Friday, July 06, 2007

Indian Muslims

Friday, July 6, 2007

In the name of Allah, many Clerics are misdirecting young, poor muslims towards terror. In the name of Jihad they are making them to commit terror crimes not only in the country but also in the world. For the last many years, we indian muslims were not involved in such acts. But the recently terror attack in UK has made everyone in the country to look at us in a doubtful manner. We are been tried to be branded as Terrorists. So all muslims of our beloved India don't come in the words of this Clerics. They don't belong to any nation, they are following the words of their Masters located in Pakistan/Saudi Arabia.
First we are Indians then we are Muslims. This country has given a identity to us. So lets come together and face the terror together.
5:27:39 PM
Posted By Mohammed Khalil Comments (1) Politics
K.Venugopal Friday, July 6, 2007 6:06:18 PM
I applaud your statement. But the basic religious problem emanating from Islam would not be solved so long as it declares that it alone is the true religion and all other religions are false. Though many other religions, big and small, also declare that theirs is the only true religion, such declarations have not resulted, at least in the modern world, at attempts to foist their religion by undermining all liberal views and institutions as is the tendency in Islam. Muslims therefore must turn against Islam as is run by the Mullahs. They have retarded the evolution of the religion. Unless freedom to interpret is at the individual level, as it is today with Hinduism and even Christianity, Islam will take to terrorism in bigger ways.

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