Thursday, November 09, 2006

Cartoons and Protest

Cartoons and Protest
All this fuss over the cartoons of the Prophet. I have yet to see a paper in the USA reprint them. CNN has been diligent in NOT reprinting them, yet the more radical elements of Islam still blame us for it. Why? Why storm our Embassy? Why curse us? Because, it doesn't matter what the World's ( and Islam's) problems are, it's still the fault of the US? Hogwash. The fault in Islam lies within itself. Islam as a religion teaches obedience to Allah, to give oneself up totally to Allah, right? It also preaches tolerance of other religions, but we don't hear or see much of that. I don't think it really has much to do with religion as it does economics and geography. I'm not going to get into the whole Palestine/Israel debate here. The lines were drawn well before I was born and there isn't much I can say that someone else has said before, and probably more eloquently.
But look at the state of the economy in most Islamic states. Where is the oil money? With the politicians and the royals. That's where. What about the common folk? Still busting their asses day in and day out to make a living, to provide for their families. So, get a few people together, pick a wealthy (yet far removed target) and blame them for your problems. That stirs up the sentiments of the guy struggling to make ends meet, after all, it's not his fault. Right? It has to be someone's fault, so why not the Great Satan? Why not the Americans, with their loose woomen and low morals. Their MTV and HBO and McDonalds. They're a rich nation, why are they not helping me out of my hole?
When the Tsunami hit year before last, I was pissed off at the reaction of one of the survivors. His words on camera were "Where is the United States? Why are they not here to help us?" ??? WTF? The tsunami just hit and already people are crying that we are not helping? I'm sick and tired of the USA being pegged as the World's Police and Rescue Squad. We have people here dying of starvation and disease, battered women and abused children. We need to take care of our own backyard and stop butting into other's.
These cartoons were virutally unheard of outside Denmark until recently. Then some Imam showed them around, claiming he never thought they would spawn such hatred and violence. Yeah right, he knew exactly what he was doing. Using them to fuel the fire against the West. To prove that the West is plotting the downfall of Islam. So, show the cartoons around, gather more disaffected youth and have them vent their anger towards the West and the USA in particular. Recruit more radicals to fight against us and to send home in body bags.
War and violence are not the answer.Education and tolerance are.
Hastily scribbled and without much thought by Brad at 11:53 PM

scruffysmileyface said...
Actually, a lot of people in the Middle East are taking advantage of the oil money. In Kuwait and Saudi (probably elsewhere, but these are place I know of), most of the working class are foreigners - Indians, Pakistanis, etc. Not Arabs and certainly not locals. Nationals get a subsidy from the government, presumably based on oil revenues - which I understand is something akin to an American salary.

Still, though, good post!

1:19 PM
Venu said...
Muslims are a robust lot as far as their religion goes. But I am afraid that if they protest too much, the Christians are going to get hopping mad and will clobber them. That will be the end of the Islamic story!

9:56 PM
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