Friday, June 01, 2007

Our reality is Self and we are not limited to this individual body.

Friday, June 1, 2007
Our reality is Self and we are not limited to this individual body.
A frog living in a small well thinks the well as the world. Once a frog from a lake happened to come near the well and incidentally fell into the well. The frog who was aghast at the intruder enquired the new one, wherefrom it has come? The new frog said it is coming from a lake, a huge water body. The well frog leaped a distance inside the well and asked whether your lake is this much wide? No said the frog from the lake. Several times the well frog tried to assess the size of the lake sitting in the well. How is it possible? Our existence in the material world is similarly like a frog in a well. Compared to the cosmic awareness of the self, the individual is nothing in comparison. Hence we should try to know our real power which is the self. Hence let us come out of the limited well existence to that of a vast existence of Universal Self. Learn the secrets and benefit from it. Sairam, Saipriya.
3:11:42 PM
Posted By Nagarajan Sambasivan Comments (2) Society
Listen To Me Friday, June 1, 2007 3:40:52 PM
Sheer blah blah. Could you be more specific and categorically define "SELF"? Could you go one step ahead and define what is "Cosmic Awareness"? What do you mean by "our real power which is the self" and "vast existence of Universal Self"?For too long, a few gurus have been trying to sound esoteric, scholarly and out of the world by using all these jargons just to hoodwink the ordinary mortals.They will tell you that if you hear the story of Sathya Narayan you will be emancipated, elevated or liberated but have you ever heard the actual story of Sathya Narayan?Let us ignore these bluff and go ahead with thinking good, speaking good and acting good, for, thoughts lead to actions, actions become habits and habits become the nature of a person!
K.Venugopal Friday, June 1, 2007 8:48:16 PM
Dear Listen To Me, When we talk about 'Self', 'Cosmic Awareness' etc., we are talking about our ultimate potential. This is in contrast to imagining that our ultimate potential is to build an empire of money or political power. Can you please tell me what constitutes 'thinking good, speaking good and acting good'? Are they something that should lead to habits becoming the nature of a person? The Gurus actually teach how to become free from habits!

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