Monday, July 16, 2007


Monday, July 16, 2007
It has always intrigued one as to how more and more youth, educated and from well to do families, get attracted to Jehad and suicide attacks. I do not believe the religion teaches these attitudes.Nor can it be the dogmatic preachings of some vocoferous zelots. While you can understand an youngster from a poor family taking up Jehad as ameans of earning, one is baffled by the steps taken by the well to do.It cannot be monetary matters which count.Nor can it be religious dogmas as the Religion doesnot preach violence and killing of innocents.So then it has to be soem other motivsation....Salvation also cannot be a cause of death wish.Can any one throw some light on this? In the answer may lie the solution to the vexing problem.
1:07:27 AM
Posted By
Balachandran Nair Comments (2) Society
Infidel Monday, July 16, 2007 6:40:37 AM
No true religion teaches hatred and voilence but evil cult do. Islam is not a religion but an evil cult for which humanity is paying it's prize for 1400 years. Hope you got your answer.
K.Venugopal Monday, July 16, 2007 11:18:08 PM
Islam, according to its adherents, is not only a perfect religion, it is also a religion of total clarity. This clarity, unfortunately, is obtained not by independent thinking, but by parroting the conclusions of its authorised Mullahs, who go by the interpretation given by Mohammad through his hadiths. The bomber doctors may have used their brains and become brilliant in secular subjects, but when it comes to religion, they surrender their thinking to the Mullahs. The most educated Christians have never hypothecated their brains to the Pope or his missionaries. No Shankaracharya or Guru has stopped the Hindu from concluding matters for himself. Why, the license for free-thinking was given by Krishna himself in the Gita. Until the Muslim leaders in secular fields reinterpret Islam in the light of spiritual developments after the 7th century (and before too, in non-Arabic lands) the Muslims will continue to be guided by 7th century Arabic tribal mentality.

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