Saturday, March 03, 2007

Bombay calling - Rexona

Saturday, March 3, 2007
bombay calling - "rexona"
one of the first problems you face when you move to a new flat is finding a maid. so when i shifted to vashi, i informed the guard at the gate that i was looking for a maid who would come every week end and relieve me of such mundane chores as washing clothes, doing jhaadu and poncha, etc.
this morning, a young lady, who introduced herself as "rexona" faced me as i opened the door in response to her bell. i soon discovered that her name was meant to be ruksana, but years of illiterate usage and the complete absence of education in the circles in which she moves, had corrupted it to rexona.
rexona agreed to the deal offered - rs. 50 per week for all the items of work mentioned above and got cracking. i watched in silent admiration at the remarkable efficiency with which she made light of tasks which seemed such tough assignments to me.
while she went about ridding the flat of one week of dust, she kept an animated conversation going, enquiring where my wife and kids were and where i was from etc., etc. on being told told there is no wife and therefore no kids at present she went quiet. i had of course taken the precaution of keeping the front door open lest i be accused by an unscruplous lady of doing with her what i should not be doing. we bachelors have to take these precautions.
she told me she was one of eight children, her father was a scavanger and she has been working in households ever since she can remember. she never went to school and cannot read or write. she was married off to a peon in a private company in vashi when sixteen. she was the mother of five kids none of whom go to school. her husband deserted her five years ago and is presently living with another woman.
after she was gone i reflected on how difficult life is for some people. if at all there is god, he must be one hell of a cruel creature.
think about it.
the middle manager
3:09:31 PM
Posted By himanshu saxena Comments (1) Lifestyle
K.Venugopal Saturday, March 3, 2007 4:22:22 PM
Himanshu, Why blame God? You have also joined the list of those exploiting her by paying only Rs.50 for doing in a day the piled-up work of a week .

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