knoweverything but nobody; not even Christ or Mohammadknew that how many elements are there on earth. Theyprofessed to know everything but did not know all thelanguages of the world. They even did not know howmany stars were there in the universe nor did thesereligious persons know as to how many galaxy systemswere there in the universe. They were at the bestsocial reformers and some kind of psychotherapists andnothing more. Same applies to Sai Baba, etc. whoclaim to be God. Through your esteemed TV Channel, Ichallenge Satya Sai Baba that if he is really a God,he should kill me within 5 minutes. Let us seewhether he accepts this challenge."
I want the readers' comments on Ms. Barkha's article and my response.
4:37:15 PM
Posted By Satbir Bedi Comments (1) Uncategorized
K.Venugopal Monday, June 25, 2007 8:41:43 PM
Dear Satbir Bedi, By and large, the ‘secular’ press has not “quite figured out how to respond” because Rushdie is not a ‘proper’ Muslim' (that is, one who approves of the Mullah's agenda). I am all for freedom of expression, as much of Rushdie as of Chandramohan. Your letter to Barkha Dutt is just fine. However, about Sai Baba etc claiming to God would be understood only if we go beyond the duality which all of civilization appears to have become stuck with - except the Hindu portion of it. They see that in the depth of it all, everything is one. Challenging a person who has seen this truth to kill you within 5 minutes is to be thinking in terms of power-play. The truth is all about awakening and bliss. Not an interplay of power - that play is extant only in the minds of us mortals.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Is it the way to run blogs, NDTV Editors ?

Saturday, June 23, 2007
2 blogs are appearing as
i) POTD on Narsimha Rao
ii) Speak up on Kalam for 2nd term
since many past weeks . Is it the way to run blogs, NDTV Editors ?
6:23:58 AM
Posted By palash bhootani Comments (3) Entertainment
no Saturday, June 23, 2007 6:16:20 AM
No , this is not the way to run blogs . In fact , NDTV blogs are orphan --no Editor since past many weeks so all are enjoying a free ride including POTD.
mukesh Saturday, June 23, 2007 7:17:19 AM
Situation is so pathetic that now I don't look at POTD at all . It has become Poorly Organised Total Disaster now.
K.Venugopal Saturday, June 23, 2007 4:24:36 PM
I think NDTV should induct some ingenious person to pep up its blogs division. A healthy and vibrant blogsphere will only add to NDTV’s prestige in the media world. The least NDTV can do is to hear bloggers like us on the subject, which it does not seem to be doing.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sunita Williams -- a crime against humanity

Friday, June 22, 2007
Like you , I also wish Sunita Williams safe arrival and grand celebration on earth .............
But do we know that .........
Sunita Williams -- a crime against humanity at http://treddyji.sulekha.com/blog/posts.htm
7:01:57 AM
Posted By great india Comments (2) Entertainment
avsubbarao Friday, June 22, 2007 9:10:29 AM
I think our Indian women are being used by the Americans as Guinea pigs to execute their dangerous missions.
K.Venugopal Friday, June 22, 2007 9:18:35 AM
No body can be used by another unless they are willing, especially in the case of highly qualified people like Sunita Williams.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

NDTV should shut down its shop - courtsey ikchhugani

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
NDTV should shut down its shop --courtesy ikchhugani
I had a disease I am palash bhootani ka ----which now I have shifted to
who writes as comment in every blog ( whether relevant or NOT ) :---
"Chandu Borde 73 is India Manager.This newspaper headline gives me hope, I can become President of India after 29 years.Today I am 59 after 29 years I will be only 98 years old... No, I will be 88 years young ... just the right age to become The President Of India.I promise to sing the National Anthem unlike Mr Narayana Murthy .... I promise never to keep the flag upside down like Mr Vijaya Mallya did recently... I promise never to hold up any unjust bill like our present President did about a year ago... I promise to sign any stupid or unjust order, that is sent to me ... I promise to sign any bill forwarded by the cabinet with a black cloth patti on my eyes ... any other promises required ... I am willing to make.The major, qualification of having been in jail , I already have... Whats more, I been to jail in India unlike Mr Narayana Murthy, who chose the easy option of getting himself jailed in Bulgaria...Learn more about me at.... www.RoguePolice.com"
Can NDTV blog editors delete this comment from all blogs ? Most funny are 2 blogs appearing as
i) POTD on Narsimha Rao
ii) Speak up on Kalam for 2nd term
since many past weeks . If NDTV cannot run blogs , it should shut down its shop . This is no way to handle blogs !
7:39:19 AM
Posted By palash bhootani Comments (6) News
ikchhugani Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:48:35 AM
On how many Blogs have you seen that ? Can you give some figure and names of the Blogs ?Was this comment, on any Blog other than, concerning the Presidential election ? You appear to be using my name, to publicise your own ... it happens all the time.I K Chhugani
ashokjagasia57 Wednesday, June 20, 2007 8:51:42 AM
Mr. Chhugani ... Please ignore this mad man, he has been a nuisance since April at ndtv.com.Ndtv should display the name of the blogger, after the headline, so that, we know, whose blogs we like, whose are best ignored.This practice is best illustrated at Sulekha.com and CitizenExpress.com . these are 2 exceelent blogging sites ... nuts like this Bhootani, are banned within a few days.
good Wednesday, June 20, 2007 10:26:27 AM
Yes, Palash, Chhugani chhoot ki bimari , MKB , CS all are same --just to get POTD . NDTV has become TOTALLY SIRFIRA these days .
good Wednesday, June 20, 2007 10:28:46 AM
Yes, Palash, Chhugani chhoot ki bimari , MKB , CS all are same --just to get POTD . NDTV has become TOTALLY SIRFIRA these days .
good Wednesday, June 20, 2007 10:30:11 AM
Yes, Palash, Chhugani chhoot ki bimari , MKB , CS all are same --just to get POTD . NDTV has become TOTALLY SIRFIRA these days .
K.Venugopal Wednesday, June 20, 2007 4:53:47 PM
Dear Palash Bhootani, You've expressed rather colourfully what I've also felt. More and more folks are being infected with the Palash virus, which seeks to grab attention any which way. However, I would not call for the banning or deleting of any blogs or bloggers. Let’s hope the bloggers realise the unfairness of their practice and abandon such antics.