Thursday, February 15, 2007

Some very useful books - for knowing the truth

Thursday, February 15, 2007
some very useful books --- for knowing the truth
Dear friends

If you want to have a proper understanding of islam and its role in Indian history. Here are some interesting books

The ones that I have read

1) the tragic story of partition --- H V sheshadri
2) my frozen turbulence in Kashmir --- jagmohan
3) legacy of Muslim rule in india --- K S lal
4) heroic hindu resistance to Muslim invaders --- sita ram goel

Here are some other titles

1) Understanding islam through hadis : religious faith or fanaticsm --- ram swarup
2) Tipu sultan : villain or hero --- sita ram goel
3) The story of Islamic imperialism in india --- sita ram goel
4) Theory and practice of Muslim state in india --- K S Lal
5) Negationism in india: concealing the record of islam --- koenraad elst
6) Muslim slave system in medieval india --- K S Lal
7) Muslim league attack on Sikhs and hindus in 1947 --- gurbachan singh talib
8) Jizyah and the spread of islam --- harsh narain
9) Jihad : the Islamic doctrine of permanent war --- Suhas Majumdar
10) Hindu temples : what happened to them (the Islamic evidence) --- sita ram goel
11) The Calcutta quran petition --- sita ram goel

All these books must be made available in all the libraries all over india. Let people read them and come to their own conclusions about this religion.

At the most what these cowards can do is blast a bomb somewhere, or kill the people who wrote such books or issue a fatwa.

They lack the courage to come face to face with the bitter truth. What happened to salman rushdie, taslima nasreen and ayan hirsi ali must not be allowed to happen to anyone else.

Throughout the world people have suffered under the tyrants

· The jews suffered under the Nazis
· The Russians suffered under the communists
· The Chinese suffered under Mao Zedong
· The Iraqis suffered under saddam hussain
· The Ugandans suffered under idi amin
· The Italians suffered under Mussolini
· The hindus suffered under the muslims
· The Tibetans suffered under the chinese

The crimes committed by the tyrants against humanity were so horrible that it makes us shudder. One thing common to all these tyrants was the cleverness with which they swept their crimes under the carpet. The commonality in all these regimes was the effectiveness with which the freedom of expression was curtailed.

But under all these regimes there have been people who stood up for freedom and truth. There have been stalwarts who have proved that the pen is mightier than the sword. But in all the cases the truth came out only after the regimes collapsed.

· William shirer documented the nazi cruelties in germany which was released after the capture of berlin by the allies
· Even today many Tibetan students are bringing out the truth of Chinese atrocities in Tibet.
· Arun shourie exposed indira Gandhi but was repeatedly harassed for this.
· Taslima nasreen invited a fatwa for exposing the atrocities on the hindu minority of bangaldesh.
· Salman rushdie was charged with a fatwa for writing the satanic verses.
· Sita ram goel was bullied and threatened but he carried on.

Let the truth be made known to all. Let people decide for themselves. this is a democratic nation where everyone has a freedom of expression.

We are not afraid to call a spade a spade. This is even more critical because today religious terrorism is threatening to turn the entire world into a battlefield.

Right from kashmir, assam, Pakistan, afghanisthan, iran, iraq, Israel, Palestine, Indonesia to the US. It is spreading everywhere. With the improvement in technology it is spreading even faster. The uploading of thousands of jihad videos on the internet by the faithful living in Britain and the US bears testimony to this fact.

It is not a simple isolated issue and we can’t afford to be careless about it. It is global network that operates in a highly sophisticated and professional manner. It will strike without warning. It can today strike anyone anywhere anytime. How do you digest the fact that arab college students studying in the US and UK are being brainwashed and sucked into this whirlpool of terror.

The reason for my blog is this :

“Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it”

---- george santayan

My intention is not to keep harping on the past but to emphasize that we still haven’t learnt enough lessons from history. there is another saying “for evil to flourish, good people have to do nothing and evil shall flourish”.
Evil spreads not by the activity of bad people but more by the inactivity of good people (people who will stand up for freedom and truth).

11:07:21 PM
Posted By sai ram Comments (1) Musings
K.Venugopal Thursday, February 15, 2007 11:27:55 PM
Dear Sai Ram, Calling a spade a spade alone will expose fascism in any manner. In fact, as Osho said, we should call a spade a bloody spade! You have written well.

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