Monday, February 26, 2007

God is ... Reply to Tarundeep Singh

Monday, February 26, 2007
God is .. (Reply to Tarundeep Singh)
In a recent blog, Mr. Tarundeep Singh has opined as under:
1) GOD should never call HIMSELF the best but still HE remains the BEST.2) GOD should never call HIMSELF the savior, but still HE is the SAVIOR.3) GOD should never say that everything works as HE desires, but still everything happens as HE desires.4) GOD should never force one to pick a correct path, but HE should bow down to show the correct path.5) GOD should never punish, but HE should warn about the outcome of the deeds a man is doing.6) GOD should never perform a miracle to help, but HE should give enough thurst to prevent someone from drowning so that he can gain enough maturity and character to be pulled out from miseries by HIM.
Since there is a limitation to the length of comments one can make against any blog, I am writing this blog in response to the above views.
Mankind is divided into three groups, (a) believers in God (b) non-believers in God (c) those who do not seriously bother whether God is there or not.
Believers are divided into three groups (a) those who are still trying to find out God (b) those with blind faith and wrong notions about God (c) those who really know God.
Those who are still trying to find out God are honest and need our sympathy. Those with blind faith and wrong notions need guidance and assistance to come out of their ignorance. There are very few people like me who really know God, as He is and how He is.
Well, coming to your opinions, the factual position is as follows:
i) God is the BEST and the HIGHEST. In today's degenerated, rotten, uncivilised world, He is forced to proclaim HIMSELF to be the Highest on High, the World Almighty Authority, since in every nook and corner especially in India you find mortals claiming themselves to be God. We need light to be thrown by God Himself on the Truth, lest we cannot see.
ii) Ever since devotion (bakthi) started, we have been calling out to Him to come and save us from the Hell that this world is. Therefore when He responds to our call and comes, He answers to the title of Liberator and Saviour.
iii) God never says that everything happens as He desires. People, devotess sing that not a leaf moves, not an atom moves without His will. God clarifies that whatever we see happen is as per Nature's plan. (Nature = "kudrath") Nature's plan includes karma philosophy according to which we reap the results of our actions. Chain of actions become our individual nature. (Here nature = "swabhaav")
iv) God gives knowledge to mankind about right and wrong and disseminates the consequences of doing things which are right and wrong. He does not force anyone to do anything, because He cannot take credit or curse for doing things good / bad and become like humans Himself. Those who choose to do good become elevated and happy, others remain rotten and sorrowful.
v) God doesn't punish humans as is popularly imagined (see Garudapuranam in which details of punishment are explained elaborately) or believed by people. He does give punishment, which is nothing but "REALISATION OF FOLLY" by the humans at the appropriate time. To the civilized mind, there is no greater punishment than repentence.
vi) This is already answered above in point (iv).
11:53:02 AM
Posted By Listen to Me Comments (2) Musings
tdsingh Monday, February 26, 2007 11:47:51 AM
Thanks for continuing the topic :)
K.Venugopal Monday, February 26, 2007 10:41:48 PM
Dear Tarundeep, Your comment reflects the great person you are. You said "Thanks for continuing the topic". This indicates that you consider a different view not as a challenge but as an opportunity to see further afield. Superb.

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