Monday, November 13, 2006

NDTV blog supports and helps preaching Islam

Monday, November 13, 2006
NDTV blog supports and helps preaching Islam!
I am not made or insane. I can prove it.First of all, go to and search for NDTV blog. Official website of NDTV will open into a blog islam4all, which is supporting and preaching Islam, which obviously tells good things about Islam and hides all the bad things.
Another thing is that of this guy Chadra Shant whose blogs are nothing but a hatred against Hinduism and Christianity. They do not even deserve to be placed at the last position, THEY ARE ALWAYS ON TOP.
This shows clear partiality. So, either we should ban using NDTV BLOG ourselves or raise voice against such things.
3:45:00 PM
Posted By Eye Opener Comments (2) Travel
arshadia Monday, November 13, 2006 4:16:20 PM
I wish what you stated was true. I tried it (going to google...) but drew a blank....Please tell me the bad things about Islam and I will try to clear your misunderstanding....
K.Venugopal Monday, November 13, 2006 6:09:05 PM
Dear Eye Opener,
We shouldn't be worried about who preaches what. Though I would not accuse NDTV of being partial to anyone, some preferences can always seep through the individual who is on the beat. Arshadia appears ready to take you on. Do ask him about those 'hidden' stuff! Meanwhile, I have a query myself.
Dear Arshadia,
Aren't Muslims eternally damned to be idol-worshipers for the simple reason that Islam believes that the creator and the created are separate? When you worship that which is separate from you cannot but be an idol worshipper. It is only when you become one with the idol do you cease being an idol worshipper. Hinduism takes one to this stage through its concept of Advaita. Islam does not reach this stage – thus the Muslims are damned to be eternal idol worshippers. Any logic in what I say?

logic Monday, November 13, 2006 6:16:46 PM
venu,I really pity u man...a big famine in ur head...How can the cow, the monkey, snake, human being, elephant etc be termed as God when they infact had been created and are dependent at every step of their existance on some other source? Human being is the most dependent of all creatures in the world and an "IDOL" created by him based on his imagination..Can that idol be God or the creator or same? What logic ur speaking of, I'm unable to comprehend.
K.Venugopal Monday, November 13, 2006 10:59:08 PM
Dear Logic,Just like the cow, the monkey, the snake etc are separate from you, for you your God is also separate from you and hence you are an idol worshiper. You cease being an idol worshiper only when you cease to see a difference between yourself and everything else in creation. Then you are one with the creator. You can start by seeing that you are not your shirt. You can see that clearly. Then see that you are not your hand. For even when you lose your hand you remain yourself, don't you? Go deeper likewise and you will get a hang of what I am talking about. You will get to a stage when you see that you are none else that that source. TAT TVAM ASI. Then alone you cease being an idol worshiper.

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