Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Real Star vs. Reel Star

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Forgotten Heroes - Real Star v/s Reel Star
Sometime ago, many pleas were made that
Mohammed Afzal Guru's execution should be stayed because his death ‘ could fuel separatism in Jammu & Kashmir.'
The state chief minister himself has been an ardent advocate for clemency for the terrorist who attacked the Indian Parliament in December 2001 (and nearly provoked a war between India and Pakistan).
The 'secular' protagonists claim that his execution will make a martyr of Afzal. I will not enter into these fallacious arguments, but the time has perhaps come to remember a true martyr: Maj Manish Pitambare, who was shot dead at Anantnag while gunning down the most wanted terrorist 'Sohel Faisal' from Hizbul Mujahidin's gang at the supreme cost of his life.

Military salute being given to the body of Major Manish Pitambare, who was shot dead at Anantnag, was cremated with full military honours at Thane on Wednesday. These were the two lines I caught as a ticker, which was printed in one of the leading print media, while the front page had a full head on story on Sanjay Dutt's "phoenix like" comeback from the ashes of terrorist charges.

Surprised I wondered- who was the real hero here Sanjay Dutt, a former drug addict possessing an AK 47, one of the accused for the 1993 bomb blast which killed hundreds of innocent people, or Maj Pitambare a true soldier who shot down one of the most wanted terrorist thus saving the lives of hundreds and millions like us!!

While the media and the people of India were busy trying to figure out Sanju Baba’s fate on the trial day, I was trying my best to swap channels trying to find at least one news channel that would talk bout Maj Pitambare’s heroic deeds. But Alas! Even the so-called “Sabse TEZ” channels were busy focusing on the “sansanati khabar” on Sanju Baba’s trial.

What the Indian media didn’t do, the international media did. Sure enough the news I’d been longing to hear was right there, staring me on the face on BBC, it read, Hizbul Mujahidin's Most wanted terrorist 'Sohel Faisal' killed in Anantnag, India. Indian Major leading the operation lost his life in the process. Four others injured.

Are we really evading the truth- the real heroes or are we just playing along with the reel heroes who have wooed the people to such an extent that an act such as possession of an arm, being accused in a bomb blast etc makes no difference to us anymore…

While Sanjay Dutt was visiting all the possible temples offering pooja, pleading with the court that there was no one to take care of his daughter or his family, Maj Pitambare having got information from his sources about the terrorist whereabouts, wasted no time in attacking the camp and killing the Hisbul Mujahidin’s suprimo. He never said 'I have a daughter’, before he took the decision to attack the terrorist hide out in the darkest of nights not knowing if he would ever come back. He never thought about the family that was waiting for him, hoping to see him home soon or being the only bread earner.

Had he not sacrificed his life and instead thought about his family, his daughter, we would have probably had another of those bomb blasts in Delhi in Sarojni Market or maybe in Mumbai in one of those local trains killing our loved ones – our wives, husbands, daughters and sons.

Today, the world has gone topsy-turvy: true heroes are forgotten and reel life heroes have become martyrs.

Finally Sir, to my generation there is no greater hero than one who laid his life in the name of this great nation. Hence Sir, I salute you. You are the REAL hero, Vande mataram.
3:23:12 PM
Posted By
Priya Nambiar Comments (2) Society
K2 Wednesday, December 13, 2006 3:48:51 PM
Dear PriyaYour point is well appreciated,but we are living in highly mediacrotic society. A hero of a movie virtually is a useless guy but performs all sorts of herofic attributes just to show case for him self, and enjoys the full honour in the society.But a Real hero like our soldier is really kills many villains and some time get killed himself in the cause of mother land and no body wants to know that real life story.WE are in the height of all mediocricity.

K.Venugopal Thursday, December 14, 2006 12:02:52 AM
Priya Nambiar has written a factual and from-the-heart blog. It deserves to be the true POTD. I think we should take a printout of her blog and distribute it widely. She has made a telling point - Maj Pitambare did not think of his daughter when risking his life for the nation. But that false hero Sunil Dutt even went to Bal Thackeray to beg for his son's release. Congratulations Priya! Keep pouring your heart out.

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