Thursday, June 28, 2007


Thursday, June 28, 2007

This is second time in a week, I am insisting that Item Girl, RAKHI SAWANT will be better choice as a presidential candidate from Congress ,Shiv sena and leftists than Loan Pimp Pratibha Patil . Rakhi Sawant just moves her body parts and earn money but Congress-Shiv Sena Joint candidate PRATIBHA PATIL is a Public Money Pimp and CO-OPERATIVE Thief, as declared by RBI’S INSPECTION REPORT,INTERNAL AUDITORS REPORT and Chief Administrator Co-Operatives report. She is a blot on Maharashtrian working women, who toil in hard Summer and Rain in farms and other places. according to RBI Report tabled on 18/5/2007, As a chairman of PRATIBHA MAHILA SAHKARI BANK, Pratibha looted the Public Deposits and distributed it among her relatives, which includes waver on loans taken by her relatives and Equity Market business on Banks phone by her brother Dilip Singh Patil. What if she resigned from Chairpersons post in 1994,she has been declared a public money thief, which is according to me worst than pimping your own sister. Why I am using such language, because Mumbai Police beats up street prostitutes and send them to Jail ,than what should be done with Pratibha Patil? If Bal Thakrey is endorsing her, it’s not a liability on other Maharashtrian and Indians to have a loan and co-operative Pimp as President of India. Congress is challenging to People of India to provide a single piece of Documentary evidence against Pratibha Patil, What about RBI REPORT,18/6/2002, Has Soniya Gandhi and Dr.Manmohan Singh has no respect for RBI? Or they want to show the world that not only a Woman but they are first in world to endorse a Female Public Money Thief Pratibha Patil as official candidate of Congress for Presidency of India. I still demand ,Please Give Rakhi Sawant a Chance,she has better qualification as a working woman than Pratibha Patil.
[ Anirudh M.Dhodapkar is Chairman to Media/Rural Banking/Film Project-Marketing-Content- Casting-Distribution Consultancy firm “KRS” ,he writes for 168 Business Portals across the globe. He is willing to help personally and professionally, as he has overcome toughest of circumstances in 36 years of his life and inspired to help anyone ,who seeks help].Email;]

5:52:42 PM
Posted By ANIRUDH DHODAPKAR Comments (1) Business
K.Venugopal Thursday, June 28, 2007 7:04:04 PM
Dear Anirudh, I think you are being unfair and somewhat worked-up. Maybe the Presidential candidate took some short-cuts vis-à-vis the law. But to use the word pimp to describe her, when, all said and done, she is the Presidential candidate, is to charge her for something she is not. Pimping has to do with sex and she is accused by nobody of any sexual scandal. So, if you are a gentleman, you ought to apologise. As for Rakhi Sawant, she has her fans ... but she would be better off on page 3.

Atrocities committed by White Christians-How to punish them?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I find that my Hindu and Muslim friends write pagesafter pages blaming each other for the atrocitiescommitted on Hindus and Muslims. I cannot understandwhy these brothers are fighting when the actualculprits are white Christian people of Europe. Theatrocities committed by them make atrocities committedby any other race pale into insignificance. How did it happen that these white European Christiansand their descendants turned into dracula likevampires and nearly made the race of red Indiansvanish from earth and they could so so with impunity. Even today, these white Christians like Bush, Blair,Brown, Sarkozy, Merkel etc. are busy getting people inIraq, Afghanistan and Darfur and elsewhere killedmercilessly. What is the background of all thiscruelty?Actually, when the whole world was passing through arather quiet period indulging in petty wars orcarrying on their hereditary trades and usingrenewable sources of energy, these Sons of Devil, thewhite European Christians who are most greedy peopleon earth, thought of making Gold from iron. In fact,one of the English Preists, Priestley while trying todiscover making gold from iron, discovered oxygen. Then these people who were gifted by the almightywith certain thinking powers, discovered non-renewableenergy sources like coal and petroleum etc. They werealso able to perfect medical sciences so that theystarted living more than people in other parts of theworld. This necessitated them to find and conquer newlands to get non-renewable sources of energy andsettle their extra population. Their first target wasAmerica and they exterminated the original inhabitantsof America who were Red Indians from the face of theearth. They were not very religious people and hadtherefore, no qualms about killing Red Indians whomthey considered to be inferior people. However, theirthirst for raw materials, non-renewable energy sourcesand finding new homes for their ever growingpopulation did not end. They also wanted to selltheir arms and ammunition. So, they startedconquering new territories in Asia and Africa and mademillions of Asians and Africans as their slaves. However, God in his kindness produced rivalary amongstthem and Hitler and Mussolini were born to challengeEnglish, French hegemony. Hitler was also a verydestructive person. He thought of eliminating Jewswho had come from West Asia to Europe. He killedabout 60 lakh jews in concentration camps. Englishand American people did save Jews but created apermanent hell for these Jew people by settling themin Palestine rather in a part of Europe to which theybelonged. This they did to sell their arms andammunitition to both Arabs who were unsettled becauseof Jews settlement and the Jews. Similarly, war withGermany ruined England financially and they thought ofgranting independence to India but the like monkey,they divided India in such a way that they createdKashmir problem between Hindu dominated Secular Indiaand Muslim Pakistan so that they could sell their armsand ammunition to them. Had they not given the optionof merging their State with either India or Pakistanto Indian Princes, all this strife would not haveresulted. They were very cunning people. Theyrealized that that if they did not make Hindus andSikhs on one hand and Muslims on other hand fight witheach other, then these native people because of thetorture which they were subjected to during theBritish regime, could have very gladly torn British topieces. Now, the same dirty game which they played in middleeast and Indo-Pak Sub-continent, the British played inAfrica also. Even now, to have a monopoly over thenon-renewable source of petroleum, America and Englandhave unnecessarily attacked Iraq and ruined thatcountry. They also want to take hold of another oilrich country, Iran which so far has escaped from beingseized by them. Meanwhile, we Asians are fightingamong each other; Hindus fighting Muslims and Shiasfighting Sunnis. Similarly in Afghanistan andPakistan, there are pro-American elements which arecarrying on the nefarious designs of America andEngland. So, let us Hindus and Muslims, Shias andSunnis not fight amongst each other but wage a crusadeagainst these evil sons of Satan, namely whiteChristians and their descendants in Europe, America,Canada Australia and elsewhere. That is the only sanething that we can do. Let us force America andEngland to quit Iraq, Darfur, Afghanistan and let uswork out an honourable solution of Kashmir to deafeatthe devilish designs of English and American people.
12:56:03 PM
Posted By Satbir Bedi Comments (1) Politics
K.Venugopal Thursday, June 28, 2007 4:56:34 PM
There is the devil in all of us and religions came into being to overcome our devilish (divisive) tendencies and help discover the divine in us. But eventually religions themselves became sources of divisive concepts. We have now to distinguish the divine teachings in religions from the identity traps they have become and save mankind. The old paradigms won’t stand. The future is in having an universal outlook. Ganging up against the White Christian is a tribal solution.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sonia screwed up on presidential candidate ?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
It seems Sonia Gandhi made her first political mistake by choosing Pratibha Patil as presidential candidate.
Dont malign highest office of the nation for petty political gain Mrs Gandhi.
Its nothing but seer ideological bankruptcy on the part of Congress if they failed to get a more acceptable & clean candidate.
Look at your wanna be prez candidate Patil , she already created barrage of blunders by her senseless crap.
Come on guys get some one saner than this cocky demeanour lady.
8:30:55 PM
Posted By ruzan shah Comments (2) Politics
Rightviews Wednesday, June 27, 2007 9:53:58 PM
Mr Shah, you are wrong on one point this is not the first political mistake of Sonia. She has been taking the nation for a ride for last many years.The bunch of jokers that the congress leaders are, they are blindly following her for petty personal gains.
K.Venugopal Thursday, June 28, 2007 9:41:20 AM
Hey Ruzan, Where were you all this while? I kinda missed you cos your forceful and colourful retorts never failed to shake me up. After all the verbal duels that have taken place on this blogsphere, it appears it is now resting peacefully. Shall we leave it at that or start the whole thing all over again? I am game. I agree with your this blog. But her comments on purdah and speaking-spirit did not sound all that carp to me. Remember, Allah spoke to Mohammad? Now here goes ...

Should a President be seen with godmen and godwomen?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Either we are in the most well-directed campaign to derail Pratibha Patil?s presidential hopes. Or the Marathi mulgi is truly gifted with a gab that will ensure that journalists earn every bit of the bread they make during what promises to be a long and colourful presidency.
First, her comments on the purdah caused a flutter among historians. Then, it was her Emergency-era statement that those who have hereditary diseases should be sterilised. But both those now pale in front of the big one, which CNN-IBN unveiled last night.
Apparently, three months ago, Pratibhatai claimed that she had a ?divine premonition? of greater responsibility coming her way while communicating with her spiritual guru who passed away 38 years ago.
?I had a pleasant experience,? Patil told a gathering in Mt Abu in February recounting her meeting with the head of Brahma Kumaris World Spritual University, Hridaymohini, also popularly known as ?dadiji.?
?Dadiji ke shareer mein baba aye (Baba came in Dadiji?s body),? she said. Her reference was to Dada Lekhraj who founded Brahma Kumari sect. Lekhraj died in 1969. Patil claimed the late Baba spoke to her indicating that she should be prepared to shoulder greater responsibility.
?He also made me very lucky,? she added.
Maybe, it?s unfair to target Pratibha Patil for her links with the Brahma Kumaris or its chief. After all, if even a scientist like A.P.J. Abdul Kalam didn?t have any problems in rubbing shoulders with godmen and godwomen?Saibaba, Mata Amritanandamayi, et al?why should Pratibhatai be immune?
Maybe, also, it?s her personal belief?a question of faith?and no one has any right to question it. But the problem arises when, instead of observing them behind closed doors, it is put up for public display, which most godmen and godwomen are experts are turning into advertisements.
An even bigger question is of propriety. Should the head of a State be seen sitting below a religious head? Should a President be seen in close proximity to godmen and godwomen, many of whom are sleazeballs using education and health as a cover for their nefarious activities?
Also read: VIR SANGHVI: The truth about Sabi Baba
An eleven-and-a-half point manifesto for President Kalam
9:35:29 PM
Posted By churumuri dotcom Comments (1) News
K.Venugopal Thursday, June 28, 2007 9:25:06 AM
"Sleazeballs" apart, there is no harm in meeting any Indian citizen or anyone else for that matter.


Thursday, June 28, 2007

I desperately need to tell all those students/professional/employees ,who wake to everyone, who wake up and drag themselves to workplaces and wait for a working day to end ,please read on and you will know, how to be more useful to yourself;

1] Your tomorrow will be decided by what you do today, your Job hardly makes you important or useless, and it’s up to you to make it important.

2] There is a CHAURASIYA PAN SHOP at RAJWADA, Indore, this shop is opened for 21 hours a day and night ,after many years ,he stopped my Car, made a Pan and fed me by his own hands ,just look at the way man loves his job. We send CEO’S their to learn, how to make client your family member.

3] If you are unhappy with what you are doing today ,you are destined to be unhappy in doing anything tomorrow, as unhappiness is state of mind and you are now addicted to it.
4] Wish to change the job ,keep searching and make a shift but the day you leave ,people must have tears in eyes ,Both of my parents were teachers, they had been harassed by MP School Administration throughout the career but I have seen NASA Scientists and IAS officers running behind ,touching their feet and saying ,”I was dieing to meet you from 17 years ,today d auspicious day has come.” This is the reward bigger than Noble prize.

5] Who told you, you can not fulfill your desire at the age of 5,45 ,55 or 65, you are as young ,as you want to be, you are the only limitation to your destiny and nothing else.

6] Series of failures are nothing but milestones of a Great successful journey.

7] Do not look down at yourself, even if whole world and your own family label you, as failure. British Monarchy and Winston Churchill looked down at Gandhi as a Naked Fakir, today British Monarchy is a stupid joke, Churchill is buried in history books, but GANDHI is a IKON for every global citizen.

8] Job or professional insecurity is biggest superstition, if someone tells you, who are you? Who is behind you? Immediately Declare, I am daughter/Son of God and God is behind, ahead and with me. Just make this declaration and you will feel his presence immediately.

9] Once a Great Astrologer told me ,you do not have line of money ,I informed him, I will make it, after 17 years Every Astrologer says I have a great line of Money ,I tell them ,I have drawn it.

10] There are only two Entities, who can make or break you, one is God and other is You. Trust God more than yourself and inform him, every time you are doing anything, tell him, if it goes wrong ,it’s your fault, if it goes right, it’s my credit, he is the invisible and never take credit for anything, So every credit will be yours and failure will be his mistake. The problem with most of us ,that we trust everyone else but God. Don’t trust me, just try this and God will be on is toes , either to stop you from committing a blunder or will make you successful in your task. I have destroyed my health to the point of death and than blamed SAI and asked him that you have done it ,and thrown away all the pain to him, Poor Doctors inform me I have developed a huge tumor in my Lever but they don’t know, how it became dead without any surgery .

11] Choose a favorite God and make him evidence to whatever you do, he/she will be so concerned that they will take you CANCER and HEART ATTACKS. Shri RAMKRISHNA PARAMHANSA,SHRI SHIRDI SAI was and SHRI SATYA SAI is in habit of taking devotees severe Paralytic and other medically uncured illnesses on heir own body. What other facility you seek from God.

12] Shri Satya Sai ,once told a person ,your CANCER is CANCELLED, Doctors informed him after thorough check up, there is no Cancer now.
13] Why you think miracles happens to others, they can happen to you, if you just leave each of your so called impossible looking problem on God’s feet, inform him, solve this, as I am not able to solve it, God is terribly image conscious ,he will either get the things done through you or someone else.

14] God keeps on discovering umpteen ways to help us , so do not bother, he will find a solution.

15] Once a Political Underworld Mafia Don, threatened my friend’s wife, that he will KIDNAP and Kill her 4 year old son ,she asked him to note down her kids school address and bus number and dare to kidnap him ,as her child is protected by her Guru, Mafia Don was so scared of lady that he called back after a day and said “ Didi We are very sorry ,please forgive us.”
If you will simply adopt this attitude,your worries and problem will begin to disapear,you are talking about silly job or profession,you will find most adament of people and circumstances are changeing in your favor,without any effort.If stilll you face a any hurdle remamber me,I am here for you.
[ Anirudh M.Dhodapkar is Chairman to Media/Rural Banking/Film Project-Marketing-Content- Casting-Distribution Consultancy firm “KRS” ,he writes for 168 Business Portals across the globe. He is willing to help personally and professionally, as he has overcome toughest of circumstances in 36 years of his life and inspired to help everyone ,who needs help.Email;]

8:31:43 AM
Posted By ANIRUDH DHODAPKAR Comments (1) Business
K.Venugopal Thursday, June 28, 2007 9:04:15 AM
Your article is bubbling with optimism. Great to have people like you writing.

Open letter to TIMES OF INDIA

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
open letter to TIMES OF INDIA at
Sir, when BJP Prez (Bangaru Laxman) was shown on TV accepting bribe , BJP removed him immediately ......
When MPs were shown in Cash against Query scam , LS Speaker Somnath immediately suspended all of them --Congress , BSP & BJP also expelled them from their parties .........
But when Prez nominee Pratibha Patil is being shown with same TAINT , UPA is not removing her but rather protecting her.
So we have 2 rules :--
* one for Dalit leader ( Bangaru ) & ordinary MPs
* but another for ruling party i.e. NDA
Do as Indian you approve it ? In today's on main page ( 27th June ) , you have written that :--
It's shocking because
* till now we had a rationalist or scientist Kalam as PREZ
* now we will have a superstitious & BLIND follower as Prez.. ... AAJTAK exposes Pratibha Patil
* Brahamkumaris are NOT part of Hinduism as they don't accept supremacy of Lord but only soul
* they don't believe in 4 ashrams of Brahamcharya, Grihastha , Vanprashta & Sanyaasa
* they believe only in ( forced ) celibacy --thus many Brahamkumars (& Kumaris ) are morally corrupt . They don't marry in front of society but ........ If OSHO ( Rajneesh ) was one extreme , Brahamkumaris are another.
* thus are not part of Sanatan Dharma
One more disturbing fact is there. Congress ditched Pranab Mukherjee b'coz he is NOT chamcha of Sonia G. But Pratibha shall ALWAYS say YES , MADAM to Italian lady .
As Indians , is it acceptable to us ?
In India, Media can make or mar a politician. If due to public-pressure both Pratibha & Shekhawat opt out in favour of Kalam , public will be grateful to Media. Your time has come please.
11:02:30 AM
Posted By great india Comments (2) Entertainment
Adhithan Wednesday, June 27, 2007 12:11:01 PM
One dalith leader (bangaru) got support. Great!!!
K.Venugopal Wednesday, June 27, 2007 5:55:31 PM
Your saying Brahma Kumaris are not part of Hinduism proves that you neither know Hinduism nor Brahma Kumaris. Hinduism transcends belief to lead to experience. Brahma Kumaris have their own mode of expression of the truth they have experienced. Expressions vary, but the truth is the same.It is Pratibha Patil’s right to choose what belief she shall have. Hinduism means freedom. May her beliefs lead her to freedom.

Hinduism and tolerance

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A quality universally attributed to Hinduism is tolerance. Tolerance is one definite reason for Hinduism to be amongst the longest surviving religions in world. In fact tolerance is referred to as the prime factor behind “greatness” of Hinduism. However whether tolerance is a virtue or not, is highly debatable.

Survival relies on adaptability i.e. flexibility. Flexibility breeds tolerance. If a “great” virtue like tolerance can be credited for survival, then surely it can also be held responsible for vices like corruption, unaccountability, irresponsibility etc. We turn a blind’s eye to all these vices because we are tolerant accepting these as fact of life. In fact the person, who is corrupt, is so because he is flexible. We tolerate mediocrity in every sphere of life because we are too flexible to stand firm for achieving higher standards. We are willing to bend rules to benefit our dear ones. We tolerate, actually worship, our mediocre cricketers, film stars, media etc. We are good in politics because we are flexible. Since flexibility defies standing firm politics should mean, “not standing for anything” and hence politics in its practice is itself a vice.

For exactly the same reasons we, the Hindus, are at peace with ourselves. One may appreciate this quality but then this prevents us from striving for excellence. We are under-achievers because we too tolerant of ourselves easily indulging in self-pity.

In the relationship between different communities, tolerance again has negative connotations i.e. merely noting other’s presence. In that context it has to be acceptance because then only real assimilation of cultures is possible. A culture can claim to be great only when it accepts others and not merely tolerates them.

12:35:44 PM
Posted By ashish mishra Comments (1) Society
K.Venugopal Wednesday, June 27, 2007 5:41:03 PM
Dear Ashish, You rightly said, "A culture can claim to be great only when it accepts others and not merely tolerates them." This is quite so of Hinduism. It accepts others and other ways of living because it believes that divinity underlies all life. But this acceptance is only on the principle of Dharma or harmony. If any force seeks to undermine harmony, it inherently and unfailingly undertakes a forceful corrective course. Thus, Hindu culture and civilization is dynamic and it is upto our generation to benefit from its teachings and move to excellence.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What is spirit?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

NDTV is after Pratibha Patil for believing in spirits. Believing in god itself is, to a reasonable mind, an aberration but which is approved even by Ndtv. If you believe in god there is no harm believing in spirits or bhooths.
8:47:48 AM
Posted By vivek aahuja Comments (1) Personals
K.Venugopal Wednesday, June 27, 2007 9:24:56 AM
We believe in all sorts of things. Pratibha Patil must not be faulted for her beliefs so long as they are not violent.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Religious feelings and Salman Rushdie

Monday, June 25, 2007
Ms. Barkha Datt in her article dated 24.6.2007 has written, "Much as we play up Sunita Williams’ Indian ancestry, we haven’t quite figured out how to respond as a country to her fellow American resident, Salman Rushdie. This is despite the fact that his ‘Indianness’ is actually much more direct and indisputable. Not just was he born here, his greatest works of writing have borrowed from the smells, sounds and stories of India. On his last visit here for a literary festival in Rajasthan, he told me that coming to India was “like drinking at the well, ever so often you have to come to drink at the well”. His parents may have migrated to Pakistan in the 1960s, but Rushdie has always been outspoken about where his sense of identity lies, despite his “complicated notion of home”. “I know which side I am on in cricket,” he joked last year, “it’s always India, not Pakistan, no problem for me.”
So, why has the Indian response to the author’s knighthood been so muted?
The politically correct among us may want to argue that an award from the Queen of England is not just an anachronism — it’s feudal, colonial and in poor taste. Others contend that the honours are farcical and lightweight. (This year, the winners included a global lingerie tycoon, Joseph Corre, who turned down his prize saying he could not accept anything from the “morally corrupt” Tony Blair.)
But let’s own up to the truth. Had an Indian-born steel magnate or business tycoon or even an academician been bestowed with a snotty little prefix from the British monarchy, enough awe-struck Indians would have been jumping through hoops.
The reason we are so understated about Sir Salman is not because we disapprove of royalty; it’s because we are hypocrites and mixed up about whether we want to claim the author as our own or not.
Parts of India treat Rushdie like he’s a rock star; we especially like boasting about him to our Western friends and acquaintances. It’s nice to act like one of the world’s most successful authors is as homespun as our handloom saris.
And yet, other parts of India (most noticeably the political establishment) continue to treat him like we would handle an embarrassing relative. We know he’s ours, but don’t force us to officially admit it.
Our television channels self-righteously debate whether Pakistan’s government had any business getting involved in the controversy. We are passionate about not mixing art with politics. And we feel appalled at the lunacy of politicians across the border who have warned the world that the award may spur on suicide bombers. For us, it’s just one more example of how Pakistan is hurtling down the path of self-destructive fundamentalism.
But how many of us have demanded an explanation from our own governments? Do we ask our politicians to clarify where they stand on the ban on Satanic Verses? Can we ever escape the blemish of being the first country in the world to ban the book? And for those of us who got so worked up over the attack by right-wing goons on the arts faculty in Baroda, will we speak up as vociferously for Rushdie’s right to express his creativity without censorship?
This isn’t about whether you like his books or him; it’s about double standards.
If we defended (as I did, for the record) the right of a young student of art in Gujarat to paint Christ and Vishnu in images that were sexually explicit and possibly offensive, we must also give Rushdie the same space to say his piece.
The freedom of expression cannot be defined selectively.
It’s time we owned up to the fact that Salman Rushdie, even more than Sunita Williams, was at least partially made in India."
I had responded to Ms. Barkha Datt in the following manner:
"Respected Madam,
Please refer to the article "Made in India" by you(Hindustan Times;24.6.2007)
You are absolutely right about Salman Rushdie. We have let down one of our greatest sons because ofour hypocritical nature based on an equallyhypocritical religious philosophy. To put it bluntly,we have not countered Pakistani Propaganda nor have wepraised the British Government for conferringknighthood on Rushdie because we are first classcowards afraid of our Muslim population.
In fact, I do not know why people are giving so muchimportanceto religion as if it were a matter of life and death? It is indeed strange that religion is supposed topreach tolerance but its followers are all intolerant. It is true that Rushdie has written something whichis against the religion of Islam but he too has aright of freedom of expression and he had not indulgedin any violent act. If you ask me all these religious leaders were andstill are merely humbugs. They pretended to knoweverything but nobody; not even Christ or Mohammadknew that how many elements are there on earth. Theyprofessed to know everything but did not know all thelanguages of the world. They even did not know howmany stars were there in the universe nor did thesereligious persons know as to how many galaxy systemswere there in the universe. They were at the bestsocial reformers and some kind of psychotherapists andnothing more. Same applies to Sai Baba, etc. whoclaim to be God. Through your esteemed TV Channel, Ichallenge Satya Sai Baba that if he is really a God,he should kill me within 5 minutes. Let us seewhether he accepts this challenge."
I want the readers' comments on Ms. Barkha's article and my response.
4:37:15 PM
Posted By Satbir Bedi Comments (1) Uncategorized
K.Venugopal Monday, June 25, 2007 8:41:43 PM
Dear Satbir Bedi, By and large, the ‘secular’ press has not “quite figured out how to respond” because Rushdie is not a ‘proper’ Muslim' (that is, one who approves of the Mullah's agenda). I am all for freedom of expression, as much of Rushdie as of Chandramohan. Your letter to Barkha Dutt is just fine. However, about Sai Baba etc claiming to God would be understood only if we go beyond the duality which all of civilization appears to have become stuck with - except the Hindu portion of it. They see that in the depth of it all, everything is one. Challenging a person who has seen this truth to kill you within 5 minutes is to be thinking in terms of power-play. The truth is all about awakening and bliss. Not an interplay of power - that play is extant only in the minds of us mortals.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Is it the way to run blogs, NDTV Editors ?

Saturday, June 23, 2007
2 blogs are appearing as
i) POTD on Narsimha Rao
ii) Speak up on Kalam for 2nd term
since many past weeks . Is it the way to run blogs, NDTV Editors ?
6:23:58 AM
Posted By palash bhootani Comments (3) Entertainment
no Saturday, June 23, 2007 6:16:20 AM
No , this is not the way to run blogs . In fact , NDTV blogs are orphan --no Editor since past many weeks so all are enjoying a free ride including POTD.
mukesh Saturday, June 23, 2007 7:17:19 AM
Situation is so pathetic that now I don't look at POTD at all . It has become Poorly Organised Total Disaster now.
K.Venugopal Saturday, June 23, 2007 4:24:36 PM
I think NDTV should induct some ingenious person to pep up its blogs division. A healthy and vibrant blogsphere will only add to NDTV’s prestige in the media world. The least NDTV can do is to hear bloggers like us on the subject, which it does not seem to be doing.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sunita Williams -- a crime against humanity

Friday, June 22, 2007
Like you , I also wish Sunita Williams safe arrival and grand celebration on earth .............
But do we know that .........
Sunita Williams -- a crime against humanity at
7:01:57 AM
Posted By great india Comments (2) Entertainment
avsubbarao Friday, June 22, 2007 9:10:29 AM
I think our Indian women are being used by the Americans as Guinea pigs to execute their dangerous missions.
K.Venugopal Friday, June 22, 2007 9:18:35 AM
No body can be used by another unless they are willing, especially in the case of highly qualified people like Sunita Williams.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

NDTV should shut down its shop - courtsey ikchhugani

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
NDTV should shut down its shop --courtesy ikchhugani
I had a disease I am palash bhootani ka ----which now I have shifted to
who writes as comment in every blog ( whether relevant or NOT ) :---
"Chandu Borde 73 is India Manager.This newspaper headline gives me hope, I can become President of India after 29 years.Today I am 59 after 29 years I will be only 98 years old... No, I will be 88 years young ... just the right age to become The President Of India.I promise to sing the National Anthem unlike Mr Narayana Murthy .... I promise never to keep the flag upside down like Mr Vijaya Mallya did recently... I promise never to hold up any unjust bill like our present President did about a year ago... I promise to sign any stupid or unjust order, that is sent to me ... I promise to sign any bill forwarded by the cabinet with a black cloth patti on my eyes ... any other promises required ... I am willing to make.The major, qualification of having been in jail , I already have... Whats more, I been to jail in India unlike Mr Narayana Murthy, who chose the easy option of getting himself jailed in Bulgaria...Learn more about me at...."
Can NDTV blog editors delete this comment from all blogs ? Most funny are 2 blogs appearing as
i) POTD on Narsimha Rao
ii) Speak up on Kalam for 2nd term
since many past weeks . If NDTV cannot run blogs , it should shut down its shop . This is no way to handle blogs !
7:39:19 AM
Posted By palash bhootani Comments (6) News
ikchhugani Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:48:35 AM
On how many Blogs have you seen that ? Can you give some figure and names of the Blogs ?Was this comment, on any Blog other than, concerning the Presidential election ? You appear to be using my name, to publicise your own ... it happens all the time.I K Chhugani
ashokjagasia57 Wednesday, June 20, 2007 8:51:42 AM
Mr. Chhugani ... Please ignore this mad man, he has been a nuisance since April at should display the name of the blogger, after the headline, so that, we know, whose blogs we like, whose are best ignored.This practice is best illustrated at and . these are 2 exceelent blogging sites ... nuts like this Bhootani, are banned within a few days.
good Wednesday, June 20, 2007 10:26:27 AM
Yes, Palash, Chhugani chhoot ki bimari , MKB , CS all are same --just to get POTD . NDTV has become TOTALLY SIRFIRA these days .
good Wednesday, June 20, 2007 10:28:46 AM
Yes, Palash, Chhugani chhoot ki bimari , MKB , CS all are same --just to get POTD . NDTV has become TOTALLY SIRFIRA these days .
good Wednesday, June 20, 2007 10:30:11 AM
Yes, Palash, Chhugani chhoot ki bimari , MKB , CS all are same --just to get POTD . NDTV has become TOTALLY SIRFIRA these days .
K.Venugopal Wednesday, June 20, 2007 4:53:47 PM
Dear Palash Bhootani, You've expressed rather colourfully what I've also felt. More and more folks are being infected with the Palash virus, which seeks to grab attention any which way. However, I would not call for the banning or deleting of any blogs or bloggers. Let’s hope the bloggers realise the unfairness of their practice and abandon such antics.

President of India, Women of India

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
This time the election of President has become a topic of hot debate. Shobhaa De has written in Indian Express that Prabha Patil is a non entity and she will not be able to discharge the functions of a President properly. We have to wait and watch. People who are written off usually turn out to be surprise packets. Somehow Pratibha reminds me of veiled Hasina and other Bangladeshi women leaders in appearance. I chanced to see her photos when whe was younger and she is quite good looking in the genre of old world film heroines. In those days, she studied well becoming a lawyer and educationist. She looks simple and unassuming not intimidating. Age is not on her side. For that matter age is not on Shekhawat's or others' side.Suppose if Shobhaa De is elected the President of India. The entire Page 3 will camp in Rashtrapati Bhavan. She will humiliate the Congress at every given opportunity. She will become an anti Congress President to the delight of opposition parties. And then she will start writing a book PRESIDENTIAL NIGHTS for the Penguin Publishers.Suppose Barkha Dutt becomes President. She will be suffocated because she will be gagged for good. I do not want to name that lady, a writer of sorts, who will build resorts for terrorists and make the hangmen unemployed in case she becomes the President.If we elect Nita Ambani, she may turn India into India Corporation whose share prices may dance all over.We are employing foreign coaches. Shall we employ Hillary Clinton as our President?
2:14:52 PM
Posted By nothing tosay Comments (2) Entertainment
prem Wednesday, June 20, 2007 4:01:21 PM
Barkha Dutt is lady i admired. good chioice if she is been elected, why dont UPA give a chance to her,aftr all she is better than patil and shekewath,she is the face of modern india.
K.Venugopal Wednesday, June 20, 2007 4:03:17 PM
You have written an amusing piece. What if Mamta Banerjee becomes president? Will she call for bandhs every time she disagrees with cabinet decisions? Or Mayavati. Will she extend her social engineering to neighboring countries and go on to become the President of Asia? Jayalalitha would of course love it if everyone, foreign dignitaries included, fall at her feet in respect. Sushma Swaraj might strike Sonia's name off her guest lists and have the Congress crying foul. Or what about Sonia herself? Not a bad idea. The Nehru dynasty is anyway likely to be reduced to mere symbols in Indian politics, if Rahul’s UP set-back is any indication.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Das Munshi

Monday, June 18, 2007
Das Munshi's the way to go
Priyaranjan Das Munshi, India's I&B minister may have earned the ire of the media for asking the media to exercise restraint during the Gurjar protests in Rajasthan but he has a supporter in me. At that time, even I was carried away by the talk of rights of the media in a democratic nation. But what happened yesterday made me change my mind. The media can have rights only if it chooses to do its duty. I know I will find few takers for the argument I'm going to present but I find them completely logical.Well this Sunday morning, what took me by surprise was the news about a TV star Shweta Tiwari filing an FIR against her husband for physical abuse in the Malad Police Station in Mumbai flashing as BREAKING NEWS on some news channels. Fine, she's a star and she's filed an FIR, it needs to be told but how many times? Surely, it can't pass off as national news. And in no way is this BREAKING NEWS. Do some channels think we have nothing to do except to see their marriage breaking on national television? Do they think there was no other news and they had to show the same two images and video clips about a hundred times in half an hour between the dozen of them? Who's the media to intrude in their private lives? Surely, even as celebrities they are entitled to privacy. Will the media stop only after making one of them declare that he/she is ready to divorce the other? Such is the desperation of some media channels to boost their TRPs that they have now stooped to such lowly gimmicks. And one journalist questioned the husband of Shweta Tiwary "Are you still drunk?" and proceeded to ask many more private questions. And he was rude. Of course, it's wrong but then look who's talking. Later, the woman journalist and the news channel made this national headlines as well. I wish to point out here that I'm in no way supporting the man in question but it's a basic question of a couple's privacy. Why is the media so bothered? Shweta Tiwary is certainly not the next Presidential candidate. Her only claim to fame are a couple of soap operas and the dance show Nach Baliye. She's already filed an FIR. I'm sure the police will do their job. So, is there any reason for news channels to discuss Shweta Tiwary's marital history all throughout the day? Any sane person would say NO. I leave it to you to guess which channel(s) I'm talking about but I'd ask those guys: Aren't there more pressing issues facing the nation than Shweta's imminent divorce if at all it takes place? But in the game of TRPs, my voice would be lost in the loud protests by the woman journalist, the big flashes of BREAKING NEWS and the poor couple's marital discord.
10:20:58 AM
Posted By Anirudh G R Comments (1) Society
K.Venugopal Monday, June 18, 2007 8:27:12 PM
Dear Anirudh, Why are you so upset? What with the remote in our hands, dozens of channels to choose from or opting for switching off the TV and reading some good books or whatever? Journalists have a nose for news and hot news at that. Let's give them the freedom to dish out whatever they want (or think we want) - it is our choice to lap it or say no thank you.

Work n Earn from Home

Monday, June 18, 2007
Work n Earn From Home
You can easily work n earn from the comforts of your home. Procedures are very simple. The only qualification you need is your desire for a better life and lifestyle. People are ready out there to help you and carry you through the success holding your hand.
12:36:25 PM
Posted By Sardeep Singh Comments (3) News
venugopal Monday, June 18, 2007 1:05:22 PM
I am a retired man with lots of spare time and internet connection Really I wish to spend the time usefully earning for the evening of my life I anticipate your mail
mayur lookhar Monday, June 18, 2007 2:17:59 PM
Hi, I'm currently unemployed and have struggled to get a break into a media (print or tv) eversince leaving my job as Sports Content Editor. Will, appreciate if you can help me earn the bucks from home. Oh! By the way, when it comes to better life and lifestyle, I'm amongst the foremost cravers of it.
K.Venugopal Monday, June 18, 2007 7:55:20 PM
Hare Sardeep Bhai, Why have you stopped with a teaser? Draw the whole picture and let's see how good it looks.

Pratibha shoots Mughal invaders

Monday, June 18, 2007
Pratibha shoots Mughal invaders
CNN-IBN says :--
The UPA-Left Presidential nominee Pratibha Patil courted controversy on Sunday by saying that the purdah (veil) system emerged in India to protect women from Mughal aggressors.
Patil’s remark, made at a function in Udaipur marking the 467th birth anniversary of Maharana Pratap, has left historians and Muslim social activists astounded.
Patil said though Indian culture always respected women, the veil system began during the Mughal rule to “save women from Mughal invaders”.
“We had the concept of purdah to protect women from Mughal invaders. So, they stayed indoors and were veiled, ” Patil said.
“Today we are citizens of free India. There is need to put a stop to such practices. That alone will ensure real respect for women. When women are progressing in every field, it is our duty to discontinue such practices,” Patil added.
Pratibha shoots Mughal invaders at
While historians said the veil system was prevalent much before the Mughal invasion, Muslim leaders from Rajasthan are angered and say it's unfortunate Patil chose to incorporate communal views in her address.

Varsha Joshi, a historian at the Institute of Rajasthan Studies said the purdah system existed in India much before the advent of Muslims.
"I think its absolutely wrong to say that the purdah system existed because of the Mughal invaders. It was prevalent before the Mughals came to india," she said.
Joshi also pointed out that there was evidence of the construction of a separate zenana (area for women) in the Chittorgarh fort in the 11th century.
"It would be right to say that the purdah was more an imitation rather than a strategy of defense," the historian said.
Pankaj bang ( writes at
that :----
and u ll know the reality of conversions going on in india...its an invasion of Hinduism....
and u ll know the reality of conversions going on in india...its an invasion of Hinduism....
5:59:12 PM
Posted By t reddy Comments (2) Politics
ikchhugani Monday, June 18, 2007 6:00:13 PM
Chandu Borde 73 is India Manager.This newspaper headline gives me hope, I can become President of India after 29 years.I promise not to get into any contrversies, before election after election ... I will decide after election.Today I am 59 after 29 years I will be only 98 years old... No, I will be 88 years young ... just the right age to become The President Of India.I promise to sing the National Anthem unlike Mr Narayana Murthy .... I promise never to keep the flag upside down like Mr Vijaya Mallya did recently... I promise never to hold up any unjust bill like our present President did about a year ago... I promise to sign any stupid or unjust order, that is sent to me ... I promise to sign any bill forwarded by the cabinet with a black cloth patti on my eyes ... any other promises required ... I am willing to make.The major, qualification of having been in jail , I already have... Whats more, I been to jail in India unlike Mr Narayana Murthy, who chose the easy option of getting himself jailed in Bulgaria...Learn more about me at....
K.Venugopal Monday, June 18, 2007 7:52:49 PM
Let's see what spin the Congress managers are going to put on Pratibha Patil's observation. It is also likely that Mrs. Patil herself will say she has been misquoted. Or has she said thus to help the Shiv Sena make up its mind? She may next say that Islam brought equality to India, Christianity brought education to India etc., so that all are appeased.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Shashi Tharoor for India's Prime Ministership???

Monday, June 18, 2007
The more I read about Shashi Tharoor and his articles the more I find him to be a perfect candidate for India’s next Prime Minister. Shashi has almost everything that is needed in today’s India, “Intellect, diplomacy, polity, focus, thinking outside of the box nature”. I think this is high time to give the reins of the future of India to a dynamic individual who will take it to the new heights.
I think the news corps of India should promote the idea.
3:36:58 AM
Posted By Saurabh Gupta Comments (1) Politics
K.Venugopal Monday, June 18, 2007 8:27:45 AM
Shashi Tharoor is somewhat contemptuous of Hindutva. Is that a qualification?

saurabhg47 Tuesday, June 19, 2007 7:34:08 PM
Having a modernistic opinion must not be taken as contempt. In a large multi-faith democracy like India everyone must have a freedom to practise their faith in a way they feel comfortable with. Hinduism is the only faith that has allowed people to form their interpretation of hinduism in a constructive manner, hence so many gods and godesses yet the message remains same.A qualification to be a Leader of such a diverse country must not be seen as one's alliance with religious faith but to see his work ethics and ability to achieve the greater objectives for betterment of society as whole.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Does a country like India really need to stage Formula One races?

Saturday, June 16, 2007
Does a country like India really need to stage Formula One races?
India is to host a motor Grand Prix race in 2009 after the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) announced a deal with formula one boss, Bernie Ecclestone. IOA president Suresh Kalmadi says IOA is on the look out for land on the outskirts of New Delhi to construct a brand new facility to stage the race, and that a street circuit is out of the reckoning. Delhi will join such Asian cities as Abu Dhabi, Shanghai, and Sepang on the F-1 map of the world.
At one level, the announcement puts the lid on speculation on which city would be the F-1 venue, with Bangalore, Calcutta and Madras all jostling for the “honour”. At another level, the announcement reopens all the usual questions. Does “poor” India need Formula One races, especially after it was suggested that Chandrababu Naidu may have been toppled while bending backwards to get F-1 to Hyderabad?
Questions: For a country whose sporting achievements are far from Olympian, should the IOA be wasting untold millions on F-1? Are we creating lasting sporting infrastructure by building a new track, or are we squandering public money? Should Mani Shankar Aiyar’s sports ministry, which has been at daggers drawn with Kalmadi over India’s failed Asiad bid, entertain the IOA to please a few F-1 fans? Or is it all OK if it can help present a nice image of India to the world?
8:05:14 PM
Posted By churumuri dotcom Comments (1) Sports
K.Venugopal Sunday, June 17, 2007 11:16:43 AM
India is one nation with a million contradictions. So long as the contradictions do not affect India’s unity, what does it matter whether F-1 or World Rock Festival comes to India? We have, on the other hand, to hunt down jihadi elements in India who are posing a danger to the unity of India.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Who decided police is above the law?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Who decided police is above the law ? ..Not me nor you.. WHO ?
Police are not above the law, according to the Constitution Of India ... but the Judges everyday condone cops in courts for various crimes, in Magistrates Court, Sessions Courts, High Courts and the Supreme court... even in a high profile case like Jessica Lal case, the cops are no more on the radar of the courts...for a short time, they made some noises about taking action against the police officers.I have a first hand experience, in the Mumbai Sessions court and High court...of the Judges refusing to take action against police officers, for which I complained to the CJ Supreme Court ( full letter appears on my website ).After this favourable treatment by the Judges for years, the police feel and have decided, they are very much above the law. Even Sr Police officals in Mumbai, with whom I have argued this point, because of my arrest in a bogus case, blatantly say "Law is for the civilians, we are there to see others follow the law and there are no laws applicable to Police"
Regarding enquiries instituted, in the case, which has given a clean chit to the erring police officals, they say proudly "Ek vardiwala doosre vardiwale ke khilaf report nahin deta"...So, in brief, it is the Courts that have, effectively decided that the Police are above the law and take action only, when there is a hue and cry in some high profile case... at other times one Judge pass the buck to another judge and the 2nd judge passes it to the 3rd, till the complainanant gets tired of chasing the courts. If the courts seriously take action everytime the cop commits a crime, 90% of the police force will be suspended. the Government will not be able to recruit new people, because the main incentive of joining the Police is, to make a lot of money, also with uniform and power gained harass the people. If the courts take action all these perks will be lost.
Learn more facts Click here
I K Chhugani ...from Mumbai
1:07:30 PM
Posted By Indur Chhugani Comments (1) News
K.Venugopal Wednesday, June 13, 2007 7:05:06 PM
Nobody should be above the law. But the law should not be above justice either.

Non stop nonsense - our conversations day long.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Non stop Nonsense-Our conversations day long.
How many of you know that constant talking dimnishes our brain power and memory. You may ask " what about lecturers and teachers who have to toil day long to convince their students about the subjects and how long they have to lecture non-stop for hours to gether? Yes, no doubt. They too experience the reduction in the energy after a period of lecture. But since that act is holy "sharing the knowledge with others who are not conversant with the subjects", if done sincerely it will elevate them. But our incessant talking with friends, co-commuters about all the subjects in the world defenitely deprives us our brain power and memory. Do you know our Late Defense Minister V.K.Krishna Menon, once lectured in United Nations non - stop for 5and half hours and swooned. Yes that will be the final effect. Atleast his lecture would have enlightened the other members about India's policy positions, our conversations with all and sundry throughout the day is utter waste. Hence practise silence atleast an hour a day and see that your memory improves to a great extent. Sairam, Saipriya.
1:42:32 PM
Posted By Nagarajan Sambasivan Comments (1) Society
K.Venugopal Wednesday, June 13, 2007 7:02:24 PM
You've got a point. But what about talking to ourself, silently within? I have found it beneficial.

Caste and Reservations

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Caste and Reservations
The hue and cry over the resrvations after the Gujjars incident in Rajasthan is definitly an issue to be discussed..Caste is the first identity for a person in the society.It is the case in every part of the world.Reservations are there for the backward classes even before independence in the princely states.They r created for the upliftment from economic backwardness.Ironically some members of the same group r enjoying the resevations more.To make reservations equally shared there should be political will where politicians should work for the people not just for tha sake of votes.
4:06:56 PM
Posted By Sharmila Mulpur Comments (1) Politics
K.Venugopal Wednesday, June 13, 2007 6:55:01 PM
Your contention that caste is the first identity for a person is abominable for me. My first identity is as a living being.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The real meaning and values of Islam

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
The real meaning and values of islam
"Islam is a religion of peace". This is what our politically correct politicians keep telling us. But what is politically correct is not necessarily correct. The truth is that Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of hate, of terror and of war. A thorough study of the Quran and Hadith reveal an Islam that is not being presented honestly by the Muslim propagandists and is not known to the majority of the people of the world including Muslim themselves. Islam, as it is taught in the Quran (Koran) and lived by Muhammad, as is reported in the Hadith (Biography and sayings of the Prophet) is a religion of Injustice, Intolerance, Cruelty, Absurdities, discrimination, Contradictions, and blind faith. Islam advocates killing the non-Muslims and abuses the human rights of minorities and women. Islam expanded mostly by Jihad (holy war) and forced its way by killing the non-believers. In Islam apostasy is the biggest crime punishable by death. Muhammad was a terrorist himself therefore terrorism cannot be separated from the true Islam. Islam means submission and it demands from its followers to submit their wills and thoughts to Muhammad and his imaginary Allah. Allah is a deity that despises reason, democracy, freedom of thought and freedom of expression.
I reject Islam a) because of Muhammad’s lack of moral and ethical fortitude and b) because of the absurdities in the Quran.
a) Muhammad lived a less than holy life. His lust for sex, his affairs with his maids and slave girls, his pedophilic relationship at age 54 with Aisha, a 9-year-old child, his killing sprees, his massacre and the genocide of the Jews, his slave making and trading, his assassination of his opponents, his raids and lootings of the merchant caravans and unarmed villagers, his burning of trees, his destroying the water wells, his cursing and invoking evil on his enemies, his revenge on his captured prisoners of war, his torturing of his captives to for greed and his hallucinations such as believing of having sex with his wives when he actually did not, disqualify him as a sane person let alone a messenger of God.
b) An unbiased study of the Quran shows that far from being a “miracle”, that book is a hoax. The Quran is replete with scientific heresies, historic blunders, mathematical mistakes, logical absurdities, grammatical errors and ethical fallacies. Could possibly the author of this Universe be as ignorant as it appears to be in the Quran?
Quran tells Muslims to kill the disbelievers wherever they find them (2:191), murder them and treat them harshly (9:123), slay them (9:5), fight with them (8:65 ), strive against them with great endeavor (25:52), be stern with them because they belong to hell (66:9) and strike off their heads; then after making a “wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives” for ransom (47:4).
This is how the pagans are to be treated. As for the Christians and the Jews, the order is to subdue them and impose on them a penalty tax, after humiliating them (9:29) and if they resist, kill them.
The Quran is alien to freedom of belief and recognizes no other religion but Islam (3:85). It condemns those who do not believe to hellfire (5:10), calls them najis (filthy, untouchable, impure) (9:28), orders the Muslims to fight them until no other religion except Islam is left (2:193), slay or crucify or cut the hands and the feet of the unbelievers and to expel them from the land with disgrace.
It stresses that the disbelievers shall have a great punishment in the world hereafter (5:34) and figuratively depicts a horrendous chastisement for them stating that they will go to hell to drink boiling water (14:17), that they will be engulfed in smoke and flames like the wall and the roof of a tent and if they implore relief they will be granted water like melting brass that will scald their faces, (18:29) and that "garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods” (22:19).
It also prohibits Muslims to associate with their own brothers and fathers if they are non-believers (9:23), (3:28).
As for the women the book of Allah is emphatic that they are inferior to men and if they disobey their husbands the latter have the right to beat them (4:34). Their punishment for disobeying their husbands does not end there, because after they die they will go to hell (66:10). The Quran emphasizes the superiority of men by confirming that men have an advantage over the women (2:228). It not only denies women's equal right to their inheritance (4:11-12), it also regards them as imbeciles and decrees that their testimony is not admissible in the court of law unless it is accompanied with the testimony of a man (2:282). This means that a woman who is raped cannot accuse her rapist unless she can produce a male witness. Muhammad allowed the Muslim men to marry up to four wives (although he himself had a score of them) and gave them license to enjoy their "right-hand possessions" (women captured in wars), as many as they can capture or afford to buy (4:3), even if the woman is married before being captured (4:24).
The man who called himself the holy Prophet and a "mercy of God for all beings" did just that. Jawairiyah, Rayhanah and Safiyah were beautiful young girls who were captured when he raided the tribes of Banu al-Mustaliq, Qurayza and Nadir. The prophet slew their husbands, fathers and their male relatives and let his men rape them while he kept the prettiest for himself and raped her in the same day while they were still in the shock of the loss of their loved ones.
This book scrutinizes Islam with Rational Thinking. It rejects time-honored beliefs that cannot stand the probing of reason. It asks questions and encourages independent thinking. It promotes unity of humankind, equality between men and women, abolition of prejudices and freedom from dogmatism and blind faith.
In a world that has become technologically so advanced that even some poor nations that cannot feed themselves boast having nuclear and biological weapons, small misunderstandings can have catastrophic results. Religion has always been a major source of misunderstandings among mankind. For religion, many people are ready to die, kill and destroy everything. Islam encourages that aggressive spirit explicitly. Only a Muslim can believe that he would go to paradise if he kills other human beings. Only a Muslim has no regard for lives that he destroys because their faith is not right.
In the last few decades, and thanks to the newfound wealth of the oil rich Islamic countries and massive immigration to the West, Islamic fundamentalism has been on the rise and the dormant spirit of Jihadism has been rekindled once again. This fervor has been translated into terrorism, revolutions, and upheavals, and world peace has been put in jeopardy. Millions of lives are now in danger.
Quran tells Muslims to slay the unbelievers wherever they find them (2:191), do not befriend them (3:28), fight them and show them harshness (9:123), and smite their heads (47:4).
Let us pause for a moment and take a second look at Islam. Can these really be the words of God? Was Muhammad really a messenger of God or was he a crazy man, like Hitler, who used the religious sentiment of the gullible to conquer, to dominate and to have an endless supply for his narcissistic cravings?
Islam is a cult created by a psychopath. It cannot be reformed. It must be eradicated. Islam must be eradicated not because the Quran says Earth is flat or the shooting stars are missiles that Allah fires at the Jinns who climb the heaven to eavesdrop on the conversation of the exalted assembly. These stupid tales could even amuse us. Islam must go because it teaches hate, it orders killing of non-Muslims, it denigrates women and it violates the human rights. Islam must go not because it is false but because it is destructive, because it is dangerous; a threat to peace and security of humankind. With the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in Islamic countries, Islam has become a serious and a real threat to the survival of our civilization.
In order for you to appreciate the evilness of Islam, let us choose a few verses of the Quran and switch the words "Muslim" and "non-Muslims" and see how they look:
We will cast terror into the hearts of Muslims. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them. 8:12Let not the non-Muslims take for friends or helpers the Muslims. 3:28,Rouse the non-Muslims to the fight against Muslims. 8:65,Then fight and slay the Muslims wherever ye find them, 9:5,Fight the Muslims, and God will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame. 9:14,O ye the non-Muslims take not for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love Islam.9:23,O ye the non-Muslims! Truly the Muslims are unclean. 9:28,O ye non-Muslims! fight the Muslims who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you. 9:123,Therefore, when ye meet the Muslims, smite at their necks; At length. 47:4,
Can these satanic verses be from God?
We don't have to face another world war. We can stop this madness by eradicating Islam. We can love each other like members of one family and celebrate our diversity. We can build a better world for our children. We can sing the songs of unity together. We can make this world a paradise but we have to remove the false doctrines that divide mankind into “us” versus “them” and believers versus disbelievers first.
You and I are humans. We are part of the Humanity. We are members of one family: the family of Humankind. God created us all because he loved us all. Do not destroy what God has made. Muhammad was insane. Like Hitler he was a brilliant and manipulative psychopath. Please read the Quran and the original history of Muhammad. Not the history written by today's unscrupulous apologists of Islam but the history written by the early historians. Read the book of Al Waqidi, Ibn Ishaq and Al Tabari's. Read the Hadith and see for yourself that what I say is the truth. We are a billion or more people, following an insane man. This is a colossal tragedy. No wonder Islamic world is sunk in utter misery, abundant poverty and abject ignorance. Our forefathers were forced to convert to Islam and our fathers did not have the chance to question it. But now we have that chance. Isn't it time that we look into our faith to at least know what is it that we believe in?
This site reveals the bitter truth about Islam. It proves that it is not a religion of God. If you disagree with me, prove me wrong and I promise to remove this site. I challenge the apologists of Islam to prove me wrong or stop misleading the world with half truths and misinformation. But if no one can disprove me, as many Muslims have tried and failed, then I invite you to learn about the dark side of the Quran and the Hadith by reading the articles written by numerous authors (mostly ex-Muslims) and transcripts of debates that I have had with Muslim apologists who have tried to explain away the absurdities of Islam. I invite you to read the facts that I have quoted from the Quran and the Hadith that lead me to my conclusions. Above all, I invite you to put yourself in the position of the victims of Islam to appreciate the evilness of this so called religion. I want you to ask yourself whether you would like to be treated by non-Muslims as Islam and Muslims have treated and continue to treat the non-Muslims wherever they are the majority. Finally, I invite you to reject Islam and join us, the apostates, to save the world from “Islamic doom."
Let us save the world from its certain destruction. We don't have to face another world war. We can stop this madness now. We can love each other like members of one family and celebrate our diversity like flowers of one garden. We can build a better world for our children. We can sing the songs of joy together. We can make a difference. Let not a psychopath liar fool you. Do not become an instrument of hate. Muhammad lied. This site is the proof:
7:06:10 PM
Posted By Osama Allah Comments (2) Uncategorized
khalid Tuesday, June 12, 2007 7:29:38 PM
wow,eureka man-simply brilliant,discovery of the century dude ,last twelve hundred years no one has been able to see the true face of islam,1.6 billion dumb muslims in the world follow this religion blindly.please guide them dude.Its the fastest growing religion in the world since 35 years.please show those converts the truth man.Keep on doing ur reseacrh dude,keep spreading the hatred.
K.Venugopal Wednesday, June 13, 2007 10:03:15 AM
The person who posted this blog, a cut-and-paste job, has, in naming his blog in uncouth and filthy language, revealed that he is a worm of the lowest order. Criticism is divine, even criticizing the divine. But using foul language has no place in civilized discourse. I condemn the poster of this blog and call him a coward.I must add that I agree with the content and also the language of the faithfreedom article which has been pasted in this blog.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Hi all!
Welcome to my blog! I may not be the flash, cool, or whatever, but I be myself. So there. You may call me Aliskevo, or Ali..... I don't mind. I will try and post daily, but I'm only 13 so i'm at school from 9:50 to 3:30 and my brother does his homework.
5:07:31 PM
Posted By Alison Skevington Comments (1) Uncategorized
K.Venugopal Tuesday, June 12, 2007 5:46:26 PM

Dear Ali,

Welcome aboard, young man. Don't strain yourself in posting daily. But if you feel inspired on a particular day, don't limit yourself either. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Monday, June 11, 2007

The smallest and the biggest

Monday, June 11, 2007
The smallest and the biggest.
Which is the smallest and which is the biggest? The answer for both is one only. Almighty God is the smallest as well as the biggest. He is in the smallest atom as well as biggest Cosmos. A mathematical proof. Number 1 is the only original number. Other numbers are the additions only. For instance 2= 1+1. Likewise all numbers can be derived from one only. Though it is the smallest numeral, it is also the biggest since without it no big numbers can be formed. We have read microbes, virus and bacteria which can not be seen by naked eye is the cause of many functions in the body as well as they are the cause for disease. Hence do not consider the size and evoluate the capacity. A tiny chip in the motherboard causes the computer to function in a pre-programmed way. A small piece of steel when converted into a watch is several times valuable than the value of steel. Our brain is a miracle. No scientists has so far achieved creating a duplicate brain so far. Hence all the creations are the handiwork of Superior intelligence which we call as God. Sairam, Saipriya.
7:05:38 PM
Posted By Nagarajan Sambasivan Comments (2) Society
indra Monday, June 11, 2007 7:40:22 PM
i will like to be known as ZERO (0). as this is the smallest number and whether its begger enough or not u may decide later on.
K.Venugopal Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:19:38 AM
If any numeral is in the race for being both the smallest and the biggest at the same time, it can only be 0 (zero). For it is both nothing as well as absolute.

Reservation of seats in educational institutions as per caste

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Reservation of seats in educational institutions as per the caste
I got a sms today regarding the reservation quota and I thought of sharing that with you people. I believe that is the current trend in where we people are living. It has 4 points regarding future examination pattern of India ..
1. All the questions will be answered by FC students. 2) OBC students will write only the questions 3) ST students will put only the question numbers 4) SC students have to just read the question paper.
I really don't understand what are we trying to prove? Free education or compulsory education??? What are we trying for???
From my point of view, Government should help the poor students to get them educated but not by giving quotas. There are lot of students (including middle class society) loosing their hopes, interests and chances because of the quota system. Why is the exam pass scores are also different for different castes? Govt. is not helping us and by this way they are deteriorating future India.
I will give you a simple example. Students to become good doctors, engineers, they need talent, effort and hardwork. With the govt. reservation quotas, they are paving way for different communities for getting their certificates without putting any effort, without any talent and without any hard work. At last, it makes the life of other people more miserable and worse.
Let me conclude this..Don't think that I am from a FC community and trying to burst out my frustrations... I am from an OBC community and I have written here what I think the truth is...
3:31:33 AM
Posted By Hriti Krishna Comments (1) Politics
K.Venugopal Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:09:13 AM
The policy of reservations came on board the constitution as well intentioned. However, today the position of reservations has become exactly like what became of the caste-system itself. Vested interests in both cases (reservations as well as caste system) ensured that both policies became fossiled. Just as the best of Hindus have been against the caste system after a point of time in history, it is high time that the reservation policy also be junked, whatever the good intentions were of the original framers of the policy, as reservations have become a hive of vested interests.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Muslims must revise their sacred texts for India's social harmony.

Friday, June 8, 2007
"Muslims must revise their sacred texts for India's social harmony'
Like it or lump it, Kannada writer S.L. Bhyrappa's latest novel Aavarana is the hands-down literary sensation of the year.
On the one hand, it has gone into several reprints and won the overwhelming approval of readers worldwide "for saying it like it is". And, on the other hand, its topic, tone and technique have come under question from "secular" intellectuals, who accuse the author of seeking to sow the seeds of enmity between communities and advancing the cause of Hindutva.
In this video-interview, Dr Bhyrappa addresses his readers worldwide and answers his critics at home. As to why he wrote this novel now, the philosophical concept behind it, and the political and ideological inhibitions that have prevented his co-writers from taking up such a controversial subject.
Dr Bhyrappa says there is no agenda, hidden or otherwise, behind the novel. That the purpose of his novel is the search for truth. And that most of those who are opposing his book are politically-correct leftists, and those claiming to champion the interests of Dalits.
Controversially, the best-selling author says India's social harmony, which his critics accuse him of seeking to destroy through the book, is "superficial, artificial, and therefore not permanent."
"The kind of harmony you are speaking, since independence, does it exist? It doesn't exist because you are starting on a false foundation. Most of our Constitution framers were Hindus, most of them were upper class. Alladi Krishnawamy Iyer, K.M. Munshi. Babu Rajendra Prasad, C. Rajagopalachari. All of them unanimously abolished untouchability, saying that those who practice it should be prosecuted and jailed, that Dalits should be given special privileges, and those those who intermarried with Dalits should be given special incentives.
"That means, they (the Hindus) realised the mistakes in our society which was historically practised and tried to rectify it. Have Muslims tried to do overcome their mistakes? The Hindus have clearly realised that untouchability and social inequalities were practised from certain points in our history. We are open about it and we are ashamed of it. Have the Muslims realised what they have done is wrong and what is the source of what they have done?
"The source of what they have done is in their sacred religious texts. Now, are they prepared to go back to it and say these are the portions which we want to disown? Till they are prepared to do that, this social harmony is based on false foundation. Therefore to say that just because a certain truth is spoken, to say that it disturbs social harmony... for how long can you live with the delusion of building social harmony under false foundation.
"You must have the freedom to criticise every religion in the world: Judaism, Christianity, Shintosim, Hinduism, etc etc. Now to say you have every freedom to criticise different streams of Hinduism or Christianity, but you should not speak anything Islam, shut up... when you come to that point, is that fair? Progress is possible only when there is free criticism, which the western people have reached."
Also read: S.L. Bhyrappa versus U.R. Anantha Murthy
'URA should stop preaching, start writing'
9:45:13 AM
Posted By churumuri dotcom Comments (1) News
K.Venugopal Friday, June 8, 2007 6:31:55 PM
God bless Kannada writer S.L. Bhyrappa. May his Aavarana reach an ever-widening readership. Hope it gets translated to English soon. That part of the Quran which forms the basis of Shariat is quite like what the Hindus call smritis - they need to change to keep pace with an ever evolving society. But Quran, as all scriptures, have quintessential elements, called shrutis in Hinduism and they are ever unchanging. Unfortunately, Muslims don't see it this way. They say each and every word is Allah's. So all we can say is, may Allah correct the Muslims.

Who is the next PM?

Friday, June 8, 2007
Who is Next PM
I think Manmohan Singh Not satisfied the PM post.Now the time to discuss about next PM.
11:45:18 AM
Posted By venkat reddy Comments (1) Politics
K.Venugopal Friday, June 8, 2007 6:08:47 PM
I think whoever becomes the PM from Congress will have to play second fiddle to the Italian family. If we are looking for a young and charismatic PM, look no further than Arun Jaitley. But then BJP is on a down-swing now. Let's hope its fortunes revive, so that we can have a brilliant PM.

shilpa Sunday, June 10, 2007 9:24:16 PM
a practising lawyer by profession, a political leader and spokeman for his party and a person of strong conventions and views,arun jaitley is definitely the ideal choice for the PM amongst the present corrupted and irrational politicians. sushma swaraj and jaitley can help BJP come back to power with his allies in the next election.its a tough road to travel however its a choice which they will definitely take.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The reality

Thursday, June 7, 2007
The reality
Kerala is celebrating the monsoon of demolition drive before the offset of the real monsoon. As an inmate of Munnar I don’t know whether to support or object the decisions of the LDF government.

Most of the blog sites and media are praising the activities of the STF, but this is not the reality........there are lots of encroachments by possessing or acquiring fake pattayams........there is not even a slight mention of all that. All that kind of encroachments are done by big shots and why is the STF reluctant in taking actions against the real encroachers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By now you all will think what the hell is this stupid guy talking.......believe me the STF`S sloganeering of there actions against maestro encroachers are fake. Till now they have taken action against people who have used there land with original pattayam for the construction of buildings rather than for the cultivation of cardomom.The actions were taken against these people under the rules of cardamom hill reserve acts.

There is a big racket of mafia working in Munnar who will produce pattayam for acres of land at a stretch and these people will come out of it without even one scratch.
The explanation of the process follows....

The First step
The big mafia people who have got high hand in revenue department has got a clear cut idea about the revenue land location. They will start fencing these lands with the permission from revenue people. First they will fence only ten acres...then stretches it slowly to 20 then to 30 and it goes...

The Second step
Bribing the officials
Here comes the detailed account of how they are calculating the bribe amount.......


The Third step

The mafia will divide the 100 acres into small stretches of land ie.50cents or something and will register it in the names of the poor people who wouldn’t act against the mafia. So the government wouldn’t or can’t take action against these people because they are cherukida kudiattakkar...the mafia will provides hut for these people to live in also to reiterate the fact that they are kudiattakkar not kayattam ones.

The Fourth step
These land will be given to the resort people when they come and search for lands .and you all know the cost what will it be!!!!!!!!!They people who are ignorant about these plays who are illiterate about the different kinds of pattayam get caught and become scapegoats.

Here I put an end to my long talk.....I here tell if it is against the real encroachers I support the drive. But this is fake and I don’t believe in this and I ........
3:29:34 PM
Posted By mari jn Comments (2) News
K.Venugopal Thursday, June 7, 2007 5:03:59 PM
You have gone to the roots of the corruption.
K.Venugopal Thursday, June 7, 2007 5:08:03 PM
I wonder why demolitions? Can't the buildings be taken over and put to good use?

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Indians as . . .

Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Indians as Dirty Monkeys!
Travelling Foreigners said 'Indian talk too much and do little nothing.'
Indian replied 'Yes but look at our economy, massive growth and development.'
Foreigners, 'Yes but Indias are Monkeys, they wish to ape the West but not the health and cleanliness of the West - look your film people like to shoot abroad, whilst you people shit outside your temples and pollute your holy rivers. What can Indians really do without foreign investment or expertise - shit everywhere.'
Indian, 'but our politicians live happily'
Foreigner, 'Yes because average Indian politicians like the rest of the nation loves to shit on it's own people.'
Indian and Foreigners, 'Yes India is a nation full of verbal and real shit - what a shitty country filled with smell dirt and dirty Indians!'
Indian 'But what about Vedas?'
Foreigner, 'Ya what about VEDAS - Indians don't follow the shit and creat new smelly shits - wake up look at your dirty, corrupt, unjust and nonsense talking nation filled with real shit - and that's the reason I call all Indians and DIRTY MONKETS - good for good shits like aping Monkeys - India has monkey God as well, dirty holy rivers...etc'
10:10:51 PM
Posted By Yashvin Patel Comments (1) Entertainment
K.Venugopal Thursday, June 7, 2007 9:51:11 AM
Yashvin Patel, Were you and your foreign friends staying in a toilet?

Some facts - Mahabharat epic

Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Some Facts Mahabharat Epic
Facts of Mahabharat
Greek Testimony:"The Indians possess an Iliad of 100,000 verses".
According to the Adi-parva of the Mahabharata (shlokas 81, 101-102),the text was originally 8,800 verses when it was composed by Vyasaand was known as the "Jay".
later became 24,000 verses in the "Bharata" recited by Vaisampayana.
The Mahabharata itself (1.1.61) distinguishes a core portion of24,000 verses, the "Bharata" proper.
It is undisputed that the full length of the Mahabharata has accreted over a long period.
The earliest known references to the Mahabharata and its core "Bharata"date back to the 6th-5th century BC, in the Ashtadhyayi (sutra 6.2.38)of "Panini"(520-460 BC), and in the "Ashvalayana Grhyasutra"(3.4.4),while various characters from the epic are also mentioned in earlierVedic literature.
An early version of the extended Mahabharata, were composed by the6th-5th century BC, with parts of "Jay"'s original 8,800 verses possiblydating back as far as the 9th-8th century BC.
Traditionally, Hindus ascribe the Mahabharata to Vyasa. Due to its immenselength, its philological study has a long history of attempts to unravelits historical growth and composition layers. It probably reached its finalform in the early "Gupta" period.
over 90,000 verses in the Mahabharata recited by Ugrasravas.
The Complete mahaabharat is Divided in chapters called "Parva".They are :01 Adi-parva Introduction, birth and upbringing of the princes. 02 Sabha-parva Life at the court, the game of dice, and the exile of the Pandavas. Maya Danava erects the palace and court (sabha), at Indraprastha. 03 Aranyaka-parva The twelve years in exile in the forest (aranya). 04 Virata-parva The year in exile spent at the court of Virata. 05 Udyoga-parva Preparations for war. 06 Bhishma-parva The first part of the great battle, with Bhishma as commander for the Kauravas. 07 Drona-parva The battle continues, with Drona as commander. 08 Karna-parva The battle again, with Karna as commander. 09 Shalya-parva The last part of the battle, with Shalya as commander. 10 Sauptika-parva How Ashvattama and the remaining Kauravas killed the Pandava army in their sleep (Sauptika). 11 Stri-parva Gandhari and the other women (stri) lament the dead. 12 Shanti-parva The crowning of Yudhisthira, and his instructions from Bhishma.13 Anusasana-parva The final instructions (anusasana) from Bhishma. 14 Ashvamedhika-parva The royal ceremony of the ashvamedha conducted by Yudhisthira. 15 Ashramavasika-parva Dhritarashtra, Gandhari and Kunti leave for an ashram, and eventual death in the forest. 16 Mausala-parva The infighting between the Yadavas with maces (mausala). 17 Mahaprasthanik-parva The first part of the path to death (mahaprasthana "great journey") of Yudhisthira and his brothers. 18 Svargarohana-parva The Pandavas return to the spiritual world (svarga). (khila) Harivamsa-parva Life of Krishna.
Among the principal works and stories that are a part of the Mahabharata are the following (often considered isolated as works in their own right):
Bhagavad Gita(Krishna advises and teaches Arjuna when he is ridden with doubt. Anusasanaparva.)
Damayanti(or Nala and Damayanti, a love story. Aranyakaparva.)
Krishnavatara(the story of Krishna, the Krishna Lila, which is woven through many chapters of the story)
An abbreviated version of the Ramayana. Aranyakaparva.
Rishyasringa(also written as Rshyashrnga, the horned boy and rishi. Aranyakaparva.)
Vishnu sahasranama(a hymn to Vishnu, which describes his 1000 names; Anushasanaparva.)
2:00:00 PM
Posted By The Unknown Citizen Comments (1) Personals
K.Venugopal Wednesday, June 6, 2007 6:00:48 PM
The Unknown Citizen should become the most known citizen because he (she?) has given an overview of our great heritage the Mahabharatha so succinctly. I shall treasure this blog specially. Please come up with more, Mr. Honoured Citizen.