Sunday, January 21, 2007

Reply to Arvind Sharma by Learner

Sunday, January 21, 2007
Reply to Arvind sharma by Learner
This is in reply to Arvind sharma's post "To Muneerudin, Learner etc"
As you have directed these questions toward me. I would like to tell that as far as migration of Muslims to other countries is concerned the Prophet (SAWS) said that" for learning knowledge if you need to go to china also you go." So following this Hadith people migrate to US and UK for higher education and after studying, some settle there and many come back to their countries.
And as far as your claim that living in and destroying other countries is concerned, you cannot blame the entire community for the mischiefs of some. And I am sure the act of terrors which you have mentioned is not performed by the True Muslims, Instead they are the mercenaries of the countries in which these attacks happened.
USA attacked its twin towers by the help of these so-called Muslim mercenaries working for them. The US did this for spreading hatred against Islam in the world and to take it as a pretext to attack Afghanistan and Iraq and to many countries in the future to come in the name of fighting terrorism.
And the same is with UK which followed the foot steps of US (Big Brother)
And As far as your Question why most of the countries with Islam as official religion and official law, have not become the happiest and most prosperous place on this earth?
I fully agree with the answer given by Ruzan shah. That no country is following true Islamic laws and Shariah. The KSA is following the Shariah law but the rule of a king is against the basic political structure of Islam. Instead a caliph should be elected by the public democratically.
The Muslims where they live are loyal to that country. If that wasn’t the case there would have been violence daily. And daily thousands of people would have died. And the lives of people would have become hell. In Islam the first Namak halali is for Allah then come everybody.
10:44:21 AM
Posted By Lesson Learner Comments (1) Personals
K.Venugopal Sunday, January 21, 2007 3:01:40 PM
Dear Lesson Learner, Your statement, "USA attacked its twin towers by the help of these so-called Muslim mercenaries working for them" is fantastic. Can you quote proof of this? When proof of anything substantial is asked of a Muslim he will quote the Quran and expect that that is the end of the argument. But how can you say something like I've quoted you and expect anyone to believe it? You may not like America, but don't ascribe the character of Satan to them.
**************UPDATED************* Below is the Answer to the comment by Venugopal
The proof that USA attacked its twin towers is in the fact that on September 11th 2001 the Jews working in twin towers took mass leave. they were approximately 400 Jews who took leave on that day. and one more thing the people who held shares in Airlines sold off their shares in large numbers prior to the attacks.Hope you were unaware of these things. These facts I came to know from the people living in America.

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