Monday, March 12, 2007

Bombay Calling - Blood Pressure

Monday, March 12, 2007
bombay calling - blood pressure
for the last one year or so, i have developed a slight blood pressure problem. my attitude towards such ailments is one of complete disregard. rasheeda, however, has a different view in these matters. she has given me this digital blood pressure measuring instrument and actually records my bp readings every sunday.
yesterday's readings were rather high and i debated for a while whether i should fudge when rash asks me. deciding that dishonesty has no place in close relationships, i disclosed the correct reading (155/105) to rash. so when she called late at night for our daily tlephonic rendezvvous, i mentioned the readings. there was a stunned silence for a very brief while, and then she blew a fuse.
the next ten minuts were an uninterrupted torrent of how careless and selfish and childish and what not i was. and dont i see where its all leading to and shouldnt i be more responsible at my age and so on and so on.
in my experience, when women start shouting at you, the best couse is to allow them to let off steam. no point in trying to get your point of view across. by the time the conversation ended, she got two commitments out of me - one that i shall reduce my smoking ( we agreed to two cigarettes per day) and two, i shall lose weight ( five kilos by the end of June).
for me, the blood pressure is less of a problem than the anxiety it causes rasheeda. her concern is both touching and humbling at the same time. hence the new resolve to work assiduously towards achieving the twin goals of lower weight and lower cigarette consumption. hopefully, the blood pressure will come down.
have a good day.
the middle manager
2:10:20 PM
Posted By himanshu saxena Comments (1) Lifestyle
K.Venugopal Monday, March 12, 2007 10:35:32 PM
Dear Himanshu, You write well. You are able to paint a great picture with words. About BP, try relaxing - not just relaxing to keep BP off, but relaxing to enjoy BP. If you are sufficiently relaxed, everything is wonderous, even pain. But don't take my advice. Rash's wiser.

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