Sunday, August 05, 2007

Restless Mind

Saturday, August 4, 2007
Hi Friends,
In one or the other way we feel restless in todays busy life. We all have different dimensions of our life like, son, daughter, mother, father, sister brother, student, employee, employer, parent, boss, subordinate etc. In one or the other dimension we are restless to achieve something or to make other happy.
What this means that we all have mutli-personalities and we act, think and behave in differntly in individual dimensions.
My idea of starting this blogs is to share and understand your experience and thoughts on our muti-dimension roles we play in day today life. By writing our thoughts we would get a clear picture of our thoughts and we might improve ourselves in these dimensions.
3:16:40 PM
Posted By Atul Mohan Comments (1) Society
K.Venugopal Sunday, August 5, 2007 1:59:20 PM
We may have multi-personalities and may be playing multi-roles like son, father, employee etc. and we may we act, think and behave differently in different dimensions. Unfortunately, the result of such fragmentation is a restless mind. Instead of seeing the external reality and seeking to conform ourselves to it, we ought to see the inner reality and be free from the need to fragment ourselves. When we turn within to the realm of silence and unrestricted awareness, we become wholesome and of a restful mind. Then all our external relations would only be relationships of spontaneity and naturalness. Then we are no longer playing various roles, but living the wholesome being we are.

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