Sunday, March 11, 2007

Mr. Amitabh Bachhan - Man of the century????

Sunday, March 11, 2007
Mr. Amitabh Bachhan Man of the century????
Saw the 60 second clip on Pranab Roy introducing Amitabh Bachan........sorry to say I do not agree.....popularity yes.....charisma yes..........but Impact......his impact quotient cuts a pathetic figure......let us not take film stars to the level at which they should not be......not even Amitabh Bachan......In his entire lifetime...he has hardly done anything which can be counted as entertain yes...he has not even made an impact as much as the other man in the picture Mr.Pranab Roy....let us give due credit to persons who deserve it in this country...let us make the right kind of heroes in this country........let us not be taken in by the kind of American consumerism and idolism of the wrong kind of people. The media should take responsibility of showing true heroes of this great country......persons who are working hard to take this country to the top......and believe me in this.........entertainment is the least contributing factor in would not even matter if this film industry did not exist......think about it

Actually critically speaking the last ten years have been the worst years of Mr.Amitabh Bachhan?s life. He has shred to pieces every ideal he had created, and it is shameful. That proves one thing though that film-stars should never be idolized on the roles they do, a perfect example is Mr. Amitabh Bachhan. One thing though what he has achieved is what he could not earlier, and probably because he had the man with the right credentials to guide him, a politician. So finally he has learnt the ropes which he could not earlier. Now definitely he will even win because he has learnt what it takes to succeed in life today, to have no ideals and go where the cash is. What does he signify, only that success can be achieved if you forgo all that you stood for in your earlier years? His roles have left a bad taste in the mouth of his old admirers, like he has also now started performing for the front benchers. His interviews have turned more and more shocking smelling of a man who in his success has forgotten everything he got from society. Read this, in an interview, SEEDI BAATH, when asked by an interviewer asked doesn?t he think the movies are a bad influence on society with the kind of images it is projecting, his candid reply was ?Well, that is what is happening in the society, isn?t it?? when pressed again by Mr. Shukla, he reiterated again ?well what is wrong in that, it is happening all around, so what?? Quite the words of an elderly statesman, I am sorry to say.

But my problem is not with Mr. Amitabh. He is doing what is wants to do. My problem is with Pranab Roy, because having followed his lectures from the times of the world this week; I hardly would expect him to butter someone for commercial gain. For heaven?s sake Mr. Pranab Roy, It is only an industry for Entertainment. The same words of praise could only be used for person who has really made an impact, not titillation, which is what films are supposed to do today.

When a country starts projecting cricketers and film stars as the true heroes of the nation, one can only fear who would the youngsters would grow up idolizing. Where would it take us? When soldiers, scientists, social thinkers, social projects are sent to page 3 and when page 3 news becomes page 1, there you start knowing the country is loosing something.
12:00:52 AM
Posted By sanjay Banglori Comments (1) Society
K.Venugopal Sunday, March 11, 2007 8:38:09 PM
A good critique. Let you view be heard far and wide.

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