Tuesday, August 28, 2007

To Muneer only - UPDATED

Saturday, February 17, 2007
UPDATE 1: August 28, 2007
Hi Muneer,
It is more than 6 months now, since we last communicated over here. You told that you are learning ABC of your ISlam and will be back after 6 months, in early February this year. I am still waiting for your come back. If you don't reply to this, I will assume that you have seen the falsehood of Islam while learning it all over again and now you are enlightened by truth of humanity.
Regards, Infidel
This blog is for Muneer only.
Dear muneer,
Just forget what I wrote and what you wrote, for a minute.I am going to ask you a question from core of my heart and I expect an honest answer from your heart, no cheating please.My question is like this:Muneer,you are around 53-54 years old (correct me if i am wrong).you must be having a family and your family may consists of your sons & daughters and thier children (so your grandchildren).Muneer, an honest question and an honest answer (please forget everything we wrote on NDTV Blogs, for a minute).1) At the age of 53-54, do you get aroused by a 9 years old child? 2) Can you even think of having sex/intercourse with a child (girl) of your grandchild's age (to be specific, of age 9 years)?
3) Will you marry your own daughter / grand daughter of age 6 to a man of your age?
Munner, I will appreciate your honest reply. Please don't engage yourself in any kind of fallacy this time and answer straight as the questions are straight.Please don't evade this time and let us all know your position as you claimed that people who know you will never say that you are a wrong person. Your answers will clarify any misconceptions about you, if any.Muneer, I know that it is very difficult (or very easy, it depends upon how you take it) question for you to answer but it is extremely important for you and me as we are on fire on this blogsphere. Please write YES or NO if you don't want to elaborate/explain the things.Muneer, Please answer the questions honestly and rest assured that these questions are solely mine and not at all related to your faith, religion, prophet, or anything like that, nor even science and miracles.Simple quesions and simple answers (hopefully)
12:18:02 AM
Posted By Infidel M Comments (15) Musings
ganshyam bhonsdiwala Saturday, February 17, 2007 1:47:16 AM
Mr InfidelIf musselmans can marry brothers daughter than of course they will jump at 6 yr old regardless of own age. As long as he gets khada danda, he wil indulge in underage funda.
jj Saturday, February 17, 2007 2:20:12 AM
infi, after all this dirty fighting that has taken place and exchange of abuses and shows of verbal anger ....it is highly unlikely that your gud old friend will ever come back to blogosphere. switch over to some other topic. i dont think even allah can answer your question !
perfektm Saturday, February 17, 2007 5:13:17 AM
Infidel M...i think, he will not reply...the truth is that these peoples are so blind in koran, that they dont know what they are doing....what Austrian Hitler had done to German childern was insane, but what m?ms are doing to there own childern is worst... the problem is that Mullah oriented culture had gone so far in its imperialistic goal ... that they are teaching young childern from childhood to hate others... they teach the childerns to die for Allah... but they never teach the childern to love and live for allah....this is what makes Muslims and non-muslims different. Moslems dont have any respect of life, which is the core pillar of human civilization... they attack this pillar which in itself is known as scaredness of human life..... so you think they will show respect for childerns...... even from the birth onwards they muslim womens think to give birth to a jihadi devil to kill others on name of islam... instead of giving birth to a loving human being.
Irshad4u Saturday, February 17, 2007 8:05:55 PM
Well whatever you write is just nonsense the references you are taking is out of the way and got corroupted by the enemies of Islam and we are not like you to make sisters and daughters public property
Infidel Saturday, February 17, 2007 9:12:58 PM
Irshad,I can understand your frustration.Prove that what nonsense I have written?I am referring SAHIH HADITHS related to muhammad and ayesha, how they are out of the way, when I am writing about themselves? Are you allright?Do you mean that islamic scriptures are corrupted by enemies of islam, please confirm?If yes, then it also proves that islam is not divine as allah could not protest its own true religion.Also you need to prove what is corrupted and how?For your kind information, "mutta" (temporary marriage for money) is legally permissible in islam, which is nothing but other name of prostitution. So, in your "divine religion", making sisters and daughters public property is made legal by "almighty allah".Think before you write out of your frustration. Just an advise.
perfektm Saturday, February 17, 2007 11:19:48 PM
Irshad4u..the problem is your thinking... you still consider them as a property. its not asking to make womens public property which you consider private property...its about basic human rights...to give them a right to feel like a human. to give respect to the emotions they have.. to behave like humans...
Infidel Sunday, February 18, 2007 7:38:15 AM
Dear PM,I was in a process of write an article on women in islam to answer one of the blogger who commented my blog earlier.But now I think I have to write replies to ruizvan and rumple first. Surely in islam, women is not more than a sex object and hence a property of a man.Please wait a while for that article. Meanwhile you can enjoy my replies to these two zombies, which are coming shortly.
whatsTheUse Sunday, February 18, 2007 10:01:46 PM
Hey Infidel and gang,Whats the use in maligning this great religion as you will not be able to stop the growth of Islam.Dear Hindu brothers please look at ur religion before looking at others.
Infidel Sunday, February 18, 2007 10:37:53 PM
Dear whatstheuse,Please show thegreatness of your religion first, because everywhere you people are telling the lies that islam is the only true religion, allah is true god and muhammad is the last prophet, first stop these lies or prove them.If you stop lying, we will not criticise your great religion.
yameen Sunday, February 18, 2007 11:18:18 PM
Infidle at last u admitted"Islam is the only true religion, allah is true god and muhammad is the last prophet"
Infidel Monday, February 19, 2007 8:05:10 AM
Yameen, check your eye sight and do to a psychatrist.I wrote "Please show thegreatness of your religion first, because everywhere you people are telling the LIES that islam is the only true religion, allah is true god and muhammad is the last prophet, first stop these lies or prove them."Do you understand the meaning of LIES. If not, please go and learn then come to my blogs.
yameen Monday, February 19, 2007 8:04:50 PM
infidle, i understood the meaning of LIES after reading ur blogs......thanks very much
Infidel Tuesday, February 20, 2007 2:06:34 AM
Good for you yameen, now better use your brain and stop lying.
K.Venugopal Tuesday, August 28, 2007 9:35:30 PM
Dear Infidel, Its wonderful to see that you are still going great guns. About Muneerka, I suspect what got him was the strain he had to go through in upholding his belief. In the case of Muslims, they have no choice (Islam does not lead to self-realisation) but to remember or refer to what the Quran and the Hadiths say and then express themselves. Quite an academic job. (Since most lack the patience required to be an academic, they resort to foul language or irrelevant topics to express themselves.) In the case of a Hindu (or a free-thinker), except if he is taking an academic stand, his religious position is the expression of his own experience in the world of spirituality and there is no strain in expressing it and its expression is versatile too. Actually, discussing religion with a Muslim is not an option. Either you'll have to accept what he says (how could you not, he is quoting Allah!) or go down in his estimation as a rabble rouser. You can discuss and generate light, not heat, only by discussing with free thinkers.
infidel Wednesday, August 29, 2007 5:34:27 AM
Dear Venu, I am pleased with your enlightened comment. You are right. It's bit diffcult to discuss islam with muslims. Most of the times, their minds are so closed that it takes so much energy to put a simple logic in their minds. but I sincerely believe that muneer and co (HUman, learner etc) saw the truth of humanity. They realised the falsehood of islam when we proved to them that quran is not direct word of god with irrefutable facts. Atleast, the seed of doubt is sown in their minds and souls and they will never be the same devout muslim any more. Each time they read, listen or see "quran", our questions will dance in their minds. This seed will definitely grow one day, hopefully soon, and they will be free of shakels of this evil cult known as islam.Our aim is to help them out in seeing the truth of humanity and free world. We will surely succeed.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Pakistan buys BJP, Commies slaves of China

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The cat is indeed out of the bag. Pakis and chinks have found a great ally in bjp and commies respectively. It is indeed sadedning to see the bjp parrtoing the lines which should have come from a paki ministers mouth. The moth eaten jurassic minded two penny worth ideology of the unpatriotic commies is again playing in parliment and this time in tune with the bjp which has donned the paki colors. I am speaking about the nuke deal and how the commies and bjp are oppising the same without any valid reasons whatsoever. It is a shame on bjp which claimed to the custodian of patriotism in India. These guys have proved to the real traitors of the nation. I wonder how a party having a leader like Atal Behari Vajpayee could stoop to such unfathomable levels. With trecherous parties like bjp and the commies around, who needs enemies. These cockroaches can reduce a nation to ashes within minutes. Shame shame shame...
9:21:09 PM
Posted By
Prayukth Jayarajan Comments (2) Politics
indian Thursday, August 23, 2007 3:21:37 PM
Why is BJP behaving in such a stupid way? It was gaining support due to Anti Hindu policies of MMS govt. Now in the lust for power it will lose that support
K.Venugopal Friday, August 24, 2007 4:55:09 PM
The whole question is one of friendship. While we need to be friends with all, there is no harm in having a special relationship with USA. USA is both democratic and secular. Those who are opposing this friendship are those who wish to cater to the Muslim constituency. Congress' in-built Muslim appeasement tendency will cover the USA-deal fall-out by bringing in minority reservations. Unfortunately, BJP has missed the opportunity of being true to itself by supporting the Nuclear deal and facing elections by co-opting Manmohan Singh on the issue.
slowhand Friday, August 24, 2007 5:09:26 PM
Prime Minister should let the nation know that the left is only interested to see 'China gallop and India limp' and put brakes on India's march to greatness. India according to the left should always play second fiddle to China they didn't expect the deal to go through so the sudden knee jerk reaction.I wonder why only the left think about agitating why are we not doing this to expose such shameful acts we should also hit the streets. In my opinion the future generation would see this as new age treason. Shame indeed

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Why Manmohan is not losing sleep over Taslima?

Friday, August 10, 2007
Our dear prime minister keeps a diplomatic silence over the travails of a helpless woman Taslima who is waging a lone crusade. It is a shame that when such an event was taking place, there were no proper security chekups or security guards. It happened in the the IT capital of India. How the MIM people are allowed to go berserk at an organised event? It reminds us of similar attacks on artists in Baroda. If some find fault with others, the protestors can always organise other ways of protest like black flag demonstrations or taking them to court. Let Taslima settle in a first world country where she may get some security.In Andhra Pradesh there is this famous author who wrote a scathing attack on Ramayana and Ram but nothing like this happened to her. If a religion does not allow legitimate criticism, that religion stagnates. Rebellion is the civilisation's hallmark. If there were no new thoughts, no new ways of thinking We would be still in stone age.
8:47:10 AM
Posted By nothing tosay Comments (1) Musings
K.Venugopal Friday, August 10, 2007 9:17:17 AM
A good question and definitive points.

manish_chowdhary Friday, August 10, 2007 12:07:52 PM
Manmohan looses his sleep only when he is told to do so by Sonia , Sonia says only when her minority vote banks are concerned . The attack on Taslima Nasreen bolsters their minority vote bank , in our country, when it is a matter of minority vote bank is concerned, the interest of country take a back seat . Mera Bharat Mahan

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Restless Mind

Saturday, August 4, 2007
Hi Friends,
In one or the other way we feel restless in todays busy life. We all have different dimensions of our life like, son, daughter, mother, father, sister brother, student, employee, employer, parent, boss, subordinate etc. In one or the other dimension we are restless to achieve something or to make other happy.
What this means that we all have mutli-personalities and we act, think and behave in differntly in individual dimensions.
My idea of starting this blogs is to share and understand your experience and thoughts on our muti-dimension roles we play in day today life. By writing our thoughts we would get a clear picture of our thoughts and we might improve ourselves in these dimensions.
3:16:40 PM
Posted By Atul Mohan Comments (1) Society
K.Venugopal Sunday, August 5, 2007 1:59:20 PM
We may have multi-personalities and may be playing multi-roles like son, father, employee etc. and we may we act, think and behave differently in different dimensions. Unfortunately, the result of such fragmentation is a restless mind. Instead of seeing the external reality and seeking to conform ourselves to it, we ought to see the inner reality and be free from the need to fragment ourselves. When we turn within to the realm of silence and unrestricted awareness, we become wholesome and of a restful mind. Then all our external relations would only be relationships of spontaneity and naturalness. Then we are no longer playing various roles, but living the wholesome being we are.