Thursday, December 21, 2006

Make a difference

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
make a difference
I have been working with street children for many years. I know funds are not a problem. There are many generous people who are willing to donate money, clothes, books etc. The problem is your time and physical presence with these children. They ask for not what u have but what u are.

We can be of immense help to these direction-less children if we make little changes in our lifestyle.

Spend your birthday, your friend’s birthday or your child’s birthday with these street children. You don’t have spend a lot of money on them. Just share whatever u have with them. You will bring a smile on their faces.
Spend 2-3 hours in one whole week with these children. Just doing whatever u r good at doing. If u r a singer teach them songs, if u love painting encourage them to paint. Make them feel respected and wanted.
Just sitting with them and sharing food with them makes lot of difference to them. Shaking hands to greet them and showing genuine interest in their talk makes them feel accepted.
Indians ! please stop donating to Religious places. They have enough donations. The kind of funds a religious place like tirupati gets we all know. God has enough money he doesn’t need ours. Instead whenever we feel like donating let us buy some basic needs for these children . It is as good as donating at the temple.
Let us make a difference. Small may be but a difference.

5:44:06 PM
Posted By ujjwala pasla Comments (2) Society
Good work sir Wednesday, December 20, 2006 8:17:03 PM
at some stage in my life, I will donate one million pounds for the upliftment of the children living on street. Keep on noble ork sir. I pray that you achieve all the sucess in your noble work. you will know me. I wish you all the best Sir
K.Venugopal Thursday, December 21, 2006 9:20:00 PM
Ujjwala, your suggestions are perfect. That's all that is required - take an interest in street children. You will then get involved and seek their upliftment. I am hardly an activist - I am simply an armchair philosopher. But I am inspired by Ujjwala. Let me see if I can move myself a bit.

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