Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Some Facts Mahabharat Epic
Facts of Mahabharat
Greek Testimony:"The Indians possess an Iliad of 100,000 verses".
According to the Adi-parva of the Mahabharata (shlokas 81, 101-102),the text was originally 8,800 verses when it was composed by Vyasaand was known as the "Jay".
later became 24,000 verses in the "Bharata" recited by Vaisampayana.
The Mahabharata itself (1.1.61) distinguishes a core portion of24,000 verses, the "Bharata" proper.
It is undisputed that the full length of the Mahabharata has accreted over a long period.
The earliest known references to the Mahabharata and its core "Bharata"date back to the 6th-5th century BC, in the Ashtadhyayi (sutra 6.2.38)of "Panini"(520-460 BC), and in the "Ashvalayana Grhyasutra"(3.4.4),while various characters from the epic are also mentioned in earlierVedic literature.
An early version of the extended Mahabharata, were composed by the6th-5th century BC, with parts of "Jay"'s original 8,800 verses possiblydating back as far as the 9th-8th century BC.
Traditionally, Hindus ascribe the Mahabharata to Vyasa. Due to its immenselength, its philological study has a long history of attempts to unravelits historical growth and composition layers. It probably reached its finalform in the early "Gupta" period.
over 90,000 verses in the Mahabharata recited by Ugrasravas.
The Complete mahaabharat is Divided in chapters called "Parva".They are :01 Adi-parva Introduction, birth and upbringing of the princes. 02 Sabha-parva Life at the court, the game of dice, and the exile of the Pandavas. Maya Danava erects the palace and court (sabha), at Indraprastha. 03 Aranyaka-parva The twelve years in exile in the forest (aranya). 04 Virata-parva The year in exile spent at the court of Virata. 05 Udyoga-parva Preparations for war. 06 Bhishma-parva The first part of the great battle, with Bhishma as commander for the Kauravas. 07 Drona-parva The battle continues, with Drona as commander. 08 Karna-parva The battle again, with Karna as commander. 09 Shalya-parva The last part of the battle, with Shalya as commander. 10 Sauptika-parva How Ashvattama and the remaining Kauravas killed the Pandava army in their sleep (Sauptika). 11 Stri-parva Gandhari and the other women (stri) lament the dead. 12 Shanti-parva The crowning of Yudhisthira, and his instructions from Bhishma.13 Anusasana-parva The final instructions (anusasana) from Bhishma. 14 Ashvamedhika-parva The royal ceremony of the ashvamedha conducted by Yudhisthira. 15 Ashramavasika-parva Dhritarashtra, Gandhari and Kunti leave for an ashram, and eventual death in the forest. 16 Mausala-parva The infighting between the Yadavas with maces (mausala). 17 Mahaprasthanik-parva The first part of the path to death (mahaprasthana "great journey") of Yudhisthira and his brothers. 18 Svargarohana-parva The Pandavas return to the spiritual world (svarga). (khila) Harivamsa-parva Life of Krishna.
Among the principal works and stories that are a part of the Mahabharata are the following (often considered isolated as works in their own right):
Bhagavad Gita(Krishna advises and teaches Arjuna when he is ridden with doubt. Anusasanaparva.)
Damayanti(or Nala and Damayanti, a love story. Aranyakaparva.)
Krishnavatara(the story of Krishna, the Krishna Lila, which is woven through many chapters of the story)
An abbreviated version of the Ramayana. Aranyakaparva.
Rishyasringa(also written as Rshyashrnga, the horned boy and rishi. Aranyakaparva.)
Vishnu sahasranama(a hymn to Vishnu, which describes his 1000 names; Anushasanaparva.)
2:00:00 PM
Posted By The Unknown Citizen Comments (1) Personals
K.Venugopal Wednesday, June 6, 2007 6:00:48 PM
The Unknown Citizen should become the most known citizen because he (she?) has given an overview of our great heritage the Mahabharatha so succinctly. I shall treasure this blog specially. Please come up with more, Mr. Honoured Citizen.
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