Monday, March 12, 2007

Take care of the poor

Monday, March 12, 2007
Take care of the Poor
Some Hindus are concerned about conversions. Most conversions take place in tribal areas and other backward areas. What is our tribal ministries doing? Simply setting up a ministry with people drawing salaries without addressing the real problems is one aspect. Government thinks just by increasing quotas it is doing its duty. In India there are lakhs of marginalised people thirsting for a drop of water and for a morsel of food. These poor are being exploited by small contractors who work for big contractors and who in turn bribe politicians. A vicious circle makes the poorest helpless. Then the missionary steps in. He provides food, medicine, clothes and some dignity. In return he asks for conversion. The grateful poor readily agree. I dont see anything wrong in conversions if it deprives the greedy contractors their cheap labour and the politician unaccounted money in swiss banks. The other option for the deprived is becoming a naxalite. While the middleclasses are using every opportunity to make money, while the rich use every trick to hide their riches in tax havens, while the ruling classes are concerned only with winning elections by hook or crook, what is the option left to the marginalised?
3:48:44 PM
Posted By vivek aahuja Comments (5) Society
Blog_Inspector Monday, March 12, 2007 4:47:49 PM
Religions and religious division of the world did not bring peace and happiness and will not bring in the next million years. People who look to religion, God and escape routes for disowning personal responsibility for their destinies provide fodder for perpetrators of exploitation in one name or other.
Monday, March 12, 2007 5:25:31 PM
hindus are very well concerned about the welfare of everybody. the funds raised in all the religious organisation of the Hindus are used for the welfare of everybody irrespective of the caste and religion. Can anyone say that even a penny of Muslims has ever been used for any Hindu poor and oppresed citizen.
vivek Monday, March 12, 2007 5:30:26 PM
I am not talking about muslims. I am talking about bloodsucking contractors and middlemen who are responsible for the permanent poverty levels of the marginalised which is responsible for conversions.
vivekaahuja Monday, March 12, 2007 5:42:38 PM
these contractors belong to all religions. there are only 2 religions. exploiters and the exploited.
K.Venugopal Monday, March 12, 2007 10:18:01 PM
Dear Vivek, I agree with your main blog. It’s ironic though that while the missionaries are converting poor Hindus in India, our Sanyasis are 'converting' rich Christians in foreign countries. That's because the tool of the missionaries is money while the tool of the sanyasi is spirituality. Considering that India is now on the verge of being an economic superpower, the missionaries are no longer going to be effective and before long our sanyasis will reconvert the converted. Hinduism is a megapolis compared to the one-horse town that Christianity is.

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